Bidens Week.

Started by Bande, Apr 06, 2022, 01:21 PM

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Second, the restrictions on permits aren't the reason for high gas prices. Instead, it's market instability, which has not been caused by the Biden administration. In short, the people with skin in the U.S. oil game have become reluctant to increase production. Here's an explainer:

Research my friend. They are a direct reflection on the Biden administrations actions..  Biden has stated he would put fossil fuel out of business and the administration has done a great job at it..


Quote from: Bande on Apr 06, 2022, 07:34 PMDude you are a smart man. You may not like Tucker, the video and reactions show it all..

You are a smart man too. I gave a link to a Trump compilation video of him barely able to speak, mangling words, making up sentences that made no sense and yet you ignore that as hard as you want to get Biden because you say there's something wrong with him.

Why is it republicans ignore what happened with Trump and crow about him being a smart man, but for a man who has a medical condition they are like a dog with a bone with his slightest verbal gaffe?


Quote from: Bande on Apr 06, 2022, 07:46 PMThat is a laughable statement.
Lots of people brainwashed with the media and political mass miss information..
Everything with the economy is due to Biden's administration.. This administration has put all the regulations in place that turned our economy upside down. 1 item is we went from a self dependent nation to a dependent nation.  A nation of wokeness and PUSSIES...
Hell, even get female and male mixed up. Crazy shit. There is no in between. Now , whatever ones sexual preference is one thing. Medical modifications does not change one being male or female, just the looks...

Uhm, you do know that inflation is world wide right?,in%20more%20than%2020%20years.

What brainwashing has gone on that the US is going through the same thing as the rest of the world? Are you calling all of the countries who are suffering from inflation nations of "wokeness and PUSSIES"?

Why does someone else's feelings on their sexuality threaten you so? What does it have to do with you at all? You don't want Joe average middle america coming to condem your lifestyle because you see providers, you quite rightly think they have no damn business in your sex life, so why is it you feel you have to right to judge someone else for theirs?

(Not attacking you personally, YOU brought this up)


Quote from: bats on Apr 06, 2022, 09:17 PMCarlson's producers showed about 15 seconds of a video that covered 10 full minutes after the signing ceremony broke up and people were glad-handing. And you guys ate it up just as Tucker intended you to.

If you care to watch the whole thing in context, here it is. Go to about 38:00 to skip all the speeches.

Thanks I forgot about C-Span. I saw the actual signing ceremony on TV. So I didn't bother to look at C-Span for the after mingling.

Most people find C-Span boring so they won't watch it. That is what the Left and Right news media spin doctors are counting on. For all those that got sucked in by the Tucker Carlson edited video, you have been had. No poor old Joe being left out in the cold.

Biden socializing, Obama hand on Biden shoulder, Biden Obama walking through the crowd together.

You cannot view this attachment.You cannot view this attachment.You cannot view this attachment.   

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Apr 07, 2022, 12:56 AMMost people find C-Span boring so they won't watch it. That is what the Left and Right news media spin doctors are counting on.

I don't watch it often, but their website is a good place to go for the unadulterated video.

I also prefer to watch things like the State of the Union on C-Span. There's no commentary when they're showing live video, and without the pundits on the cable networks you kind of just get to be a fly on the wall. Much better.


Watching the After Party, Biden looks feeble. People avoided bumping into him for fear Biden would topple over. What a scene that would be! Sad


Let's see.    FDR, Reagan, Biden.   All accused of being feeble minded and debilitated.  All three great presidents.  Coincidence?  No, when you can't find things wrong with the person's character, attack their physical conditions.   Well, there you go again...
We all got two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one.


Quote from: Zep on Apr 07, 2022, 08:17 AMLet's see.    FDR, Reagan, Biden.   All accused of being feeble minded and debilitated.  All three great presidents.  Coincidence?  No, when you can't find things wrong with the person's character, attack their physical conditions.   Well, there you go again...

You left out Kennedy!  Come on, get real, had anyone in the room farted Biden would have keeled over! LOL


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 07, 2022, 08:21 AMYou left out Kennedy!  Come on, get real, had anyone in the room farted Biden would have keeled over! LOL

Except he didn't. For a year now Republicans have been singing the same tune and have yet to have even one incident of it happening. Talk about the boy crying wolf...


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 07, 2022, 06:33 AMWatching the After Party, Biden looks feeble. People avoided bumping into him for fear Biden would topple over. What a scene that would be! Sad

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. However, if people don't like the message they will reject the picture. Filtered bias lets peoples see what they want to see and not see what they don't want to see.

Too much sex is still not enough.



OMG....some of never heard of politics [like at work]?  ....and in actual politics there are probably even more politics on top of any politics one would encounter in life or at work.  Unless you are the actual people that are involved and were actually there everything else is speculation and probably not the entire, true story. What news stories say?  OMG, news.....almost all of it, no matter what the source is, is such filtered, biased, tunnel vision crap now.  I would not quote any news stories to make a case. I would not even trust anyone in politics if they told me something straight to my face and I was supposedly a close friend.  It's all bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit but fortunately little of it affects me or I need to care about it.


Quote from: dogwalker on Apr 07, 2022, 06:40 PMOMG....some of never heard of politics [like at work]?  ....and in actual politics there are probably even more politics on top of any politics one would encounter in life or at work.  Unless you are the actual people that are involved and were actually there everything else is speculation and probably not the entire, true story. What news stories say?  OMG, news.....almost all of it, no matter what the source is, is such filtered, biased, tunnel vision crap now.  I would not quote any news stories to make a case. I would not even trust anyone in politics if they told me something straight to my face and I was supposedly a close friend.  It's all bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit but fortunately little of it affects me or I need to care about it.

You are so right! And piled high bullshit... Getting so I don't want to hear the news....


Quote from: Zep on Apr 06, 2022, 04:32 PMWhat?  A booming economy, lowest unemployment ever, Covid licked, infrastructure finally being addressed, Winning in Ukraine with no soldiers of ours involved, Every Democrat and a number of Republicans supporting his Supreme Court pick.  The man is loved and respected around the world. 

Inflation / fuel prices. Caused by nothing Biden did. A result of the lack of supply with high demand.

I really am amazed at all the good President Biden has achieved.  Really, can any of us imagine the hatred, deceit and blame games that we'd would all be enduring if the other "candidate" had won the election?

When I hear Bill Maher start to talk like a normal person on various topics, I know the dem wheels are falling off the cart.  To be clear, he is still a lib and says so, but dang, the guy can talk some sense once in a while.

Sorry about this next "sentence..." lol

Oh, it also looks like nothing has changed around here, not that I expected it to, but the total shit show that is the Biden admin, especially with his public display of a disintegrating persona (In this I feel sorry for him, but it's karma for the approx 50 years of total under performing actions in congress, so for this, I'm not sorry), inflation, Afghanistan, inflation, his kid's lap top and all the goodies contained within (yum...I bet it's every bit as good as Epstein's visitor logs), inflation, more covid deaths under him that the previous admin (covid is running it's own course, just like all that stuff does), the fun things in the Durham report (Yes, Ima mention hillary here too), inflation, Biden's previous filibustering of qualified, black female judges but nominates this currently confirmed "woman," but I'm not a biologist, so I don't really know if she's a woman, according to her, to the Supreme Court, inflation, Harris' total deer in the fucking headlights reaction to just breathing, after her full face cackle and inability to hang onto any staff members or make any meaningful contributions from her position, THE TOTAL DISGRACE AT OUR SOUTHERN BORDER and the years it will take to undo the harmful effects of all these illegal aliens coming into the US, gas prices (I figured I'd change up the inflation thing much does it cost to get out of Costco/Walmart/Target these days...single moms...whatchu think?), being looked at as a joke by the other world leaders (do you really think the Chinese dude who released the covid virus on the world-the only thing that kept a second Trump term from happening-is respectful of a guy he utterly owns? Putin?), etc., etc., etc...How do you guys like the way obama's third term is running?  Do you like how damaging crt is to young people?  How the rainbow alphabet soup minority tail is wagging the dog?  How biological MEN pretend to be women so that can beat them in sports, take a shit next to them in the ladies room, and molest girls in the same ladies room?  The fucking balls that the educational system thinks they have to "teach" our kids (while HIDING it from the parents-single moms/dads who give a shit...what will you do when your kids comes home with stories about what their teacher said about their penis, vag, etc., and that they are the wrong sex?  Or telling the class about what Serg and his boyfriend's sex was like over the weekend to a class of second graders when it should be 2+2=4 and "See Rex chase the ball?") about sex, etc.,  This list is never ending...but...

I can tell a bunch of you are just fine.

Mean Tweet Orange Man Bad was/is a dick, but I'm certain (yeah, I know) that we would be in a much better place as a country than we are now. His time has passed, but he woke us up (conservatives I mean) to the bag of dirty tricks that all politicians play, many of them with an R by their name...I swear I hate all these assholes...and to what the left is doing to bring this country to it's knees.  I hope to God it's not too late and that subsequent elections (voter id, in person voting, you know, fair and honestly run elections) will bear out the will of the normal people.

Oh, by the way, I identify as Genius and Amazing, so you must refer to me as either Mr. Genius and/or Mr. Amazing from now on...isn't that how this works? It just makes it so, right?  Cool!  


Quote from: kidinacandystore on Apr 07, 2022, 09:37 PMOh, it also looks like nothing has changed around here, not that I expected it to, but the total shit show that is the Biden admin, especially with his public display of a disintegrating persona (In this I feel sorry for him, but it's karma for the approx 50 years of total under performing actions in congress, so for this, I'm not sorry), inflation, Afghanistan, inflation, his kid's lap top and all the goodies contained within (yum...I bet it's every bit as good as Epstein's visitor logs), inflation, more covid deaths under him that the previous admin (covid is running it's own course, just like all that stuff does), the fun things in the Durham report (Yes, Ima mention hillary here too), inflation, Biden's previous filibustering of qualified, black female judges but nominates this currently confirmed "woman," but I'm not a biologist, so I don't really know if she's a woman, according to her, to the Supreme Court, inflation, Harris' total deer in the fucking headlights reaction to just breathing, after her full face cackle and inability to hang onto any staff members or make any meaningful contributions from her position, THE TOTAL DISGRACE AT OUR SOUTHERN BORDER and the years it will take to undo the harmful effects of all these illegal aliens coming into the US, gas prices (I figured I'd change up the inflation thing much does it cost to get out of Costco/Walmart/Target these days...single moms...whatchu think?), being looked at as a joke by the other world leaders (do you really think the Chinese dude who released the covid virus on the world-the only thing that kept a second Trump term from happening-is respectful of a guy he utterly owns? Putin?), etc., etc., etc...How do you guys like the way obama's third term is running?  Do you like how damaging crt is to young people?  How the rainbow alphabet soup minority tail is wagging the dog?  How biological MEN pretend to be women so that can beat them in sports, take a shit next to them in the ladies room, and molest girls in the same ladies room?  The fucking balls that the educational system thinks they have to "teach" our kids (while HIDING it from the parents-single moms/dads who give a shit...what will you do when your kids comes home with stories about what their teacher said about their penis, vag, etc., and that they are the wrong sex?  Or telling the class about what Serg and his boyfriend's sex was like over the weekend to a class of second graders when it should be 2+2=4 and "See Rex chase the ball?") about sex, etc.,  This list is never ending...but...

This is what I call Efficiency in Posting. Just dump into the thread the entire laundry list of right-wing political and cultural grievances, and then you're done! LOL