Trump Blabbed Details of US Nuclear Subs

Started by bats, Oct 06, 2023, 01:44 PM

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This would be the most explosive scandal in American history if not for the flood of other scandalous behavior by the psychopathic asshole. Instead, it's just another news story.


Months after leaving the White House, former President Donald Trump allegedly discussed potentially sensitive information about U.S. nuclear submarines with a member of his Mar-a-Lago Club -- an Australian billionaire who then allegedly shared the information with scores of others, including more than a dozen foreign officials, several of his own employees, and a handful of journalists, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Full story at the link:


Trumps is telling all his magas if he gets arrested there is war on America.  I just read how magas are ready and talking about how they are ready to war.  This is very serious what Trump is doing.  The Nazi's could not talk about the death camps.  It was terrible for Nazis to kill, so they stepped it up fasters to murder thousands.  Many brains will not get what Trump is doing.  It's too shocking, but this is real.  And the Jan 6 bunker video, all of them partying and laughing is tame to what is coming. 

Trump must be stopped or thousands will die.  I was raised in a cult, I know how theses maga's think.  They think they are above the law.  They are the law.  Everyone else is evil and not of the fold.  Trump is the Messiah and he will save them.
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


America's enemies around the world are celebrating the "useful idiot" Donald Trump.

America's allies around the world are cringing.

If a member of a private forum leaked information, they would be kicked out of the forum.
Too much sex is still not enough.



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Benedict Donald thinks people who get captured in war are losers, people who die in war are suckers.

Donald Trump doesn't care about America. BTW Trump has a history of blabbing about America's secrets.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: zoezane on Oct 06, 2023, 03:57 PMTrump must be stopped or thousands will die.

Trump has already killed over ONE MILLION innocent people. 

Had he taken the advice of the scientific community, and not lied to the American public, there would be far fewer Covid deaths. The MAGA crowd believed every lie he told.

I knew several friends, devote Trumpers, who did not get vaxed, got covid, and died.

From the World Health Organization website:  In United States of America, from 3 January 2020 to 7:50pm CEST, 4 October 2023, there have been 103,436,829 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 1,127,152 deaths, reported to WHO.


If a member of a private forum leaked information, they would be kicked out of the forum.

Not True
Happens all the time with no consequences..


Quote from: DoctorTaco on Oct 07, 2023, 12:00 PMTrump has already killed over ONE MILLION innocent people. 

Had he taken the advice of the scientific community, and not lied to the American public, there would be far fewer Covid deaths. The MAGA crowd believed every lie he told.

I knew several friends, devote Trumpers, who did not get vaxed, got covid, and died.

From the World Health Organization website:  In United States of America, from 3 January 2020 to 7:50pm CEST, 4 October 2023, there have been 103,436,829 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 1,127,152 deaths, reported to WHO.

Facts are hardly any difference of Deaths beyween both administrations and ChinaBidens administration had the vaccine Trump started..
Kinda shows the vaccine hardly did a difference.

Most deaths happened under ChinaBidens watch.

Not to forget Trump sped up development of the Vaccine...

According to Washington post.
"It would seem that Mr. Biden has done no better than Donald Trump in defeating covid despite the benefit of vaccines, better therapies and more clinical experience," argued the editorial, which Trump himself went on to promote.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has echoed the point: "I took [Biden] at his word when he said he was going to get covid under control. Unfortunately, more Americans have died this year than last year under covid."

Fox News's Tucker Carlson intoned Monday night, while arguing against Biden's tenure as president: "More Americans have died from covid in 2021 than died in 2020 before there was a shot."


Quote from: Bande on Oct 07, 2023, 10:19 PMFacts are hardly any difference of Deaths beyween both administrations and ChinaBidens administration had the vaccine Trump started..
Kinda shows the vaccine hardly did a difference.


In early 2021, when the vaccines were widely distributed, there was huge demand. At the peak of the vaccination campaign in the spring, 4 million people got vaccinated in one day. That demand dropped off by summer. A year later, many states are still barely north of 50% of people fully vaccinated.

How many lives would have been saved if that slump in vaccine demand had never happened? To answer that question, Brown and Microsoft researchers calculated the peak vaccination rate for each state, and then imagined that rate continued until all adults in the state were fully vaccinated.

The total for the country is stark: Many of the nearly 1 million COVID deaths took place in 2020 before the vaccines were available. But of the more than 641,000 people who died after vaccines were available, half of those deaths could have been averted – 318,981 – had every eligible adult gotten vaccinated. And those numbers are even more striking in certain states where more than half of deaths could have been avoided.

QuoteMost deaths happened under ChinaBidens watch.

Except not so much:

The comparison between 2020 and 2021 is also inapt in that Trump was still president in early 2021, and the effects of choices made before Biden took over (such as Trump not really encouraging people to get vaccinated) lingered into Biden's early presidency. The biggest wave of the coronavirus in this country, in fact, peaked around the exact time Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20. Inheriting a trendline that showed 3,000 deaths per day, as Biden did, is a recipe for inflating your numbers.

Both presidents presided over about 10 months of the pandemic. The World Health Organization declared that label on March 11, meaning Trump was president for a little more than 10 months of the formally declared pandemic. Biden has now passed a little more than 10 months in office as well.

Thus far, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Biden has presided over about 353,000 deaths in a little over 10 months, compared to about 425,000 for Trump in his final 10-plus months. So there have still been fewer deaths under Biden than under Trump, in a similar time period.

QuoteNot to forget Trump sped up development of the Vaccine...

Except again, not true:

Vice President Pence, for example, sought to give his boss credit for Pfizer's effort.

Others specifically touted the success of Operation Warp Speed in making the vaccine happen.

But it didn't.

In July, Pfizer did agree to partner with the government on distribution of a vaccine, leveraging what will be a massive, complicated effort run by the federal government to ensure that as many people as possible can be immunized. But its development efforts weren't part of the government's program.

"Pfizer, unlike its competitors, did not join Operation Warp Speed, the government initiative designed to erase the financial risk of vaccine and therapeutics development by providing funding to companies and helping coordinate the trials," The Washington Post's Carolyn Y. Johnson reported Monday. "Instead, Pfizer plowed $2 billion of its own money into the project and then struck a $1.95 billion contract with the U.S. government to provide 100 million doses, contingent on the vaccine being effective."

"We were never part of the Warp Speed," Pfizer vice president Kathrin Jansen told the New York Times. "We have never taken any money from the U.S. government, or from anyone."


Lot more going to die of covid this winter because they get the booster
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Bande on Oct 07, 2023, 10:19 PMKinda shows the vaccine hardly did a difference.
For someone to be so far off the factual trail that they would make a comment like this shows the level of misinformation that people have been subjected to over the past three years or so.

And the problem isn't just that the misinformation leads to erroneous conclusions like this. The problem is that society's response to the pandemic has been so hindered that untold numbers of people have died (and are still dying) because of the lies that have permeated the brains of so many of our fellow humans.
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