Trump broke gag order

Started by HighStepper, Oct 20, 2023, 05:56 PM

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Quote from: Bande on Oct 26, 2023, 06:14 PMGag order or not The Constitution prevails.
There is a reason they are fining TRUMP, They have all these legal issues trying to hit TRUMP financially and time consumption to disrupt the election. They will find they fail as they have been for many years.
Why would one think they are not Jailing TRUMP. They know they can not.
This will all disappear on appeal.. Of course, after they continue to SMEAR TRUMP. They are stupid cuz they are making TRUMP more popular..
Lets see where CHINABIDEN is in a couple months.... Out of a position or in shackles???? Treason And Accepting bribes are serious and put our NATION at security risk...
You're ignoring the fact that gag orders can be constitutional. Not all of them, but surely you remember Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes' famous statement in Patterson v. Colorado, 205 U. S. 454, 205 U. S. 462 (1907):

The theory of our system is that the conclusions to be reached in a case will be induced only by evidence and argument in open court, and not by any outside influence, whether of private talk or public print.

Okay, you may not remember it, but any judge issuing a gag order is aware of that and much more. Judges don't go issuing gag orders without considering all the First Amendment issues, including the need for a fair trial.

It doesn't mean every gag order will be found to pass constitutional muster. Still, I'm betting that the narrowly crafted orders restricting Trump from issuing the kinds of outrageous and evidence-free statements he so often does will be upheld quite easily.


Quote from: dogwalker on Oct 23, 2023, 10:08 PM$5,000 is nothing to Trump.  He'll keep ignoring "petty" fines until he's threatened with jail time.

It's the humilation of someone having control over him Trump can't stand it. How dare someone order King Trump!


It's why he threw a cry baby fit and left the courtroom over the most recent one. 
Tried to (hypothetically) tell a lie he was talking about Cohen not the court clerk and the judge didn't buy it.


They have Ivanka back in a corner now. Tell the truth about daddy or go to jail
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


swamp defend like alligators.


Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday reposted on Truth Social post calling for a "citizen's arrest" of New York Attorney General Letitia James and Judge Arthur Engoron, who is overseeing his fraud trial. Trump shared a post by a user describing his "fantasy": "I WOULD LIKE TO SEE LITITIA JAMES AND JUDGE ENGORON PLACED UNDER CITIZENS ARREST FOR BLATANT ELECTION INTERFERENCE AND HARASSMENT."

This is criminal what trump just said.

Hitler killed his own Nazi solders if they went against him.  Trump will do the same thing.  He's deceiving all his brainwashed followers and only cares about himself.  He will take out his own people.  How's that going for yeah?

Concentration camps are Trump's new wall.

At least he's not saying Mexico will pay for it.
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


A New York appeals court on Thursday temporarily blocked a gag order in former President Donald Trump's civil fraud trial that barred him from complaining about the judge's law clerk.

The Appellate Division judge ordered the stay after Trump's attorneys appealed the gag order that Judge Arthur Engoron had put in place as being "unconstitutional."

In a brief handwritten ruling Thursday, Appellate Division Justice David Friedman said he was granting an interim stay on the gag order given the "constitutional and statutory rights at issue."

The pause will remain in place until at least Nov. 27, when a full panel of appeals court judges will consider the matter.


Quote from: Bande on Nov 17, 2023, 05:36 PMA New York appeals court on Thursday temporarily blocked a gag order in former President Donald Trump's civil fraud trial that barred him from complaining about the judge's law clerk.

The Appellate Division judge ordered the stay after Trump's attorneys appealed the gag order that Judge Arthur Engoron had put in place as being "unconstitutional."

In a brief handwritten ruling Thursday, Appellate Division Justice David Friedman said he was granting an interim stay on the gag order given the "constitutional and statutory rights at issue."

The pause will remain in place until at least Nov. 27, when a full panel of appeals court judges will consider the matter.
Might as well give the link to the article you copied this from:



Quote from: Bande on Nov 19, 2023, 04:24 PMImagine that, The Constitution prevails...
This must upset many...
Simmer down. It's an interim stay, not a final ruling.


compared to all the stuff he has done, this is small potatoes
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Danno on Nov 20, 2023, 09:19 AMcompared to all the stuff he has done, this is small potatoes
His political rhetoric in and by itself may be "small potatoes" as you say. However, his maniac cult followers that spring into action by engaging in target violence against his perceived enemies is the big problem. The attacks on the FBI office and the attack on Pelosi's husband readily come to mind.

Mitt Romney has the financial resources to hire private security for his family and himself. Most people don't.

"Free speech doesn't give you the right to yell fire in a crowed theater." If anybody else pulled the crap, they would have their bail revoked and would be sitting in jail.

The appellate judges heard the Trump gag order case on an expedited schedule and are expected to issue a ruling soon.
After 2 hours and 20 minutes of oral arguments, the three-judge panel of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals appears inclined to restore the limited gag order in former President Donald Trump's federal election subversion case, but may loosen some restrictions so he can more directly criticize special counsel Jack Smith.

None of the judges embraced Trump's claims that the gag order should be wiped away for good because it is a "categorically unprecedented" violation of his free speech rights.

Yet they also posed sharp questions to prosecutors as they tried to find the boundary of where intense campaign-trail rhetoric crosses the line of undermining a criminal case. Link

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Nov 20, 2023, 12:36 PMHis political rhetoric in and by itself may be "small potatoes" as you say. However, his maniac cult followers that spring into action by engaging in target violence against his perceived enemies is the big problem. The attacks on the FBI office and the attack on Pelosi's husband readily come to mind.

Mitt Romney has the financial resources to hire private security for his family and himself. Most people don't.

"Free speech doesn't give you the right to yell fire in a crowed theater." If anybody else pulled the crap, they would have their bail revoked and would be sitting in jail.

The appellate judges heard the Trump gag order case on an expedited schedule and are expected to issue a ruling soon.
After 2 hours and 20 minutes of oral arguments, the three-judge panel of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals appears inclined to restore the limited gag order in former President Donald Trump's federal election subversion case, but may loosen some restrictions so he can more directly criticize special counsel Jack Smith.

None of the judges embraced Trump's claims that the gag order should be wiped away for good because it is a "categorically unprecedented" violation of his free speech rights.

Yet they also posed sharp questions to prosecutors as they tried to find the boundary of where intense campaign-trail rhetoric crosses the line of undermining a criminal case. Link

Yes, Temporary, any good judge will stay the order. If they do not we all should be concerned.
Again though, it is part of becoming a PUSSIFIED NATION when one rather take orders, be told what to do, and not be a LEADER.
The test on the people was covid mandates and the people fell for it. Makes it easier to gain the control and dictate to the people.

And The Democrats do not have hard core Followers? LMAO
Political parties have followers from way back far as I can see.

With all the accusations against Trump, yet he is a FREE MAN.

It is concerning that many support a Treasonous President, the D.O.J and F.B.I. being use for political purposes,
all the lies and fake evidence presented against another political party.
Not to mention local D.A.S. attempting to prosecute out of jurisdiction Federal cases..
Money being sent to other Countries that should be spent here for Our issues.


All political parties have Issues and yet many support all the lies (more than normal) presented by the DEMONCRATS in the last 6 years.
I pray for all those people...


If any of us did what Trump has done we'd be in jail.  His troll-bully lies to this entire planet has placed many in despair.  Trump's long line of crimes has benefited from the freedom to create.  His tackles words rile humans up that have been looking for a leader like Hitler.  War makes money, war kills babies, war kills all our souls.  War never wins.

The Constitution is the great experiment, it's the best compared to Communism, Nazism, Queen of England-ism and Religionism. 
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


Quote from: Bande on Nov 23, 2023, 08:33 AMAnd The Democrats do not have hard core Followers? LMAO
Political parties have followers from way back far as I can see.
The Democratic Party of the United States is a big tent party composed of various factions. The four most prominent modern factions are the liberals, moderates, progressives, and conservatives. Link

Yes MAGA has cult followers like The Jonestown cult in the jungles of Guyana where people drank the Kool-Aid.  The Manson Family, The Branch Davidians nuts in Waco, Texas. Trump held his kickoff rally for 2024 presidency in Waco to tap in to the mistrust government sentiments found among the Christian Nationalist and hard Right Wing.

Quote from: Bande on Nov 23, 2023, 08:33 AMIt is concerning that many support a Treasonous President, the D.O.J and F.B.I. being use for political purposes,
That description you made fits Trump to a T. Trump is the Benedict Arnold of the 21st century. It was Trump, NOT Biden that worked to use the Justice Department for his own political whims. This is well documented, but you won't understand this if you stay in the Right Wing echo chamber that has been shown to spout lies.

Trump is a master at projecting his weaknesses/failings on to others. Like how he has hoodwinked his base in to thinking that Republicans against him are RINO (Republican In Name Only). Trump is the biggest RINO around. Trump was a longtime supporter of Democrats politically, is devoid of traditional Republican values.

Trump has recently jumped on the word "fascist" to accuse those who speak out against him as being fascist when it is he that is expressing fascist rhetoric and engaging in fascist behaviors.
Too much sex is still not enough.