Trump Indicted: Trump Is Charged in Classified Documents Inquiry

Started by Blkfyre, Jun 08, 2023, 05:23 PM

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Quote from: Bande on Jun 10, 2023, 07:19 PMSo you are saying Hilary did not destroy evidence.
And ChinaBiden did not take payments for lobbying?
You really to check your facts...
That clearly states it is a political movement that has soiled OUR Justice system.
You seriously need to open your eyes and get out of your priveledged life in which has you brainwashed..
Stop listening to your parties LIES. Lies that have been proven over n over and yet you still support them. Says alot about you..

Sure, give us some and we'll check them. But up until no you've given us opinion, with a distinct lack of verifiable facts...


Quote from: Blkfyre on Jun 10, 2023, 07:26 PMSure, give us some and we'll check them. But up until no you've given us opinion, with a distinct lack of verifiable facts...
Us? Look, Bando was replying to me. His digs were specifically directed at me.

If you want to reply for yourself, that's fine. But please don't make it appear as though we're speaking as one; I prefer to speak for myself.


Quote from: Bande on Jun 10, 2023, 07:19 PMSo you are saying Hilary did not destroy evidence.
And ChinaBiden did not take payments for lobbying?
You really to check your facts...
That clearly states it is a political movement that has soiled OUR Justice system.
You seriously need to open your eyes and get out of your priveledged life in which has you brainwashed..
Stop listening to your parties LIES. Lies that have been proven over n over and yet you still support them. Says alot about you..
1. The FBI investigated Hillary's email server and the deleted emails. Eventually, those dastardly Republicans at the FBI concluded that the facts didn't warrant prosecuting her.

2. There is no publicly available evidence that would lead any reasonable person to conclude that Hillary's case is comparable to Trump's. It's a common tactic for children accused of one bad thing to point out unrelated wrongdoing by their siblings. Trump is a pro at it, and his media allies are following his lead. It's called deflection.

3. There's no publicly available evidence suggesting the kind of quid pro quo scheme between Biden and China that Republicans and right-wingers have been whining about since God knows when. This is just another deflection. Of course, if any evidence does turn up, by all means, it should be investigated.

4. There's no evidence that the DOJ operates out of political motivation. That's another line that Trump has spewed for a long time, and right-wingers (again) have lapped it up.


Hilary Clinton gave 11 hours of testimony before Congress. Trump 0 hours.

The Trump Justice Department found no basis to indict Clinton.

So, can we please stop with the Jim Jordan bullshit about unfair treatment between Clinton and Trump?

Too much sex is still not enough.





In the first video, Fox News legal analyst Greg Jarrett compares Trump's case to a lawsuit involving audiotapes kept as personal records by Bill Clinton. But the ruling in the Clinton case does not imply unrestricted authority over all records, especially classified ones.

The PRA allows a president to designate records lacking value as personal, but the classified records in Trump's case are not that.

The second video shows Republican troll Jim Jordan citing a case that has absolutely zero applicability to the issues in the Trump case.



In the 1st video they also touched on Gregg Jarrett's book The Trial of the Century in which, liberal attorney Clarence Darrow defended schoolteacher John Scopes in a blockbuster legal proceeding. Darrow's seminal defense of freedom of speech helped form the legal bedrock on which our civil liberties depend today. The MAGA Republicans tuned out that part.

In the 2nd video the talking head claims this is all about character assassination of Donald Trump. ROTFLMAO.  Like Trump has character.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: bats on Jun 10, 2023, 02:12 PMHere's a link to a thoughtful piece on the indictment by a federal criminal defense attorney who is not a blind partisan and is, in fact, skeptical of federal prosecutors, having been one himself when he was younger. He concludes that while the indictment is devastating for Trump on its merits, the system may fail once again to hold him accountable because of the defendant's unique position in society. He reasons, however, that the decision to proceed with prosecution, even if it ultimately fails, is clearly the correct one if we give a damn about the rule of law.

Your link worked on my phone which has a TikTok app installed. Not with my computer.

You cannot view this attachment.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Bande on Jun 10, 2023, 07:19 PMSo you are saying Hilary did not destroy evidence.
Interestingly this topic is discussed in Trump's indictment.

Read the indictment: trump-indictment.pdf

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: bladegunner on Jun 11, 2023, 06:43 PMsilence from the left. Go figure.

Speaking of silence all the Trump fans who used to be posting all over the internet have gone deadly silent/now changing to "I don't like Trump" people.

Well, they certainly did when they voted for him. They did when he was in power. They did when they were excusing him of being impeached: TWICE! They did after January 6th. But now that it looks like something might stick to the "Teflon Don", well now they don't like him.

You can find these people all across social media, people who caused the problem, supported the problem, but now want us all to forget that, that it's not important, that "It's in the past! You all need to let it go and talk about NOW, not something that happened then!!!", all while they are STILL complaining about Hilary, Obama and a danged laptop that they are trying to dirty someone else's name with.

Trump fans are abandoning him now, but they are also trying to avoid the stink he brings, the stink they put there and laughingly reveled in when talking to "demoncrats" and "liberal snowflakes" a few years ago


People cheer for what they believe in, even if wrong, as long as it supports themselves.


Quote from: Bande on Jun 09, 2023, 08:49 PMThis rule of law does not apply to everyone.
This is Political. Sad to see the Justice dept prosecuting 1 party only.
The People should be OUTRAGED over the obvious politically motivated charges.
Hillary was not convicted and she actually destroyed evidence.
ChinaBiden has not been prosecuted so far.

Kind of weird this happened on the same day the story broke on ChinaBidens Crime family accepting payments for Favors. Cover up a Demoncrat issue with Trump Bullshit.
Legal scholars have stated this as well.

Purely a Political move. They can not get the Most Popular Republican candidate out, therefore, lets occupy Trump with all these Legal issues.
In actuality these stunts are making Trump more popular as people see the Swamp at work
Rule of law applies to everyone,however enforcement may not...imo doj should have impaneled a grand jury in the hilary clinton  email scandal.  Mistake to let comey decide.