Trump Indictment May be Imminent

Started by bats, May 23, 2023, 07:12 PM

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His lawyers' letter to DOJ today reeks of Trump's paranoia and sense of entitlement.

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It's not paranoia if it's true, no other President has had his home raided by the FBI. If the DOJ charges Trump for obstruction of justice and mishandling classified documents then they also need to charge Biden and Pence.

It is unorthodox for defense attorneys to contact the DOJ and the DOJ doesn't have to meet with them, it does sound desperate on Trump's part though. So far the DOJ isn't commenting.

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Quote from: Romanticlover on May 23, 2023, 08:27 PMIt's not paranoia if it's true, no other President has had his home raided by the FBI. If the DOJ charges Trump for obstruction of justice and mishandling classified documents then they also need to charge Biden and Pence.

It is unorthodox for defense attorneys to contact the DOJ and the DOJ doesn't have to meet with them, it does sound desperate on Trump's part though. So far the DOJ isn't commenting.

It's paranoia because Trump seems to truly believe that he is always treated unfairly. What he doesn't get, because he's such a narcissist or whatever, is that the reason he gets investigated so much is his constant misconduct and criminality. He seems to think his behavior is normal and above board, and so he plays the victim.

It might be different if he ever admitted to any wrongdoing. But he never does. It's always some biased entity or person going after him for no reason. It's insane.


Quote from: Romanticlover on May 23, 2023, 08:27 PMIt's not paranoia if it's true, no other President has had his home raided by the FBI. If the DOJ charges Trump for obstruction of justice and mishandling classified documents then they also need to charge Biden and Pence.

It is unorthodox for defense attorneys to contact the DOJ and the DOJ doesn't have to meet with them, it does sound desperate on Trump's part though. So far the DOJ isn't commenting.

When Biden and Pence found the documents they notified the correct authorities and handed them all over. They even started looking to see if they had any others someplace so they could turn those over too.

Trump didn't turn them over even after being legally asked to. And when he finally did, he didn't turn them all over. And then lied about it saying that even tho EVERY scrap of paper belonged to another legal entity, because he "declassified them in his mind" that the papers belonged to him.

The differences between Trump, Pence and Biden are many and easily seen for any who might actually want to look to see them.


Trump has been a sleaze ball entitled prick all his life.  Only losers go fight in a war. He got his draft deferments from bone spurs.

He believes he is above the law and puts on his poor me victim act when the wheels of justice start moving on him.

Playing the "I was the President" card is becoming tiresome and ineffective. He tarnished the office of the presidency worst than any other president. Yet, he strives to have the prestige of the office he so disrespected.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 24, 2023, 01:06 AMTrump has been a sleaze ball entitled prick all his life.  Only losers go fight in a war. He got his draft deferments from bone spurs.


When Biden played football in college he was healthy but when the draft board contacted him he said he had asthma and got a deferment.

As for the documents, Trump had them in a secured room whereas Biden and Pence didn't. Trump was also President and he has the authority to declassify documents, VP don't have that authority and shouldn't have any classified documents. Big difference.
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The predator Trump will not sustain itself.  You can't when you're bad karma is piling up more on your dark soul.  I'm watching him lose his brains.  Good.  Let his toxic mouth indite the wondrous tale of The Devil's Words, bring it on cry baby Trump.  Let his mean, trolling ass feel the heat of his own rage.  His creation of rage to destroy himself.   

I'm waiting for one of his rants where he confesses he had sex with Ivanka etc.  Him followers will praise him for it.  It shows us how numb humans are in this world. 
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Trump was also President and he has the authority to declassify documents.

thought he didn't know he had the classified documents, at least that was his 1st excuse for having them. hard to declassify something you say you didn't have. plus it doesn't work that way.
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Quote from: Romanticlover on May 24, 2023, 06:14 AMWhen Biden played football in college he was healthy but when the draft board contacted him he said he had asthma and got a deferment.
That's not even close to what happened. Like many people, he first received several student deferments. Finally, in April 1968, about a month after a medical exam by the Selective Service, he was classified as 1-Y, making him ineligible for service except in a national emergency.
Also, it's common for people with asthma to be able to participate in sports; that doesn't mean it's a great idea for them to serve in the military.


Quote from: Romanticlover on May 24, 2023, 06:14 AMWhen Biden played football in college he was healthy but when the draft board contacted him he said he had asthma and got a deferment.
Thank you, I did not know that. Perhaps unlike Trump, Biden didn't go bragging about it. Trump called those that served in the military losers and suckers. Saying John McCain was only a war hero because he got captured. Trump says he likes people that don't get caught.
Trump called war dead 'losers' and 'suckers,' Atlantic report says

Quote from: Romanticlover on May 24, 2023, 06:14 AMAs for the documents, Trump had them in a secured room whereas Biden and Pence didn't. Trump was also President and he has the authority to declassify documents, VP don't have that authority and shouldn't have any classified documents. Big difference.
That is the declassified story they try to push. lol.

Classified documents were found in Trump's Mar-a-Lago office desks where he entertained visitors. Knowing how Trump likes to brag he probably was big showoff with these documents.

Trump ordered White House documents moved out of storage at Mar-a-Lago after receiving subpoena
In what would amount to be the strongest evidence of obstruction of justice, Trump told at least one aide to take boxes from the storage to his personal residence last spring after he received the legal order to cough up all classified records. Link
Too much sex is still not enough.


Lots of people faked health problems in the 1960's so they wouldn't have to go to Vietnam which was escalated by Lyndon "bunghole" Johnson(D). That reminds me of other wars in the 20th Century:
WWI- President Wilson(D) ordered a draft
WWII - President Roosevelt(D) ordered a draft
Korea- President Truman(D) ordered a draft
Vietnam - President Johnson(D) ordered a draft

See a pattern?
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Quote from: Romanticlover on May 24, 2023, 01:27 PMLots of people faked health problems in the 1960's so they wouldn't have to go to Vietnam which was escalated by Lyndon "bunghole" Johnson(D). That reminds me of other wars in the 20th Century:
WWI- President Wilson(D) ordered a draft
WWII - President Roosevelt(D) ordered a draft
Korea- President Truman(D) ordered a draft
Vietnam - President Johnson(D) ordered a draft

See a pattern?
Nice work presenting zero evidence of Biden faking his health condition. The fact is that the available documentation tells us that his 1-Y classification resulted from an exam by medical professionals involved in the Selective Service Administration, not some unverified statement by Biden himself.

As for the various drafts in the 20th century, none of them were initiated (or could be) by the president alone. All of them needed congressional authorization. It's the president's job to manage the draft once authorized, whereas you seem to be suggesting that Democratic presidents got us into all those wars all by themselves, which is, of course, horseshit.


we should still have a draft, then maybe people would pay attention to what is going on.
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