Biden to announce authorization of E15 gasoline

Started by Hobby, Apr 13, 2022, 08:10 AM

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Quote from: Hobby on Apr 15, 2022, 11:08 PMThat's like saying which smells better? Cat Shit or Dog Shit?  The fact is both smells like shit...
Stink is stink. It's just that with Trump there is a much bigger pile of shit to deal with.

Biden's approval rating is 40.6, disapproval 52.3, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average. At the same point in the previous presidency Trump was around 42 percent approval. His disapproval numbers were right around 54 percent. Link

This does not bode well for Biden. Republicans are on track to take Congress in the midterm elections.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Apr 16, 2022, 12:43 PMStink is stink. It's just that with Trump there is a much bigger pile of shit to deal with.

Biden's approval rating is 40.6, disapproval 52.3, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average. At the same point in the previous presidency Trump was around 42 percent approval. His disapproval numbers were right around 54 percent. Link

This does not bode well for Biden. Republicans are on track to take Congress in the midterm elections.

Methinks Real Clear Politics is being a tad generous! It would not surprise me if the approval number percentage is actually 25!  Americans are not going to say to themselves when they vote in November it was Trump's fault we have high inflation, food and gas prices and think what a magnificant job Biden is doing. Nope they will look at their wallents!


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 16, 2022, 12:53 PMMethinks Real Clear Politics is being a tad generous!

Real Clear Politics Media Bias I just did a excerpt summary. The article goes into more detail.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 15, 2022, 11:08 PMThat's like saying which smells better? Cat Shit or Dog Shit?  The fact is both smells like shit...

Yup, and that's the position that Trump put the country in...


Quote from: Blkfyre on Apr 17, 2022, 07:03 PMYup, and that's the position that Trump put the country in...

What in the hell are you talking about?  When Trump left office inflation was down to 2%. Gas prices were stable and not 5 bucks per gallon! Russia was not invading Ukraine. Trump made good on his promises to get vaccines out by the end of 2020.  Biden is done in less than 15 months in the office managed to screw over our country! More to come with a huge surge of illegals crossing into the US.  Democrats are trying to rescue themselves and distance themselves from Biden in hopes voters won't vote them out of office... Biden has no plan to cope with inflation, Russia or the border.

Things started going in the wrong direction as soon as Biden took office and wiped out Trump's Executive Orders. Even the Green People got set back for decade...


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 17, 2022, 08:47 PMWhat in the hell are you talking about?  When Trump left office inflation was down to 2%. Gas prices were stable and not 5 bucks per gallon! Russia was not invading Ukraine. Trump made good on his promises to get vaccines out by the end of 2020.  Biden is done in less than 15 months in the office managed to screw over our country! More to come with a huge surge of illegals crossing into the US.  Democrats are trying to rescue themselves and distance themselves from Biden in hopes voters won't vote them out of office... Biden has no plan to cope with inflation, Russia or the border.

Things started going in the wrong direction as soon as Biden took office and wiped out Trump's Executive Orders. Even the Green People got set back for decade...

I am talking about the fact that Trump stunk up the place so much people figured that someone, ANYONE even someone who was not their first or even third choice was better than having Trump crap on the nation any more than he did...


Trump's stink has not cost us what Biden's stink has cost us! With high inflation, High Gas Prices, and over 4 million illegally crossing the US border since Biden took office, Biden stood by and allowed Russia to invade Ukraine.   Biden stinks worse!


OK without getting into a monkey poop throwing contest of what stinks worst, going FORWARD, what are the specific Republican plans to handle inflation, immigration, and the war in Ukraine?

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Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Apr 18, 2022, 05:41 PMOK without getting into a monkey poop throwing contest of what stinks worst, going FORWARD, what are the specific Republican plans to handle inflation, immigration, and the war in Ukraine?

A nice attempt of diversion put the monkey on the Republicans... Republicans are not back in charge yet, Democrats are! Most likely they will have to try to repair all the damage done by Biden and put America first again, but maybe too late damage is done!


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 18, 2022, 06:20 PMA nice attempt of diversion put the monkey on the Republicans... Republicans are not back in charge yet, Democrats are! Most likely they will have to try to repair all the damage done by Biden and put America first again, but maybe too late damage is done!

It is a legitimate question. Failure to answer it means they have no plans.

So, you think they should wait until they take charge of Congress before making any plans to address the key problems. Makes no sense.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Apr 19, 2022, 07:37 PMIt is a legitimate question. Failure to answer it means they have no plans.

So, you think they should wait until they take charge of Congress before making any plans to address the key problems. Makes no sense.

Not worried or concerned what Republicans have planed now.... It is Biden who is fucking us up now...don't change the


What plan does Biden have to fix the problems...


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 19, 2022, 08:36 PMWhat plan does Biden have to fix the problems...
The problems you mentioned included inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and illegal immigration from the southern border.

At his State of the Union address last month Biden said that he supports combating inflation by reinvesting in American manufacturing capacity, speeding supply chains, and reducing the burden of childcare and eldercare on workers. This makes sense to me.

As for Russia, Biden has worked with our allies to step up sanctions on Russia and to supply weapon systems to Ukraine. Remember that the Republicans acquitted Trump after his impeachment for illegally withholding aid to Ukraine as he tried to shake down Zelensky.

Illegal immigration is an ongoing problem that isn't the fault of Democrats alone. Both parties have been unable to agree on meaningful immigration reform that would realistically address the problem.

Republicans act as though Biden is to blame for all of our problems while at the same time refusing to work with the Democrats, including Biden. It's just a repeat of what they did when Obama was president, and it shows just how little they care about the country as opposed to their own power.


Quote from: bats on Apr 20, 2022, 12:43 AMThe problems you mentioned included inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and illegal immigration from the southern border.

At his State of the Union address last month Biden said that he supports combating inflation by reinvesting in American manufacturing capacity, speeding supply chains, and reducing the burden of childcare and eldercare on workers. This makes sense to me.

As for Russia, Biden has worked with our allies to step up sanctions on Russia and to supply weapon systems to Ukraine. Remember that the Republicans acquitted Trump after his impeachment for illegally withholding aid to Ukraine as he tried to shake down Zelensky.

Illegal immigration is an ongoing problem that isn't the fault of Democrats alone. Both parties have been unable to agree on meaningful immigration reform that would realistically address the problem.

Republicans act as though Biden is to blame for all of our problems while at the same time refusing to work with the Democrats, including Biden. It's just a repeat of what they did when Obama was president, and it shows just how little they care about the country as opposed to their own power.

No not a repeat of Obama, this is much worse...


Quote from: bats on Apr 20, 2022, 12:43 AMThe problems you mentioned included inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and illegal immigration from the southern border.

At his State of the Union address last month Biden said that he supports combating inflation by reinvesting in American manufacturing capacity, speeding supply chains, and reducing the burden of childcare and eldercare on workers. This makes sense to me.

As for Russia, Biden has worked with our allies to step up sanctions on Russia and to supply weapon systems to Ukraine. Remember that the Republicans acquitted Trump after his impeachment for illegally withholding aid to Ukraine as he tried to shake down Zelensky.

Illegal immigration is an ongoing problem that isn't the fault of Democrats alone. Both parties have been unable to agree on meaningful immigration reform that would realistically address the problem.

Republicans act as though Biden is to blame for all of our problems while at the same time refusing to work with the Democrats, including Biden. It's just a repeat of what they did when Obama was president, and it shows just how little they care about the country as opposed to their own power.

"At his State of the Union address last month Biden said that he supports combating inflation by reinvesting in American manufacturing capacity, speeding supply chains, and reducing the burden of childcare and eldercare on workers. This makes sense to me."

Reinvest in American manufacturing sounds familiar from the past, something Republicans did when they cut the income tax on the rich. I don't think a minimum of 20% tax on the wealthy will encourage businesses to want to reinvest least not in the US... Biden's build back better is a good investment but not now while inflation is running rampant. Increasing debt will cause inflation to rise even more.

Sanctions are not working as I said they would not work when Putin first invaded. Putin sat and laughed at the fiasco that took place when the US withdrew from Afghanistan. How Biden handled Afghanistan sent a clear message to Putin that Biden is a joke and weak. Send more money and arms to Ukraine, all Putin will do is step up attacks using stronger weapons, missiles, and airstrikes, and more will die in greater numbers. Having our military hardware fall into Putin's hands would be another blunder by Biden. Putin is in way too deep and invested to stop and turn back now. Sooner or later the US will be faced with sending in our military in defense, full force risking all-out war, or walking away altogether. The US can not allow Putin to invade and take Ukraine as it did with Crimea. The world is watching!