China Biden

Started by Bande, Feb 03, 2023, 05:17 PM

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3 balloons on Trumps watch. He did nothing

Quote from: Bande on Feb 06, 2023, 10:10 PMYep, seeing how big of a PUSSY ChinaBiden is..
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Did Trump's tariffs help or hurt the economy?
One of President Trump's most prominent policy actions in office was to raise tariffs, which significantly harm the U.S. economy. Trade barriers such as tariffs increase the cost of both consumer and producer goods and depress the economic benefits of competition, inhibiting economic growth.May 10, 2022
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome



not a pussy   

Quote from: Blkfyre on Feb 07, 2023, 02:22 PMSo you are calling Trump a pussy three times over huh?
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Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


I'd say Trump's tariffs did hurt certain sections of the economy.
That seems very obvious.
What I am confused by is why Biden kept them.


Are we having fun yet?


So dislike of China is one thing that is somewhat unifying?
"ChinaBiden" is not so pro-China after all?


  • China Trump got the Chinese government to grant a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump Link
  • China Trump has a secret bank account in China Link
  • China Trump pays China $200,000 in Taxes, while not paying USA taxes. Link
Too much sex is still not enough.


Members of both parties in Congress are questioning why Biden waited until the first balloon was off the Atlantic coast before shooting it down. Two more balloons have been shot down since then, the feds aren't saying much but one balloon had American made parts on it.

No country or organization has claimed these were their balloons which is odd, they could be Russian or North Korean. My guess is they are being launched from a ship in international waters of the Pacific.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Feb 12, 2023, 01:11 PMMembers of both parties in Congress are questioning why Biden waited until the first balloon was off the Atlantic coast before shooting it down. Two more balloons have been shot down since then, the feds aren't saying much but one balloon had American made parts on it.

No country or organization has claimed these were their balloons which is odd, they could be Russian or North Korean. My guess is they are being launched from a ship in international waters of the Pacific.

They are questioning it because they want to cause controversy. The joint chiefs have already gone on record saying they advised the president to wait until the balloon, which was bigger than an airliner, was not over land so as to minimize casualties or property damage.


The main person questioning is the Senator from Montana who is a Democrat:

Montana is largely uninhabited, worst case scenario is the balloon landed on an antelope.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Feb 12, 2023, 02:50 PMThe main person questioning is the Senator from Montana who is a Democrat:

Montana is largely uninhabited, worst case scenario is the balloon landed on an antelope.

Again, that is the narrative conservatives are using. And if they had shit it down and any property, people or animals would have been hurt or damaged then the narrative would have been why didn't he wait, why would he jeopardize innocent Americans?

"The military did not deem the Chinese balloon, which was about 200-feet tall and carrying a jetliner-size payload, to be of hostile intent when it was over Alaska, Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims, director of operations of the Joint Staff, said Thursday. The balloon's path through the state did not take it near sensitive infrastructure or impact intelligence gathering, he said.

As the balloon flew into continental U.S. territory, the military took steps to protect sensitive sites, including covering up certain facilities, according to Dalton.

Downing the balloon over either Alaskan land or water would have been risky for civilians and military personnel, officials said. The military could not determine through mapping what damage the balloon would cause on the ground, he said, while deep and icy water in the Bering Sea would be dangerous for recovery efforts."

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin convenes military and civilian leaders, including U.S. Northern Command Chief Gen. Glen VanHerck and Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley, to discuss the situation.

All flights at Billings Logan International Airport are grounded for about two hours as authorities weigh what to do. The military scrambles F-22 fighter jets in case a decision was made to shoot it down.

Ultimately, Milley and VanHerck recommend against targeting the balloon over land due to the risk to civilians from the falling debris. Defense officials estimate debris from the balloon, which is the size of three buses, could fall in at least a seven-mile radius.

The president directs the Pentagon to come up with options to shoot down the balloon as soon as it is safe to do so over U.S. territorial waters, and in a way that allows them to recover the payload. He also directs the military and intelligence community to monitor the balloon to gain insight into its capabilities. NASA begins analyzing and assessing the possible debris field, based on the trajectory of the balloon, the weather and airship's estimated payload."

For some reason can't conservatives think their opinions are more informed than the Joint Chiefs...


The President has the final say because he is the commander-in-chief, why did he choose to shoot down the second and third balloon over land?

For some reason why can't leftists grow a pair and defend our nation?
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Feb 12, 2023, 04:32 PMThe President has the final say because he is the commander-in-chief, why did he choose to shoot down the second and third balloon over land?

For some reason why can't leftists grow a pair and defend our nation?

Because he's not an egomaniac and believe his opinion should overrule that of the people who's job it is to make calls like that. So he DID have the final word after taking their advice.


The latter ones were near the Arctic Ocean / Yukon where virtually no one lives.
Rich movies stars live in MT.