This site is owned by the members so I want suggestions how to improve the site draw more members. I would like to see the site much the same as RB was. Oh I would like those members who stay in private forums to participate more on public forums. If you want a second handle user name create one to use on Public forums. Just message admin so we know it's you. RB allowed 2 names one for forums and one for reviews. We don't have or require personal member info so you are safe. This is the main reason the site is free we don't have to keep any records.
Back in RB days, RB was about the only show around. Thats just not the case anymore.
We are competing against IG, PD forums, about a half dozen Discord sites and many other online social media on telegram, X, Threads, plus OnlyFans. They all have ladies who spend time there. A post on IG can get looks by 1000's of guys. Discord, not as many guys obviously, but lots of active players who actually spend a consistent amount of $ on ladies.
Ladies know where to spend their "on-line time". We got a great group of gents here, but it would take a lot of big spenders to bring lots of new ladies here. Their time is limited for social interaction and if they come here, it's not to just socialize, it's to find dates with gents. If that doesn't happen, they don't stick around.
I wish there was an easy way to get more ladies here. I am good with posting more on open forums here, but ladies wont come here just to chat. Just too many other options.
They will if hobbyist will publicly post honest reviews. Zep did you start early on RB?
There other sites besides RB. Craigslist Backpage off top of my head. LE may start cracking down on IG PD etc because the site makes money from the ladies we don't charge or profit.
Hobbyist on RB would post publicly Take One For The Team. Most of the members here are from GLC and posted mainly on private forums on RB and GLC which is fine. We need to attract Hobbyist that will post public and when providers learn they are being posted about here public they will show up.
Hobbyist don't have to trash a provider if she isn't up to par..They can talk about their experience with her and recommend improvement... On RB I always told it how it was with a provider good or bad... I was always nice about it.
re Ladies coming here to socialize in the Saloon--
Quote from: Hobby on Jul 26, 2024, 08:05 PMThey will if hobbyist will publicly post honest reviews.
I'm curious about the implied motivation. Surely good providers will be happy that honest public reviews get posted.
But why would reviews motivate them to spend online (marketing) time here? I'm not understanding that part.
If we grow the membership, more ladies might interested
I'd personally be more interested if I ever got any hits off this site. I never have. I usually come to check for parties. Sadly I'm not able to attend many. Day job, you know?
When RB first started there was no ads no providers. It was mainly hobbyist who shared information. They would meet up at strip clubs etc. Then hobbyist would bring a provider to the parties. Providers liked the gatherings and the site grew from there. If we increase the numbers of hobbyist it will attract providers. More providers more hobbyist. But discussion should be public so people know we are here. Posting private attacks no one...
I can't force anyone to post public but I don't understand why they don't. There is no information kept on this site that can identify anyone here. Of hobbyist are afraid if they say something their favorite doesn't like they can create a second user name to post in public. Personally I don't care if my favorite gets passed off as long as I am honest in my remarks. Many times providers on RB found out they were being talked about and they would come on to defend themselves and became members.
I was never on RB. Started up 12/15/2014. Got invited to GLH. Ive heard of the glory years but didn't get to experience them.
Quote from: JadeMeister on Jul 28, 2024, 01:59 PMI'd personally be more interested if I ever got any hits off this site. I never have. I usually come to check for parties. Sadly I'm not able to attend many. Day job, you know?
Hopefully we can improve on the site so providers obtain business with members here. I live here in Pahrump Nv now and I don't see anyone due to location and my mobility is impaired.
What would you like to see here on FS that would help you participate more and attack other providers?
Quote from: Hobby on Jul 28, 2024, 02:12 PMI can't force anyone to post public but I don't understand why they don't.
What is this "post public" thing? How does one do it? How does one know?
Is this post "public"?
Quote from: Valida on Jul 28, 2024, 10:10 PMWhat is this "post public" thing? How does one do it? How does one know?
Is this post "public"?
This thread is in a public forum.,13.0.html
The forum is in General Interest and Lifestyles (public)
The home page - public and private forums listed.
I will look into perhaps color code public sections so members who can't read where it is identified public or private forum...
There are actually 3 levels of forums. Public, VIP, and private.
Public- anyone who signs up can see,
VIP- for those who are approved as VIP members.
Private- only those invited and approved by the Moderator can see or post there.
Jade's comment emphasizes Zep's point- the ladies will visit this site *IF* the guys would turn into paid clients.
It is a Catch 22. We need to grow the membership of both hobbyists and providers, but, us guys only know each other from sites like this. We need the ladies to bring in their clients as new members.
I've tried messaging guys on IG, or searching sites for their PD usernames, but it is a lot of work and low odds. One guy said (paraphrasing), "I don't want to meet and befriend any guys. This is my secret life and I have too much to lose if it were exposed." I took that to mean he's most likely married/partnered and possibly concerned about his job.
Quote from: Zep on Jul 29, 2024, 07:06 AMThere are actually 3 levels of forums. Public, VIP, and private.
Public- anyone who signs up can see,
VIP- for those who are approved as VIP members.
Private- only those invited and approved by the Moderator can see or post there.
Guest do not have to "sign up" to see the public forums. They can read, but they cannot post. Also, often pictures cannot be seen if they don't register.
Quote from: Hobby on Jul 28, 2024, 03:41 PMHopefully we can improve on the site so providers obtain business with members here. I live here in Pahrump Nv now and I don't see anyone due to location and my mobility is impaired.
What would you like to see here on FS that would help you participate more and attack other providers?
Attack? Lol. Naw, I'm usually too stoned for that shit. I guess I'd participate in the forums if they pertained more towards a Reno resident. Parties I can plan on attending and go to depending on how far in advance. I've upgraded my day job a little this year and need to save pto. But honestly this site kinda comes on as a little bit of a cock fest, and no biting fishies. Just lots of talk, very little action. Which can be nice, don't get me wrong. But 😅 doesn't give me much motivation to hop on and participate.
Jade hit the nail on the head more than once. She gave honest feedback that in fact I've also heard from other providers.
Foremost there needs to be more opportunities here for both the men and women and as said above (and I agree) that requires SUBSTANTIALLY more male and female members. Sorry to say but this site is perhaps 100-fold short of such a critical mass from my analysis. (PD has ~9,000 female ads in CA and NV and thus I'd guess may have at least 10x that in male members). GLH managed to get a great site going, with the help of super loyal members, with a small number of members but still more (10x more?) than here. Can this site still attract a better following, but with a small number of members, as GLH did? Maybe but it may also be too late. The time to do that was when SESTA/FOSTA became law (now SIX years ago). Now it may be a slow, uphill battle. There's a saying that may apply here: first to market matters even if it's a crappy product. One thing I also agree with is free ads for women are not nearly enough. Yeh that addresses a complaint against the high cost of PD ads BUT whether ads are free or not then the ladies need customers..... Free is useless if there are no customers.
Then there needs to be a more inviting environment, atmosphere, however you want to state it for the women. Look at who is online at any time. Something like 30 or more dudes and maybe 1 female if even that typically (20 men, 3 women at this second) so yeh it is a cockfest. Look at the forums that get the most new posts (sorry that I've mentioned this "a million times" before but it's true)----politics and other divisive crap that most providers don't get a damn about.
Quote from: DoctorTaco on Jul 29, 2024, 02:02 PMJade's comment emphasizes Zep's point- the ladies will visit this site *IF* the guys would turn into paid clients.
It is a Catch 22. We need to grow the membership of both hobbyists and providers, but, us guys only know each other from sites like this. We need the ladies to bring in their clients as new members.
I've tried messaging guys on IG, or searching sites for their PD usernames, but it is a lot of work and low odds. One guy said (paraphrasing), "I don't want to meet and befriend any guys. This is my secret life and I have too much to lose if it were exposed." I took that to mean he's most likely married/partnered and possibly concerned about his job.
The ladies have to participate on the site not just join login say I'm here call me. What's good for the ladies they can go to gatherings see the hobbyist and decide if the want to see the hobbyist or not without being obligated. Plus the ladies always have lots of fun at the mixers. Yes there are ladies that all they are interested in is making money getting paid if that's all they want we don't need them here.
RB wasn't built by providers it was built by hobbyist who would invite others to join and attend gatherings. If you want the site to grow and more big parties you have to put some work into it. Invite providers to attend your party tell them to invite their good clients and to sign up on
Otherwise the site won't be anything no matter what improvements to the site are made.
I'm happy to attend events in areas where I could post on PD and actually get a dance card.
But I'm not sure what the site truly offers me aside from that. Being so far from most of the members, I don't find much in the way of community exactly here. To some degree, yes, parties. But again, I attend few and far between. I don't always feel comfortable posting about politics, because I've lost clients by kidding when they invited me to see Mike Pence talk, or had the wrong view on something. It kinda limits me.
Quote from: DoctorTaco on Jul 29, 2024, 02:02 PMJade's comment emphasizes Zep's point- the ladies will visit this site *IF* the guys would turn into paid clients.
It is a Catch 22. We need to grow the membership of both hobbyists and providers, but, us guys only know each other from sites like this. We need the ladies to bring in their clients as new members.
I've tried messaging guys on IG, or searching sites for their PD usernames, but it is a lot of work and low odds. One guy said (paraphrasing), "I don't want to meet and befriend any guys. This is my secret life and I have too much to lose if it were exposed." I took that to mean he's most likely married/partnered and possibly concerned about his job.
It is a lot of work to get new members. It's a lot of work to run the site and host parties. Don't let negative feed back deter inviting new members. Most gatherings the host will allow you to bring a friend....mixers only verified members are allowed to attend.
If the site stays like it is I probably will close it.
Quote from: Hobby on Aug 02, 2024, 09:03 PMIf the site stays like it is I probably will close it.
☠ to that. Let's figure something else out
Well I would love to see the return of the gatherings in Fresno again. That is how I meet new girls or girls I see on PD and would like to meet but are still on the fence with. Most of the time I go home with someone I met at a Gathering or mixer. Hope to see them return.
Quote from: citylyts on Aug 03, 2024, 09:48 AMWell I would love to see the return of the gatherings in Fresno again. That is how I meet new girls or girls I see on PD and would like to meet but are still on the fence with. Most of the time I go home with someone I met at a Gathering or mixer. Hope to see them return.
They aren't just going to happen. You need to put the time and effort into organizing, planning and gathering support for a party in Fresno. Wishing for events isn't enough.
I know Kitty and Rose both put in a lot of time with a huge support group to pull off the parties they have. Heck, even the lunches we have in Sac take time and support from multiple people to make them work.
Quote from: citylyts on Aug 03, 2024, 09:48 AMWell I would love to see the return of the gatherings in Fresno again. That is how I meet new girls or girls I see on PD and would like to meet but are still on the fence with. Most of the time I go home with someone I met at a Gathering or mixer. Hope to see them return.
To tag-team on Zep's comment, it's going to take both hobbyists and providers to make it a successful event. It's not Rocket Science, but does take a bit of effort and orgaznization.
Everybody needs to contact those that they know in the community. Emphasize to the ladies that food & drinks are free. Tell the guys to be ready to "sponsor" a lady in full for dinner & drinks or at least donate to a pot.
I believe having a list of who has RSVP'd encourages others to attend. Sure, some don't want their name out on a list. But, if a guy sees a provider's name who intrigues him he's likely to come to the event/mixer/gathering whatever you want to call it. And the more guys who sign up the more a lady sees value in spending a few hours at such an event. She can probably get a session after the event, plus network with other guys for bookings down the road.
We used to have prizes and cash drawings. I would start the cash drawing off with 100 or 200. Tickets are sold 5 each then the total pot is split between the host and the winning ticket. That cash drawing was the big seller for hobbyist and providers to attend. When I hosted events I always tried to have a 50/50 hobbyist and providers. I invited providers to attend by text or email. We had some really good parties in Visalia and Fresno. It possible to get the big parties going again. If I lived in Fresno or Sac I know I could do it.
Here is where you guys don't know what I am talking about. When the gathering first started from what I have been told they stated as a "Boy's night out " The guys met at a place to eat and sat and talk about the stuff of the day and the providers they had been with. Then one time a hobbyist brought his date who was a provider to the gathering she then started talking to the guys that were there and she got their numbers and they got hers and then she told her friends about it and then they called and asked if they could come to the hobbyist's gathering. They said yes but that we were not going to pay for their dinner. If one of the hobbyists wanted to pay for it that was up to him. Not that he was told he had to pay for their meal and drinks. The gathering was to be a place to network to meet people that you may want to session with. To "break the ice " so to speak. Kitty's parties are more of a Potluck Where she has someone in charge of the meat and people who come bring a side dish or dessert.
Quote from: citylyts on Aug 06, 2024, 12:23 PMHere is where you guys don't know what I am talking about. When the gathering first started from what I have been told they stated as a "Boy's night out " The guys met at a place to eat and sat and talk about the stuff of the day and the providers they had been with. Then one time a hobbyist brought his date who was a provider to the gathering she then started talking to the guys that were there and she got their numbers and they got hers and then she told her friends about it and then they called and asked if they could come to the hobbyist's gathering. They said yes but that we were not going to pay for their dinner. If one of the hobbyists wanted to pay for it that was up to him. Not that he was told he had to pay for their meal and drinks. The gathering was to be a place to network to meet people that you may want to session with. To "break the ice " so to speak. Kitty's parties are more of a Potluck Where she has someone in charge of the meat and people who come bring a side dish or dessert.
Sounds like you know how you want to get started. If you feel this is the way to go, start having guys get together, they can bring a lady if they want. Let the ladies know there will be no free drinks or meals by the group. Good Luck!
When we had our gathering back before Covid and before Night Shift Left that is how the gatherings went. Now when we had a mixer that is when we charge for the event . If a guy wanted to pay for a ladies meal or drink she was sponsored by a hobbyist. So she knew who was paying for her meals and drinks.
Quote from: Hobby on Aug 02, 2024, 09:03 PMIf the site stays like it is I probably will close it.
That would be a bummer.
Quote from: citylyts on Aug 06, 2024, 10:29 PMWhen we had our gathering back before Covid and before Night Shift Left that is how the gatherings went. Now when we had a mixer that is when we charge for the event . If a guy wanted to pay for a ladies meal or drink she was sponsored by a hobbyist. So she knew who was paying for her meals and drinks.
You are correct and we has Sac hobbyist and providers who drove down to our parties
WE also had the hobbyist from Bakersfield and the providers came too.
Quote from: citylyts on Aug 07, 2024, 04:28 PMWE also had the hobbyist from Bakersfield and the providers came too.
And the bay area. Seems hobbyist and providers lost interest and won't take a night off just to have fun and meet new friends or make new clients. They rather sit in their room waiting for the now show.
Hobby thank you for asking for advice, I'd love to share. So please don't be offended of my feedback I mean no insult. I come to this site on my phone, and for some reason it just seems hard to use or confusing to me. It also has a boring look and set up so it doesn't attract me I suppose. The tan and brown and lack of interesting topics loses my interest. Also, it's very true, I've never had a man from this site contact me for a date . I don't know how to post pictures here, it just overall doesn't seem easy to navigate. The chatroom is very simple , I wish more would post there. I love that you have kept this community in tact and are rooting for all of us, that is what I'm trying to do as well. Hobby I'd be happy to advertise this site in my chatroom and attract more ladies here. Citylytes maybe u should come to the next party I throw and make some connections so you can make Fresno gatherings again! You seem like a great person to bring folks together babe. ❤️
If you turn your cell phone sideways I find the print is bigger and easier to read. Loading pictures is really very easy from my computer. I have not tried it using my phone. If however, you are serious about posting pictures I will practice on my cell phone so that I can better advise you on how to do it.
I think your familiarity with Discord moves you to like a more real time interactive experience rather than the discussion threads in forum format.
If you like music there are a lot of threads in the Pool Hall. If you like the whimsical expressions of our loveable wino the Pool Hall is the place.
Again if you want help navigating the site I would be happy to help.
Highstepper your the best!!! I did the sideways thing with my phone but it didn't do anything unfortunately for me. I'm a android girl. But the font is tiny for my old lady eyeballs lol.
Quote from: Utrrose on Aug 11, 2024, 11:35 AMHighstepper your the best!!! I did the sideways thing with my phone but it didn't do anything unfortunately for me. I'm a android girl. But the font is tiny for my old lady eyeballs lol.
Okay, I am using an iPhone. I saw the following instructions on the net.
I'm not posting as instructions to follow. Just that it seems possible to do. You should probably do your own research.
To enable landscape mode on Android, you can:
- Swipe down from the top of your screen to enable "Auto-Rotate," then turn your phone to the side to switch to landscape mode.
- On the "Home Screen" page, turn on the "Rotate to Landscape Mode" option.
- If your screen doesn't auto-rotate, turn on the auto-rotate screen settings in the Quick Settings menu.
- Use the quick toggle
As to your "lady eyeballs" I like them best at the moment of truth when they glaze over in a state of ecstasy. :-*
Idk, I think Rose should come to Sac and some of us could do some intense one on one instructions and training with her. Just a thought... :) :P