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Started by Danno, Apr 26, 2023, 04:01 PM

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MEGA Republicans just voted to cut Veterans Health Benefits by 22%. But they will tell you they support the troops. Bunch of lying ass holes.
Maybe should get rid of tax breaks for the rich that Bush and Trump passed. Those account for $10 Trillion of the debt.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


At least the Republicans in the House passed a debt ceiling limit, got make cuts somewhere.

Of course not one Democrat voted for it, got to tax and spend.

Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Apr 26, 2023, 04:23 PMAt least the Republicans in the House passed a debt ceiling limit, got make cuts somewhere.

Of course not one Democrat voted for it, got to tax and spend.

Whataboutism. Gotta love it.

Also, the vote was 217-215 with four Republicans – Ken Buck of Colorado, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Tim Burchett of Tennessee and Matt Gaetz of Florida – voting against the bill.

And gee, why in the world would Democrats not want to vote on the bill? Because it wasn't just about the debt ceiling. Republicans also added the following to it:

Repealing most of the energy tax credit provisions from Democrats' 2022 climate, tax and health law, with the exception of some biofuel provisions Midwestern Republicans pushed to protect.
Rescinding unobligated IRS tax enforcement and climate-related grant funds from the 2022 law and unspent COVID-19 relief from various pandemic-era aid packages.
Canceling President Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness plan.
Cutting and capping discretionary spending for the next decade, starting with a $1.47 trillion topline in fiscal 2024 and allowing for 1 percent annual growth over the following nine years. The first-year cap reflects a $131 billion cut from current funding levels, which spending wouldn't catch up to until the end of the decade under the proposal.

The Democrats wanted to have the vote on the debt ceiling to be WITHOUT conditions, just on the merits of the debt ceiling alone.


Dead in Senate though probably. 


Quote from: Blkfyre on Apr 26, 2023, 05:16 PMAnd gee, why in the world would Democrats not want to vote on the bill? Because it wasn't just about the debt 

Because Democrats believe towing the party line is more important than what's good for the nation.
We are $ trillions in debt and the Democrats don't care.

Somebody needs to be the adult in Congress and tell the spoiled children they can't have that shiny new toy.
Are we having fun yet?


Every year we go through this stupid debate about the debt ceiling limit.
People voted for Republicans to fix the debt problem and get our spending under control, they control the House now.

Here's a good analogy:
Democrats are like a person who calls their bank to raise their credit limit on their credit cards,
the bank obliges and the person immediately maxes out the credit card.

Republicans are like a person who lives within their means and doesn't max out their credit cards,
they also pay their bills on time.
Are we having fun yet?


get your head out of the clouds. lol, guess you don't support the troops.
Quote from: Romanticlover on Apr 27, 2023, 06:29 AMEvery year we go through this stupid debate about the debt ceiling limit.
People voted for Republicans to fix the debt problem and get our spending under control, they control the House now.

Here's a good analogy:
Democrats are like a person who calls their bank to raise their credit limit on their credit cards,
the bank obliges and the person immediately maxes out the credit card.

Republicans are like a person who lives within their means and doesn't max out their credit cards,
they also pay their bills on time.

Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Romanticlover on Apr 27, 2023, 06:29 AMEvery year we go through this stupid debate about the debt ceiling limit.
People voted for Republicans to fix the debt problem and get our spending under control, they control the House now.

Here's a good analogy:
Democrats are like a person who calls their bank to raise their credit limit on their credit cards,
the bank obliges and the person immediately maxes out the credit card.

Republicans are like a person who lives within their means and doesn't max out their credit cards,
they also pay their bills on time.

If it were just about the debt limit, why tack on all those other things? Why not debate the debt limit on it's own merits and that other spending on their merits? Why hold hostage the government shutting down rather than, if they are right, just proving their point and doing their job?


25% of our Debt was caused by the Trump tax cuts for the rich, how is that living within their means?
When was the last budget surplus? That was squandered by the next president. Popcorn ready.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


The last time the US had a budget surplus was 2001 and the last time the US was debt free was 1837.

Here's Biden's proposal on debt:
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Blkfyre on Apr 27, 2023, 11:06 AMIf it were just about the debt limit, why tack on all those other things? Why not debate the debt limit on it's own merits and that other spending on their merits? Why hold hostage the government shutting down rather than, if they are right, just proving their point and doing their job?

Why do we have to keep raising the debt ceiling when we should be living within our means.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Danno on Apr 27, 2023, 11:45 AM25% of our Debt was caused by the Trump tax cuts for the rich, how is that living within their means?
When was the last budget surplus? That was squandered by the next president. Popcorn ready.

We had a budget surplus last year in Cali and the Democrats gave us a rebate, now we are facing a budget deficit in Cali.'s%20Budget%20Likely%20Unaffordable%20in%20Coming%20Years,%244%20billion%20in%202026%E2%80%9127.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Apr 27, 2023, 12:13 PMWhy do we have to keep raising the debt ceiling when we should be living within our means.
The debt limit doesn't make us live within our means. Instead, it prevents us from financing our existing legal obligations. So  Congress authorizes spending for whatever, but the debt limit constrains the government's ability to come up with the money.

That's not smart, and many experts believe it conflicts with the Public Debt Clause of the 14th Amendment.


At a high level (ignoring whether one specific behavior is any worse than another)
Democrats and Republicans all play the same political games.
Reminds me of 2 kids pointing fingers at who did what when both are equally guilty of doing something.
Yet each likes to act like they are perfect and it's the other guy that is the problem.
That's human nature I guess, but extremely immature.
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More like Congress is getting the bill for the steak dinner with wine they ordered and ate. Now MAGA extremist are not going to pay for the dinner we just finished. If you want to cut out the steak dinner with wine make that decision when it is time to order the next meal.

McCarthy appeasing the extremest is confusing a BUDGET argument with a paying the bill argument.
Too much sex is still not enough.