The Other Shoe Has Dropped

Started by Hobby, May 05, 2022, 12:45 PM

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Now the stock market is reacting to the piss poor Biden policies. high inflation, high gas prices, high food cost, high cost of living, Ukraine Russia War, and now investments and retirements are being wiped out!  Thank You, President Biden! Even if there is other blame for this happening the point is Biden should have seen it coming and had a plan in place to deal with it. 

Democrats are so concerned about Roe v Wade when they should be concerned about how America is going to eat next month. This is a disaster for Dems in the midterms and they know it. Too late for them to it around. 


Even baby formula is getting scarce.


Trying really hard to disagree.  Keep coming back to how Dems lost to Trump in 2016:  more attention to transgender bathrooms than address peoples' concern for paying their mortgage.  Am all for transgender rights but gotta show support first and foremost that number one priority is keeping people working.  So the mistakes of 2016 are repeated in 2022.  Argh. 
And Dems only made things worse by pumping so much money through covid relief checks last year that people made more on unemployment than keeping their jobs that we are now paying the price of that inevitable inflationary ramp up.  Would have been so much better to suffer a little more last year and then stimulate the economy this year.  Instead we are headed for a hard landing which plays right into the Reeps hands.  So ultimately it only means worse right wing KKKristian control of Congress leading into 2024.


Not mine.  I'm invested in super safe shit.  The world would literally have to end or a hacker would have to take money from all banks, etc for me to loose money.


Quote from: rooftop on May 06, 2022, 11:20 AMTrying really hard to disagree.  Keep coming back to how Dems lost to Trump in 2016:  more attention to transgender bathrooms than address peoples' concern for paying their mortgage.  Am all for transgender rights but gotta show support first and foremost that number one priority is keeping people working.  So the mistakes of 2016 are repeated in 2022.  Argh. 
And Dems only made things worse by pumping so much money through covid relief checks last year that people made more on unemployment than keeping their jobs that we are now paying the price of that inevitable inflationary ramp up.  Would have been so much better to suffer a little more last year and then stimulate the economy this year.  Instead we are headed for a hard landing which plays right into the Reeps hands.  So ultimately it only means worse right wing KKKristian control of Congress leading into 2024.
Not to mention all the spending done... History shows Demoncrats to be KKK followers and doers not the right wing.


So, let me get this straight... The KKK supported Obama? Despised Trump??  If you are selling this, I got a bridge for sale too.


Quote from: Bande on May 07, 2022, 08:00 PM... History shows Demoncrats to be KKK followers and doers not the right wing.

You are correct about the Southern Democrats. They also put up the Confederate Statures.
The Republican Party did not exist in the South. The Republican Party originally opposed the spread of slavery.

When President Harry S. Truman, a Democratic Southerner, introduced a pro-civil rights platform at the party's 1948 convention, a faction of Democrats walked out.

These defectors, known as the "DIXIECRATS," held a separate convention. They nominated South Carolina Governor Strom Thurmond, who staunchly oppose of civil rights, to run for president.

The flood of Democrats came to the Republican Party when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Republican Richard Nixon employed a "Southern strategy" that appealed to the racism of Southern white voters.

"By the time Ronald Reagan became president in 1980, the Republican party's hold on white Southerners was firm. Today, the Republican party remains the party of the South. It's an ironic outcome considering that a century ago, white Southerners would've never considered voting for the party of Lincoln." History Link
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Zep on May 07, 2022, 08:19 PMSo, let me get this straight... The KKK supported Obama? Despised Trump??  If you are selling this, I got a bridge for sale too.

I didn't know you own a bridge...


Quote from: Hobby on May 09, 2022, 03:19 PMI didn't know you own a bridge...

Oh yeah...  Just send me a non-refundable $500 deposit to get all the details.  If you decide to buy it, I'll even put the $500 toward the selling price.    Let me know... 


I got some swamp land here in Pahrump, wanna trade?
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Another bad day on Wall Street as investors lose confidence. I tell Democrats don't panic, don't sell, wait until the market hits bottom then sell! LMAO, It was Democrats' overspending that has brought this upon us and Biden's incompetence. All that is keeping us afloat is there are lots of jobs and people are working. If companies lose money they will start laying off people and cutting production then things will get even worse than now for the working folks, but Dems don't care about the working folks all they care about is climate change and electric cars.


Biden's team has made plenty of mistakes.  But let us not forget that Trump sold a tax "reform" package that further cut corporate taxes with the promise of investing in new production capacity when in fact the money went into buying back shares that raised stock prices but did not raise manufacturing or other means of production.  Rather than deal with Covid through short-term pain for long-term gain, Trump tried to put his finger in the dike to keep the market from going south, only to have the dike crumble and the market crash.  Trump then did massive corporate giveaways through the PPP with no verification of the applications.  So the money started pumping to feed inflation under Trump.  Biden only made it worse with the massive unemployment benefit eligibility extension and $600 a week payouts.  Took no brilliance to figure out that would catch up with us in 12 months but only took six months.  The supply chain is a serious problem attributable to covid without help from either Trump or Biden.  Notice China is still on lockdown meaning product is not getting to the USA further exacerbating prices going up.  Trump tried his best to set up Ukraine for Putin and Biden gave Putin the excuse to invade by not insisting on neutrality.  In geopolitical terms, notwithstanding Ukraine being a free country to do as it wishes, the USA and western Europe KNEW they could not allow Ukraine to join NATO without really pissing off Putin.  Will grant then that preventing invasion of Ukraine fell more to Biden than Trump. 


Pretty good assessment rooftop.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: rooftop on May 09, 2022, 10:26 PMBiden's team has made plenty of mistakes.  But let us not forget that Trump sold a tax "reform" package that further cut corporate taxes with the promise of investing in new production capacity when in fact the money went into buying back shares that raised stock prices but did not raise manufacturing or other means of production.  Rather than deal with Covid through short-term pain for long-term gain, Trump tried to put his finger in the dike to keep the market from going south, only to have the dike crumble and the market crash.  Trump then did massive corporate giveaways through the PPP with no verification of the applications.  So the money started pumping to feed inflation under Trump.  Biden only made it worse with the massive unemployment benefit eligibility extension and $600 a week payouts.  Took no brilliance to figure out that would catch up with us in 12 months but only took six months.  The supply chain is a serious problem attributable to covid without help from either Trump or Biden.  Notice China is still on lockdown meaning product is not getting to the USA further exacerbating prices going up.  Trump tried his best to set up Ukraine for Putin and Biden gave Putin the excuse to invade by not insisting on neutrality.  In geopolitical terms, notwithstanding Ukraine being a free country to do as it wishes, the USA and western Europe KNEW they could not allow Ukraine to join NATO without really pissing off Putin.  Will grant then that preventing invasion of Ukraine fell more to Biden than Trump. 

Biden is doing such a good job his approval ratings are in the shitter.  Biden was not a notable Senator, a horrible VP, and now an incompetent President. If all you say is true then why did the country go to shit after Biden took office? If Biden and Democrats' decisions and changes are so great and Trump's were so bad then damages as you say that started during Trump we should be recovering and things getting better, not worse. Since Biden took office gas prices are at historic highs and inflation is out of control. And the border, illegals, and drugs pouring in now.  I am guessing what is happening right now is not affecting you that much but for the average working folks, it's killing them. Doesn't really matter, Democrats are done in 2022 mid terms and there won't be a Democrat President elected in 2024.


Do you have a mortgage? If so, that's your hedge against inflation. Look at the job market. If you don't like you job right now. Just walk away. You will have a new on within a month or two. It's true that wage inflation isn't instantaneously keeping up with general inflation, but wages need to move up due to supply and demand. A year or two from now, anybody with a mortgage should be in much better shape than they are today due to inflation. Also, gas and food can't stay this high forever. Either the war in Ukraine will end or Saudi and friends will get greedy and make up for the loss of Russian oil.