Congressional Hearing Attack on FBI

Started by HighStepper, Jul 14, 2023, 02:01 PM

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Rep. Jim Jordan Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee hearing attacks Christopher Wray of the FBI.

The following is a response by Ted Lieu

Video Length 5:33

Video Summary
Trump surrounded himself with criminals that were prosecuted by the Trump justice department. It is not the fault of the FBI that Trump surrounded himself with criminals. Trump brought that on himself.

Ted Lieu addresses the fallacy of defunding the FBI. Testimony discusses the detrimental impacts from that kind of action.
Too much sex is still not enough.


The Republicans in the House have a right to go after the FBI since they are a government agency, if an agency isn't doing their job then changes need to be made.

The FBI has been an inept bureaucracy since 9/11/2001, they had a chance to stop the attack but a supervisor decided to round file the report. In the 90's they were doing a good job.

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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 14, 2023, 07:40 PMThe Republicans in the House have a right to go after the FBI since they are a government agency, if an agency isn't doing their job then changes need to be made.

The FBI has been an inept bureaucracy since 9/11/2001, they had a chance to stop the attack but a supervisor decided to round file the report. In the 90's they were doing a good job.

Its not that the FBI isnt doing their job but rather not doing the job the political party on the losing end of the stick want the FBI to do. Trump wanted the 2020 DOJ election investigation to support the lies he was telling but Barr would have no part of it.
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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 14, 2023, 07:40 PMThe Republicans in the House have a right to go after the FBI since they are a government agency, if an agency isn't doing their job then changes need to be made.

The FBI has been an inept bureaucracy since 9/11/2001, they had a chance to stop the attack but a supervisor decided to round file the report. In the 90's they were doing a good job.


So you are saying it's perfectly ok to go after a part of the government that isn't doing its job, like say a president who deliberately hid a pandemic from the people because he didn't want the bad press. And who could have nipped it in the bud when he had a chance to but instead minimized it saying it's not worse than a cold. Or would be gone in a few days or it could be treated with horse pills or when he said injecting bleach or light in your body would kill it.
Or when weeks before the election he said if he didn't win it would be cheating and then lied about trying to cheat the election himself.
Or when he radicalized the citizenry to the point they started an insurrection?


Quote from: Blkfyre on Jul 15, 2023, 01:12 AMSo you are saying it's perfectly ok to go after a part of the government that isn't doing its job, like say a president who deliberately hid a pandemic from the people because he didn't want the bad press. And who could have nipped it in the bud when he had a chance to but instead minimized it saying it's not worse than a cold. Or would be gone in a few days or it could be treated with horse pills or when he said injecting bleach or light in your body would kill it.
Or when weeks before the election he said if he didn't win it would be cheating and then lied about trying to cheat the election himself.
Or when he radicalized the citizenry to the point they started an insurrection?

OK Mr Whataboutism I'll play, even though I thought you hated whataboutism.

Trump locked down the country in March 2020 and correctly identified where COVID-19 came from(the Wuhan Lab), it was the Democrats in Congress who said it was racist to blame China and said Trump was over-reacting. I'll agree he said some crazy shit afterwards but saying he "hid a pandemic" is utter BS.

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Quote from: Hobby on Jul 14, 2023, 07:59 PMIts not that the FBI isnt doing their job but rather not doing the job the political party on the losing end of the stick want the FBI to do. Trump wanted the 2020 DOJ election investigation to support the lies he was telling but Barr would have no part of it.

The FBI is doing the bidding of the Democrat party right now, it is clearly being partial.
The FBI raided Trump's home with automatic weapons which was unnecessary, the FBI raided Roger Stone's home with automatic weapons which was also unnecessary. I don't recall the FBI raiding a Democrats home with automatic weapons recently. I don't recall Hunter Biden's home getting raided by the FBI even though the retarded crackhead was doing illegal drugs and bought a handgun illegally which his sister-in-law/girlfriend threw away in a trash can. He's probably going to get a slap on the wrist for doing that shit when the average American would be in jail.

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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 15, 2023, 07:41 AMOK Mr Whataboutism I'll play, even though I thought you hated whataboutism.

Trump locked down the country in March 2020 and correctly identified where COVID-19 came from(the Wuhan Lab), it was the Democrats in Congress who said it was racist to blame China and said Trump was over-reacting. I'll agree he said some crazy shit afterwards but saying he "hid a pandemic" is utter BS.

He locked down foreigners from entering the country. He did NOT lock down Americans in the country he KNEW was suffering from a pandemic from bringing it back. He did NOT quarantine those individuals until they could be medically cleared when they did come back. He KNEW it was considered bad enough to be called a pandemic yet told people that the seriousness was being exaggerated.

By the time President Donald Trump privately told journalist Bob Woodward on Feb. 7 that the coronavirus was "deadly stuff" transmitted by air, a threat "more deadly" than the flu, the warnings around him had been rampant.

National security adviser Robert O'Brien had told Trump that Covid-19 would be the "largest national security crisis of your presidency." Top trade adviser Peter Navarro was drafting urgent pleas to manufacture more medical supplies and personal protective gear in the U.S. Other worried senior aides were organizing meetings about the potential severity and spread of a pandemic.

Yet Trump continued todownplay the threat publicly — comparing it to the typical flu, insisting the virus would disappear quickly and offering frequent praise for China's response. The president appeared committed to keeping the public focused on more upbeat matters such as the rising stock market.

So, he was more concerned with the STOCK MARKET that the people


whew, way too long to read and for what?


What does the pandemic have to do with the FBI?

Every study has shown that the draconian measures Democrats put in place in blue states was detrimental to society.
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I can only speak for myself.  The only effects the pandemic had on me were 1) delayed my vacations and 2) put a wrench into social life, attending events with crowds, etc.  So what. I lived through that, as inconvenient as it was, and it's over now.  Time to get on with life instead of crying about the past.

Did lockdowns save my life by isolating me from COVID?  I have no idea since there is no "control."
(i.e., a clone of me in a parallel universe that did not obey COVID lockdowns)


Here's a good read that backs up my statement above:

Trump and most Republicans knew about the risks of a lockdown.

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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 14, 2023, 07:40 PMThe Republicans in the House have a right to go after the FBI since they are a government agency, if an agency isn't doing their job then changes need to be made.
Yes Congress is supposed to have oversight of The Agency. NOT a political "witch-hunt" to save their cult leader Donald Trump.
QuoteThe FBI has been an inept bureaucracy since 9/11/2001, they had a chance to stop the attack but a supervisor decided to round file the report...
Over simplification and misleading.
A Review of the FBI's Handling of Intelligence Information Prior to the September 11 Attacks. Link
Too much sex is still not enough.


It seems to be a complicated issue with no right answer.

Did lockdowns hurt some businesses?  Obviously yes, like those that depended on people physically going there.
Did lockdowns help other businesses?  Obviously yes, like those that delivered products to people locking down.

You are not debating whether 1+1=2 that all would hopefully agree on.
Taking a tiny slice of a big picture then pretending you are right?  Thumbs down.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 15, 2023, 07:57 AM...The FBI raided Trump's home with automatic weapons which was unnecessary, the FBI raided Roger Stone's home with automatic weapons which was also unnecessary. I don't recall the FBI raiding a Democrats home with automatic weapons recently.
You cannot view this attachment.
You cannot view this attachment.
Unless otherwise instructed, FBI agents are required to be armed at all times. It is not up to you to guess what weapons are appropriate. The people with automatic weapons were the Secret Service.

The FBI was "armed" with a search warrant issued by a federal magistrate from West Palm Beach.
There was no unseemly bashing down of doors or igniting of loud flash-bangs for which the FBI is legendary in other situations. The search team had alerted the Secret Service agents guarding the compound in advance, ensuring an orderly execution of the warrant.

Re Roger Stone's arrest, don't listen to Alex Jones of Infowars and Donald Trump for a true perspective.
FACT CHECK: Did The FBI Use Unusual Force When It Arrested Roger Stone?
No. Law enforcement agencies often conduct early-morning arrests or raids with large numbers of officers and tactical equipment.
It's amazing how these criminals whine and cry about the cops coming for them. At least they didn't die from getting shot or having a knee on their neck.

QuoteI don't recall Hunter Biden's home getting raided by the FBI even though the retarded crackhead was doing illegal drugs and bought a handgun illegally which his sister-in-law/girlfriend threw away in a trash can. He's probably going to get a slap on the wrist for doing that shit when the average American would be in jail.
As to Hunter Biden this has been discussed.
MAGA people are so unfilled after years of Right Wing media promoting the Hunter Biden laptop "bombshell" case.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 15, 2023, 07:41 AMOK Mr Whataboutism I'll play, even though I thought you hated whataboutism.

Trump locked down the country in March 2020 and correctly identified where COVID-19 came from(the Wuhan Lab), it was the Democrats in Congress who said it was racist to blame China and said Trump was over-reacting. I'll agree he said some crazy shit afterwards but saying he "hid a pandemic" is utter BS.

I agree trump in the begining did stop all air traffic comming from china and democrats said trump was crazy... no trump did not try to hide it. i dont believe no matter who was president would have mattered.  I do credit trump for getting a vaxccine available to save american lives. 