So... Truth?

Started by Zep, Apr 10, 2022, 05:03 PM

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H'mm?   I wonder?
We all got two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one.


What is there to wonder...  Biden is an idiot suffering from Dementia and brought on high gas prices?  Yes, Biden and his White House dummies are responsible! Can't blame Trump for it, Trump is no longer in charge and all the energy policies he put in place Democrats tossed out the window.


The above only tells part of the story which as I complained about on another thread is why I hate headline and soundbite news that tries to make everything so simple [and steers people to their side of thinking].  OPEC policy and what pipelines are built are for sure part of the issue but not all of it.  Life is never that simple.  As I wrote on P2P CRUDE oil prices are mostly determined by crude oil commodity traders, much in the same way the price of gold is.  In turn they base their contract futures [which is how crude oil is bought from producers and sold a a later time at a certain price to refiners, etc] on risk, their guess as to what prices will be in that future [which includes a lot of factors like, yes, supply and demand].  The geopolitical risk is high right now, mostly due to inflation and the Russia-Ukraine war and without major changes in supply or demand, so they are betting prices will rise. That drives the price up because even if they pay a higher price now they may pay an even higher price not long from now so they want to get in on a "lower" price now.  They want to price their contracts so they make money whether the price goes up or down.  So it's a bit like trading stocks [or some will say gambling] since no one can predict future prices.  That's the system. It's based on some reality, some guesswork and some fear or confidence when times are better. It's not perfect. The traders do not work for the oil companies and supposedly are not influenced by them. The price of crude oil did not spike 2-fold recently because of a sudden 2-fold decrease in supply or 2x increase in demand or whether one pipeline that transports a small fraction of all oil was not built.  It did because the oil traders perceived that 2x higher prices could ultimately be the situation at some point in the future due to many factors.  Oil FUTURES contracts are exactly what they sound like.  Buy crude oil now, sell at some point many months or even [up to 10] years in the future so if for whatever reason a trader thinks oil could be 2x higher in price xx years from now than today they sell a contract at that price for purchase of that crude oil now and that drives the price up now.  Refiners and oil companies pay that elevated price and that's the main short term reasons why y'all are seeing record gasoline prices.  Yes many many other factors come into play at some level and to varying degrees but again it's the oil traders that attempt to interpret that as a whole and its effect on oil prices.


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 10, 2022, 05:28 PMWhat is there to wonder...  Biden is an idiot suffering from Dementia and brought on high gas prices?  Yes, Biden and his White House dummies are responsible! Can't blame Trump for it, Trump is no longer in charge and all the energy policies he put in place Democrats tossed out the window.

Bats has a point tho. You say Biden's policies are affecting the price of gas here. But what about the price of gas in other countries which is skyrocketing apace of what it is here?


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 10, 2022, 05:28 PMWhat is there to wonder...  Biden is an idiot suffering from Dementia and brought on high gas prices?  Yes, Biden and his White House dummies are responsible! Can't blame Trump for it, Trump is no longer in charge and all the energy policies he put in place Democrats tossed out the window.

That is overly simplistic and nobody is blaming Trump.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Blkfyre on Apr 10, 2022, 06:02 PMBats has a point tho. You say Biden's policies are affecting the price of gas here. But what about the price of gas in other countries which is skyrocketing apace of what it is here?

Don't know about other countries and don't care, their problem.  As President of the US Biden can do lots of things to reduce the price of gas here at home by executiver order.  He won't because the green new deal people would whine too much! You watch closer to the election all of sudden gas price at the pump will drop.


Quote from: HighStepper on Apr 10, 2022, 06:53 PMThat is overly simplistic and nobody is blaming Trump.

People credit or blame the man in charge for their current situation, not the previous man in charge!  Unless of course, you are a far left-wing Democrat, then it becomes everything that is good during a Republican President's term is credited to the previous Democrat President.  And the bad is blamed on the Previous Republican President. Trump left office leaving a stable economy even with Covid things were affordable. Trump made good on getting vaccines into production by the end of 2020. Then Biden took office and the economy went to hell, covid ramped up, the border is swamped by illegals crossing our unsecured portions of our border, grocery prices are out of sight, gas is over $5 per gallon here in Pahrump unheard of... and Russia after all the warnings invaded Ukrain.  So please tell me how Biden is a success?


What dogwalker said...same with wheat, corn, etc. 


I didn't know you smoked dope Hobby?  Mexico will build a wall. There are good people on both sides of a Nazi Fascist rally. I't will be over when the warm weather gets here. Unemployment at all time high.  Economy crashing.  No one was working, people dying as the President golfed. Government handing out $$ to the entire nation to keep us above water. National Debt at all time high. Did all he could to break down relations with NATO nations.  Licked Putin's boots and admired him as a great man. 

All while Trump was the current President...
We all got two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one.


Quote from: Zep on Apr 10, 2022, 07:59 PMI didn't know you smoked dope Hobby?  Mexico will build a wall. There are good people on both sides of a Nazi Fascist rally. I't will be over when the warm weather gets here. Unemployment at all time high.  Economy crashing.  No one was working, people dying as the President golfed. Government handing out $$ to the entire nation to keep us above water. National Debt at all time high. Did all he could to break down relations with NATO nations.  Licked Putin's boots and admired him as a great man. 

All while Trump was the current President...

There you go again living in the past, you must have Alzheimer's and can only remember the distant past but no recent memory... Trump has left the game. Biden has the ball now but all he does is fumble or fuck it up! Take your pick!


Did you know that when the USSR fell and agreement was for Russia to disband the Warsaw pack members and NATO was to disband or something along those lines?  After the Soviet Union fell many Warsaw Pact Members joined NATO and NATO became a military threat to Russia. Trump did not weaken NATO he thought it was high time to end the free lunch and make NATO members pay their share as promised when they joined. Sure is strange that was Putin backing off from Trump not the other way around as Democrats said when Trump took office Trump would be Putin's boy and that just did not happen. Trump and Putin worked together to rid the world of ISIS...after Obama Biden incubated the terrorist organization allowing it to grow.


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 10, 2022, 08:44 PMDid you know that when the USSR fell and agreement was for Russia to disband the Warsaw pack members and NATO was to disband or something along those lines?  After the Soviet Union fell many Warsaw Pact Members joined NATO and NATO became a military threat to Russia. Trump did not weaken NATO he thought it was high time to end the free lunch and make NATO members pay their share as promised when they joined. Sure is strange that was Putin backing off from Trump not the other way around as Democrats said when Trump took office Trump would be Putin's boy and that just did not happen. Trump and Putin worked together to rid the world of ISIS...after Obama Biden incubated the terrorist organization allowing it to grow.

Just the message before this one you were complaining "There you go again living in the past, you must have Alzheimer's and can only remember the distant past but no recent memory... Trump has left the game." and yet here you are bringing up Trump from the past.

Which is it? He's left the game so shouldn't be referenced or his victories extolled and he's fair game to talk about?


"Far Left Wing Democrats". Now if that ain't a FoxNews go to slogan.    Haha. What about the centralist Democrats? The Conservative Democrats? The former Republican Democrats?    It's always people parroting FoxNews "Far left wing Democrats".  Trust me. Those of us who voted for Reagan and Bush 1 are not far left wing Democrats.  Just sad that the Republican Party has gone down the shitter following a fascist agenda.
We all got two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one.


Quote from: Zep on Apr 10, 2022, 10:57 PM"Far Left Wing Democrats". Now if that ain't a FoxNews go to slogan.    Haha. What about the centralist Democrats? The Conservative Democrats? The former Republican Democrats?    It's always people parroting FoxNews "Far left wing Democrats".  Trust me. Those of us who voted for Reagan and Bush 1 are not far left wing Democrats.  Just sad that the Republican Party has gone down the shitter following a fascist agenda.

Do you know when the Republican Party changed? You mentioned Reagan and Bush. During their terms and before the Republican Party was not the Republican Party of today. During Clinton years is when the Republican Party changed. Newt Greenwich became the Speaker.
Quote from: Blkfyre on Apr 10, 2022, 09:37 PMJust the message before this one you were complaining "There you go again living in the past, you must have Alzheimer's and can only remember the distant past but no recent memory... Trump has left the game." and yet here you are bringing up Trump from the past.

Which is it? He's left the game so shouldn't be referenced or his victories extolled and he's fair game to talk about?

Here you go again jibbering to hear your brain rattle...


Is jibbering anything like jabbering?
Too much sex is still not enough.