
Started by Hobby, Jul 31, 2024, 01:56 AM

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I have had discussions with friends and family who are Trump supporters. They say Trump is not to blame for J6th.  So I ask them had Trump accepted the election the day after the election and there was no rally J6th would the Capitol have been attacked?  They answer no.  I asked them can freedom of speech result in a liability?  The answer yes a person could be liable for things he says. Trump said right after the election the election was rigged stolen from him that he was the winner.  Trump kept saying this and sued in state courts hoping to overturn the election and lost time after time.  Before J6th Trump tweeted to attend his J6th ralley it will be wild. Then on J6th Trump gave his speech in front of 100s thousands who showed up and repeated all the claims he made about the election telling crowd top stop the steal fight like hell or they won't have a country.  Rioters swarmed the Capitol they broke in through a window.  People were killed and others injured.  So who caused J6th to happen if it was not Trump? 


It was just peaceful tour.
millions in damages, 5 dead
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


One should not yell "fire" in a theater or encourage someone to commit a crime.
That's illegal and is aiding and abetting.
The criminals that attacked the Capitol should have had some personal responsibility with regard to their actions.  Some committed crimes.  They could have chosen not to whether Trump encouraged them or not.
If Trump had accepted the election results and toned down the inflammatory statements, of course his robotic mindless minions would have acted differently.


Right after the January 6th riots key Republican leaders blamed Trump for the riot.
  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
  • House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
  • Former Vice President Mike Pence
  • Senator Lindsey Graham
  • Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley

Too much sex is still not enough.


Yep, Trump who asked for additional enforcement and was denied, along with stressing to march Peacefully is at fault.
Many of you crack me up..
Leftist have you all brainwashed.
Can not believe 6 years of proven lies from the leftist and many fall for it still.

Media journalist Brian Stelter, for example, has argued that the Capitol riot was the culmination of "something that actually built up for months and months," fed in no small part by the Big Lie narratives peddled by the conservative network. "We know that some rioters bought plane tickets and flew to Washington because of what they were being told on television, because of the lies that were being spread on television. I think it's an underappreciated part of the story," Stelter said on MSNBC in January.


Quote from: Bande on Jul 31, 2024, 01:52 PMYep, Trump who asked for additional enforcement and was denied, along with stressing to march Peacefully is at fault.
Many of you crack me up..
Leftist have you all brainwashed.
Can not believe 6 years of proven lies from the leftist and many fall for it still.

Media journalist Brian Stelter, for example, has argued that the Capitol riot was the culmination of "something that actually built up for months and months," fed in no small part by the Big Lie narratives peddled by the conservative network. "We know that some rioters bought plane tickets and flew to Washington because of what they were being told on television, because of the lies that were being spread on television. I think it's an underappreciated part of the story," Stelter said on MSNBC in January.

Why did Trump ask for additional enforcement?  Did he know his speech was going to incite his supporters to riot? Trump was the president of the US does he have to ask for additional security or can he just order it?


Quote from: Bande on Jul 31, 2024, 01:52 PMYep, Trump who asked for additional enforcement and was denied, along with stressing to march Peacefully is at fault.
Many of you crack me up..
Leftist have you all brainwashed.
Can not believe 6 years of proven lies from the leftist and many fall for it still.

Media journalist Brian Stelter, for example, has argued that the Capitol riot was the culmination of "something that actually built up for months and months," fed in no small part by the Big Lie narratives peddled by the conservative network. "We know that some rioters bought plane tickets and flew to Washington because of what they were being told on television, because of the lies that were being spread on television. I think it's an underappreciated part of the story," Stelter said on MSNBC in January.
Is the first part of your post about Trump's lie that Pelosi denied his request for the National Guard? I thought by now everyone knew that particular lie had been debunked by the simple fact that POTUS has sole authority over the D.C. National Guard.

What's the second part of your post about? A J6 rioter blaming Fox News for getting him all riled up about the supposedly stolen election? Who do you think led the way on that lie? It was Trump, obviously, and he reiterated it in a big way during his speech on January 6th.


People know that Trump from the moment Biden was announced the winner of the election Trump wanted to overturn the election.  Attempt after attempt to overturn the election failed. So why did Trump give a speech telling the crowd while congress was in session carrying out our constitution that the election was stolen and he had asked Pence to reject states votes which Pence declined to do.  Why?  For what purpose did Trump give a speech that day?


Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Bande on Jul 31, 2024, 01:52 PMLeftist have you all brainwashed.
Republicans identified Trump as being at fault.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Jul 31, 2024, 05:46 PMRepublicans identified Trump as being at fault.

I know then some for whatever reason changed their view and sided with Trump.  So Trump saying one time in his hate speech saying peacefully and patrioticaly excuses him from what happened?  I don't think so. If Trump had given the same speech the day before J5 would the riot and attack still happened?



Quote from: Bande on Aug 16, 2024, 09:37 PMYouTube video
Video Length 1:35:26 minutes
Benny Johnson and guest spin bizarre conspiracy theories.

Too much sex is still not enough.


All I know is 5 people died and it's Trumps fault
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: HighStepper on Aug 16, 2024, 11:14 PMVideo Length 1:35:26 minutes
Benny Johnson and guest spin bizarre conspiracy theories.

Unfortunately it is the tendency of conservatives to get all their "news" from social media, while railing at mainstream media as always "spinning" the "truth" unlike their "sources" which *always* tell the truth...

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