Fantasy Saloon Pussy Good, Nevada

General Interest and Lifestyles => Saloon Announcements and Upcoming Party Extravaganzas => Topic started by: Hobby on Mar 20, 2022, 09:08 PM

Title: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Hobby on Mar 20, 2022, 09:08 PM
Attending gatherings is the first step in getting invited to larger Mixer Parties.  Everyone is nervous and have their reservations about attending a gatherings.  Someone I know might see me it usually there biggest fear or the Cops will raid the place. So what if you are seen? Not as if they caught you in an Orgy. In all the years I have never known a Gathering or Mixer to be raided! Gatherings are kept low keyed just Healthy Adults out having some fun, making new friends, getting reacquainted with old lost friends. Also you can put a face to the handle, many times I have found the person I met at the gathering isn't the jerk I thought they were on the boards, sometimes far worse. When providers attend gatherings for a little investment of time they can meet new potential clients and can make notes to see or not to see while having a blast...a good break from their work.

Mixers are the best! Lots of Good Food, Drinks, and Entertainment! Simply Put Mixers are lots of fun with other Hobbyist and Providers you know and trust. As a bonus many well known Providers attend there may be a Provider you have been wanting to meet attending you never know who will show up last minute. Usually the day before or the day of the Mixer Providers will post their availability wanting to meet hobbyist in private for some private fun before, during or after the party. Then there are those After Parties where people go and meet in private! Contrary to many hobbyist's and provider's beliefs, No there are no illegal sexual activities going on at the mixer party. Sure there might be some titty flashing, ass showing but not BJ under the tables or Fucking on the tables! Lapdancing is harmless fun along with kissing booths. When I held mixers I always talked with the management to see how they felt about having a hosted Adult Party at their establishments. One proprietor said "it was the best party they ever had" and another sat in the middle of the dance floor getting a lapdance.  Good Times!

Private Parties are held at private residences and I have no clue about them...

If you haven't attended a Gathering or Event I say go and have fun at least once in your life. I will bet you will be like the reactions I have gotten from first time newbies over the years will be... "When is the next one?"
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: superhead on Mar 20, 2022, 09:48 PM
Oh I remember one Halloween mixer that the cops showed up to yea me and my date left real quick it was at a hotel years back in Concord I think I took the bus all the way from reno I wasn't happy
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: El_oso_33 on Mar 20, 2022, 11:50 PM
Mixers, gatherings, private parties .. I've NEVER been disappointed.  We even had a tamale making party. Thx HS

Always a blast when you take a date or meet a date there.

Can't wait for the next one..lap dances and sexy dance floor action please.

Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: HighStepper on Mar 21, 2022, 12:44 AM
Quote from: superhead on Mar 20, 2022, 09:48 PMOh I remember one Halloween mixer that the cops showed up to yea me and my date left real quick it was at a hotel years back in Concord I think I took the bus all the way from reno I wasn't happy

Yes, I remember that mixer. It was planned to be for two days. We had used that venue, The Best Western, many times and always had a great time.

The mixer organizers had arranged with the hotel to give a special room rate for mixer attendees and to provide the banquet room at no charge.

There was tight security as to who would be admitted to the private mixer forum on RB. However, a lot of providers created ads mentioning specials for the weekend during the mixer weekend. LE monitoring RB ads saw a large influx of provider ads for Concord. This sent up a red flag.

There is speculation that a particular person tipped off LE. However, there were other LE investigation activities in play.  From the hotel they got the names of the mixer organizers. The police scared the shit out of them by threatening to arrest them for conspiracy to aid and albeit prostitution.

So, the mixer organizers shut the mixer actives in the ballroom down. We were all advised of the situation. Big chill on tying to book sessions. I was there with my ATF, so we stayed the weekend. Went in small groups to local restaurants and hung out at the pool.


There is no longer coordination with the hotel for the mixer. A venue is booked and paid for. It could be a restaurant private room or hotel banquet room. Mixer attendees are free to find a close by hotel if they so choose.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Hobby on Mar 21, 2022, 03:50 AM
I stand corrected, this is the first time I heard of a raid on a mixer. That was long before me. I see... Providers had their rooms at the same hotel as the event. Yeah that would not be a good idea. I always suggested guest to book rooms else where. Once I did have rooms for guest to take a shower and change. I held the keys to the rooms.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: dogwalker on Mar 21, 2022, 07:48 AM
      There was another raid I'm aware of besides at the motel in Concord, which by the way was in Oct., 2011 [which I had prepared to go to until I got an e-mail from my favorite regular at the time telling me it was cancelled). 
      There was a raid at a mixer held at a hotel in downtown Sac in 2006.  The cops did not shut it down and we ignored them but they did arrest a few people with warrants and were checking a lot of people to be sure they were old enough to drink alcohol.  There was even an article about it in the Sacramento News & Review called "Crashing the Pajama Party" [because participants were encouraged to wear PJs---that was the theme]. The article was trying to make sense of why people at a political fundraiser [as it was billed] would be wearing PJs and have a lot of sexy women  No worries about other guests. The mixer booked the entire hotel for that night.  The hotel owners were happy to get all the business [hotel sold out----I stayed at a different one] in spite of the cops harassing them too, but that mixer was not welcome there in the future.
    Other than that, when mixers were held at hotel, there were a fair number of late night noise complaints.  Those were typically dealt with by hotel staff not the cops and in those cases we'd typically just move to another room.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Hobby on Mar 21, 2022, 09:56 AM
Quote from: superhead on Mar 20, 2022, 09:48 PMOh I remember one Halloween mixer that the cops showed up to yea me and my date left real quick it was at a hotel years back in Concord I think I took the bus all the way from reno I wasn't happy

Sounds to me after reading HS account it was Providers drew the attention not the Mixer. The mixer didn't get raided, the floors above in the rooms did.  My guess is knowing how noisy guest can get in the hallways and rooms it was the Hotel that made the complaint. Another tip off to Hotel management is that the room or in this case rooms call down for extra towels at frequency higher than normal is a red flag for management. I tell people to bring extra towels.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Hobby on Mar 21, 2022, 10:18 AM
Quote from: dogwalker on Mar 21, 2022, 07:48 AMThere was another raid I'm aware of besides at the motel in Concord, which by the way was in Oct., 2011 [which I had prepared to go to until I got an e-mail from my favorite regular at the time telling me it was cancelled). 
      There was a raid at a mixer held at a hotel in downtown Sac in 2006.  The cops did not shut it down and we ignored them but they did arrest a few people with warrants and were checking a lot of people to be sure they were old enough to drink alcohol.  There was even an article about it in the Sacramento News & Review called "Crashing the Pajama Party" [because participants were encouraged to wear PJs---that was the theme]. The article was trying to make sense of why people at a political fundraiser [as it was billed] would be wearing PJs and have a lot of sexy women  No worries about other guests. The mixer booked the entire hotel for that night.  The hotel owners were happy to get all the business [hotel sold out----I stayed at a different one] in spite of the cops harassing them too, but that mixer was not welcome there in the future.
    Other than that, when mixers were held at hotel, there were a fair number of late night noise complaints.  Those were typically dealt with by hotel staff not the cops and in those cases we'd typically just move to another room.

If the party at the motel was cancelled then how did it get raided?  Me thinks you exaggerate just a tad.  A entire Hotel? My guess it wasn't the Hilton. 
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: HighStepper on Mar 21, 2022, 01:47 PM
2011 Concord Best Western motel:
AT previous mixers same motel.

2006 Downtown Sac hotel Mixer:

Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Hobby on Mar 21, 2022, 03:08 PM
Quote from: HighStepper on Mar 21, 2022, 01:47 PM2011 Concord Best Western motel:
  • Police talked directly with the mixer organizers and threaten them with legal consequences if any prostitution related activities occurred at the hotel.
  • We had many mixers at that hotel. Management liked us.
AT previous mixers same motel.
  • After mixer ballroom festivities stopped, people had after parties in a few rooms. As DW said, noise complaints, so moved to another room. Eventually things quieted down.
  • At times police patrol cars cruise around the motel watching out for drunk drivers.
  • Towels in general at hotels. Some providers bring their own. Others give housekeeping a really big tip.

2006 Downtown Sac hotel Mixer:
  • A police raid as in an unexpected visit by law-enforcement.
  • Hotel owner not hobby friendly. Contacted police. Mixer/Motel contract was signed by motel management not owner.
  • ALL hotel rooms were booked by mixer guests.
  • However, the contract with the hotel didn't include the atrium to which the rooms faced onto.
  • Therefore it was public space and LE could come in there.
  • Patrol cars were parked outside the motel and police officers stood on the balcony overlooking the atrium.
  • Most people retreated back to their rooms until LE left. Then back to partying.
  • As DW mentioned a woman was arrested for having outstanding warrants.

What I am gleaning from your accounts is that the Main Mixer Party itself was not raided nor arrest made!  Sounds like the hotel and police were concerned with illegal activities in the rooms not the party ball room.  If some how the organizers coordinated the rooms with event is what tied them in. Anyone tied to the party could be arrested and held on suspicion for facilitating prostitution for like 24 hrs before being charged.  When I hosted parties I made it clear to all attending we had no control what guest did outside of the party. I told them we do not invite LE so don't you invite them by doing something stupid! The saloon has absolutely no control  nor any responsibility over any event all we provide is a board to make announcements.  It is up to the party host to ensure the safety and security of guests but should make it clear also they are not responsible what takes place outside the event.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: zep on Mar 21, 2022, 03:15 PM
While all this "history" is entertaining,  Maybe it should be noted that the very vast majority of parties and gatherings are just a ton of fun with no LE presence and no one getting busted and taken away. We are trying to encourage  people to partake in the fun times and not be scared away from attending.    ;)
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Hobby on Mar 21, 2022, 03:36 PM
Quote from: zep on Mar 21, 2022, 03:15 PMWhile all this "history" is entertaining,  Maybe it should be noted that the very vast majority of parties and gatherings are just a ton of fun with no LE presence and no one getting busted and taken away. We are trying to encourage  people to partake in the fun times and not be scared away from attending.    ;)

Very True! Like I said I started hosting long after these mishaps took place. I wonder how many Mixers vs how many raids? We learn from mistakes! Anyone who attended the events I hosted knew I had security hired to monitor the goings on. Didn't allow loitering, smoking around entrance, restrooms or parking lot. I never had any encounters with LE but then again I was careful about the location. From what I have read here I certainly would not host a party in Concord! Sometimes things go south in a hurry, look what happened on Jan 6 2021 the Trump rally held at the Capitol got way out of control...should have never happened!
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: superhead on Mar 21, 2022, 05:36 PM
Mixers are fun never any problems with the ones done here in reno.
I haven't been to many In Cali
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Tuscano on Mar 21, 2022, 06:49 PM
I remember a mixer where a provider was dragging a stripper pole out of her trunk. Cops approached her and started in. Big mistake! said provider had been in law enforcement, gave them a lesson.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Hobby on Mar 21, 2022, 06:56 PM
Quote from: superhead on Mar 21, 2022, 05:36 PMMixers are fun never any problems with the ones done here in reno.
I haven't been to many In Cali

I don't think we would have any trouble here in Pahrump either. Maybe in the future I will host a BBQ Mixer! Might even invite the ladies at the brothel to attend.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Fuckachuck on Mar 22, 2022, 11:47 AM
I know kitty and Bando are having one in June! Birthday/ summer party
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: HighStepper on Mar 22, 2022, 12:47 PM
Quote from: superhead on Mar 21, 2022, 05:36 PMMixers are fun never any problems with the ones done here in reno.
I haven't been to many In Cali

I've been to a number of Reno mixers. Like superhead said, they were a lot of fun, and there was never a problem. Great memories.

The two California mixers mention in this thread were definitely rare exceptions. I've been to probably over 40 mixers, all over  Northern California and 2 in Southern California. And many, many Gatherings and house parties. Again, great memories.

Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: HighStepper on Mar 22, 2022, 12:57 PM
Quote from: Fuckachuck on Mar 22, 2022, 11:47 AMI know kitty and Bando are having one in June! Birthday/ summer party

Over the years Bande and Sexykitty have hosted many mixers. Summertime, Halloween, and others.

Always fun, never a problem.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: thaikhan on Mar 22, 2022, 04:21 PM
Quote from: Fuckachuck on Mar 22, 2022, 11:47 AMI know kitty and Bando are having one in June! Birthday/ summer party

And how would you know?

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Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Suitcase on Mar 22, 2022, 06:55 PM
The parties and mixers were a hoot!!!! I attended MANY, from several Kahunabrations and others in Sac, to a couple in Reno, to a couple in Santa Ana / Anaheim, one in the Central Valley and several in Concord. I was in on the planning of many of the Sac mixers, including the one that got raided... the hotel was HS pointed out, there was a central atrium, with all hotel rooms opening on it. Every room in the hotel was booked by party attendees, we had the run of the place. The ground floor of the hotel had only the hotel office and parking, the atrium floor and all rooms were on the 2nd floor or above. The problem was actually the night desk attendant. The hotel had a non-smoking policy, so those wishing to smoke left the party and went downstairs to the parking garage, where the desk clerk observed them. Many of the ladies were very scantily-clad, this attracted the attention of the clerk, who called LE. They entered en massse, at least a dozen, including officers from ABC... LE was there for several hours, ABC spent its time looking for underage drinkers. We had carded everybody and given wrist bands... green for 21 yo+ and red for under 21. ABC did not find even one violation. Exactly one arrest occurred, as HS pointed out it was a provider who had a warrant on her. There was an article about the party/raid in the Sacramento Bee the next day (or perhaps a day after that)... the author of the article interviewed some of the officers who took part in the raid, one of whom commented on how well organized the party was...

GOUSC's parties were amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Hobby on Mar 23, 2022, 10:18 AM
We are talking about Mixer Parties this sounds more like hosting a Cat House Party! Did it not dawn on anyone booking an entire hotel for guests that included providers just might raise a few eyebrows? I don't have the stones to try a trick like this! And that night clerk, didn't anyone think to slip the clerk a few C notes? Once I did host a private party at a hotel in Fresno, my first and last, just too hard to control and things get out of hand fast. I paid off the night clerk to keep him quiet. These types of ventures are way to risky!
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: WolfAndCub22 on Mar 23, 2022, 11:40 PM
One thing I can add about the Concord 2011 mixer bust was that the year before I arrived on Friday afternoon and found that a few ladies had arrives a day or two before and were working out of the mixer hotel. Then with all the other showing up that night and Saturday it could have put the hotel on a PD watch list and they were looking for an increase in activity.   
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: Bande on Mar 24, 2022, 01:40 PM
I want to stress on the Concord mixer. LE threatenened the organizers and they pulled the plug. I understand the reasonings.
The Hotel wanted the organizers to continue on with the party. Hotel had nothing to do with the situation.
In fact a few years later We were planning a Sac mixer seeking locations, While speaking to one hotel of Halloween party it was mentioned by them about Concord parties.
The person spoke very positive of those parties and was excited with us possibly having it at this place.
Non the less we found what we thought was a better venue.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: yourgirlforhire on Mar 24, 2022, 10:00 PM
Every event I have attended since 2003, even those with "issues", have been amazing memories!!!
I'm always down for a fun time when I can go or host.
Our community means a lot to me, and I enjoy the time we get to spend together.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: bats on Mar 25, 2022, 11:52 PM
Quote from: HighStepper on Mar 22, 2022, 12:47 PMI've been to a number of Reno mixers. Like superhead said, they were a lot of fun, and there was never a problem. Great memories.
The Reno mixers I attended were the most fun I've had with this community. Well, those and GOUSC's parties. And of course my first few mixers in Sac. Also some other mixers in the CV (for some reason I took a liking to several of the CV girls). And there was that one in Sunnyvale--good times.

I guess I've never not had fun at one of these things! lol
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: zoezane on Jul 29, 2022, 07:18 AM
Quote from: Hobby on Mar 21, 2022, 06:56 PMI don't think we would have any trouble here in Pahrump either. Maybe in the future I will host a BBQ Mixer! Might even invite the ladies at the brothel to attend.

Sounds like a fun party baby cakes.  In San Jose, I hosted a lot of parties before Redbook.  I made it to a few of RB parties near the SJ airport etc.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: zoezane on Aug 01, 2022, 08:47 AM
Quote from: Tuscano on Mar 21, 2022, 06:49 PMI remember a mixer where a provider was dragging a stripper pole out of her trunk. Cops approached her and started in. Big mistake! said provider had been in law enforcement, gave them a lesson.

That's why I love parties and the ones who show up.  Out of everything I've done, I love big parties, everyone having a good time.  Sometimes, I find a willing sexy female who loves seduction like I do on the dance floor.  We watch for your eyes and wiggle giggle giggle.
Title: Re: Why Attend Parties?
Post by: zoezane on Aug 14, 2022, 07:31 AM
Quote from: Tuscano on Mar 21, 2022, 06:49 PMI remember a mixer where a provider was dragging a stripper pole out of her trunk. Cops approached her and started in. Big mistake! said provider had been in law enforcement, gave them a lesson.

Such a good story how she put those nosy cops in their place.  The town I did lots of parties was Las Vegas.  I remember driving down the strip with a male cross dresser.  We had matching wigs and lipstick.  Street people saw him and laughed with pointing fingers.  He was a big show off.  At the house party, he stripped off his dress and wore other women's dresses.  Loads of fun.