
Started by Bande, May 14, 2022, 08:41 PM

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Good old Glenn Beck is back....enjoy, lol.

Interestingly this video starts with the iconic picture that was used to castigate Trump.

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Immigration is a mess. Congress needs to fix it. They have been fiddle fucking around with it long before Trump even took office.
Too much sex is still not enough.


It's a good reminder that the border has gotten far worse than better since Trump left office. Biden refuses to visit the border. Why?


Quote from: HighStepper on May 14, 2022, 10:38 PMGood old Glenn Beck is back....enjoy, lol.

Interestingly this video starts with the iconic picture that was used to castigate Trump.

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Immigration is a mess. Congress needs to fix it. They have been fiddle fucking around with it long before Trump even took office.

The last time Congress took action on immigration was back in Reagan and Clinton. Immigration laws were passed, but what good are laws when not enforced? Democrats want more immigrants, and want open borders! Socialists want to bankrupt Capitalism and one way to do it is to keep spending tax dollars on a no return investment.


Quote from: Hobby on May 15, 2022, 09:45 AMThe last time Congress took action on immigration was back in Reagan and Clinton. Immigration laws were passed, but what good are laws when not enforced? Democrats want more immigrants, and want open borders! Socialists want to bankrupt Capitalism and one way to do it is to keep spending tax dollars on a no return investment.

You and others keep saying that "Democrats want more immigrants, and want open borders!" Please, link to someplace OTHER than the republican hive mind/slander factory where Democrats say they want open borders. If you are talking about rolling back Title 42, that's a measure to kick people back from the border over covid concerns. You know, those concerns Republicans say are non-existent, well, as long as they apply to only them I guess...


Quote from: Blkfyre on May 15, 2022, 12:37 PMYou and others keep saying that "Democrats want more immigrants, and want open borders!" Please, link to someplace OTHER than the republican hive mind/slander factory where Democrats say they want open borders. If you are talking about rolling back Title 42, that's a measure to kick people back from the border over covid concerns. You know, those concerns Republicans say are non-existent, well, as long as they apply to only them I guess...

Open your fucking eyes as to what is going on at the border right now.  Doesn't appear Biden is doing anything to stop the invasion. Better yet take a trip to the border and see it for yourself? Then see what you have to say.  Easy to sit back in the comfort of you chair with the AC on typing on your keyboard having no knowledge as to what is really happening... The border is a disaster for Biden and Democrats and they know it. Democrats are now saying some of the Trump policies were not so wrong after all.


President Bush's Plan For Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Bush had answers to the problem. Congress failed to act.

Trump didn't know what he was doing, other than to bluster to stoke up his base. Building a wall with Mexico paying for it. Cut hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras making worse conditions further motivating people to try and escape to the US. 

One of the feel good suggestions he had was to use Patriot missiles to bomb out meth labs. Wrong weapon selection as those missiles are antiaircraft.   And thinking that no one would know that we were the ones to take action shows a naiveté. But, I like where he was tring to go. Deal directly with the problem fueling immigration.

Take out the Cartel strong holds. Hit them where they live and do business. Eradicate them just like we tried to do with ISIS terrorist organizations. Then there is all the government corruption that needs to be dealt with. The idea is to make the people in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador feel safe and prosper in their own country.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 15, 2022, 03:24 PM President Bush's Plan For Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Bush had answers to the problem. Congress failed to act.

Trump didn't know what he was doing, other than to bluster to stoke up his base. Building a wall with Mexico paying for it. Cut hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras making worse conditions further motivating people to try and escape to the US.

I agreed with Trump to stop sending money to the corrupt governments. Just how much of our US Tax Dollars do you think actually helped the people the money was meant for?

One of the feel good suggestions he had was to use Patriot missiles to bomb out meth labs. Wrong weapon selection as those missiles are antiaircraft.   And thinking that no one would know that we were the ones to take action shows a naiveté. But, I like where he was tring to go. Deal directly with the problem fueling immigration

Take out the Cartel strong holds. Hit them where they live and do business. Eradicate them just like we tried to do with ISIS terrorist organizations. Then there is all the government corruption that needs to be dealt with. The idea is to make the people in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador feel safe and prosper in their own country.

Don't know if Trump used the word Patriot or not but he did say he wanted to declare Cartels terrorist organizations and go after them. Mexico did not what Trump to do this and made the deal to put 1000s of Mexican military on the US Mexican border. Miltary went away after Trump left office because Biden is so stupid he allows the Cartels to produce the drugs and smuggle them into the US. I suppose having drugs pouring into the US and killing Americans is Trump's fault?



I suppose having drugs pouring into the US and killing Americans is Trump's fault?
Why would you think that? There is no evidence that I know of to support that.

I agreed with Trump to stop sending money to the corrupt governments. Just how much of our US Tax Dollars do you think actually helped the people the money was meant for?
The countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, corruption is pervasive and systemic. So Trump just gave up. The art of the deal maker could not come up with a strategy to counter corruption. Putting strings on the aid.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 15, 2022, 05:45 PMI suppose having drugs pouring into the US and killing Americans is Trump's fault?
Why would you think that? There is no evidence that I know of to support that.

I agreed with Trump to stop sending money to the corrupt governments. Just how much of our US Tax Dollars do you think actually helped the people the money was meant for?
The countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, corruption is pervasive and systemic. So Trump just gave up. The art of the deal maker could not come up with a strategy to counter corruption. Putting strings on the aid.

How do you make deals with corrupt politicians in other countries? No Trump knows better than to offer deals to Deal Breakers.



This is the problem I have with Democrats, they think money can buy off anything, or giving money away is the best solution. Ukraine, billions of dollars Biden is sending and 1000s are still dying in a war against a no-win scenario. Once Russia got in it was all over. Would have been better if the US was not going in to defend Ukraine to have just let Russia roll in and tell Ukrain they are on their own.  Might have saved lots of lives.  Democrats think they can buy poverty. Foreign countries the US sends millions of dollars to and all it does is keep people in poverty. Biden wants to find the cause of why people leave their country... staring him right in the face if he cared to look.


Quote from: Hobby on May 15, 2022, 06:26 PMHow do you make deals with corrupt politicians in other countries? No Trump knows better than to offer deals to Deal Breakers.

Nope, Trump is too big of a loudmouth to think strategically on counter corruption policies.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 15, 2022, 07:52 PMNope, Trump is too big of a loudmouth to think strategically on counter corruption policies.

Trump sure cleaned ISIS clock and made no deals doing it. Trump has a big mouth for sure. In this case his big mouth only says what is on the mind of many Americans sick and tired of Cartels and drug lords.


Quote from: Hobby on May 15, 2022, 08:16 PMTrump sure cleaned ISIS clock and made no deals doing it.

Just two weeks after President Donald Trump triumphantly declared the "100 percent" defeat of ISIS's caliphate, his national security advisor, John Bolton, admitted on television that "the ISIS threat will remain" and that this explained why a small "observer force" would now stay in Syria. link
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 16, 2022, 02:16 PMJust two weeks after President Donald Trump triumphantly declared the "100 percent" defeat of ISIS's caliphate, his national security advisor, John Bolton, admitted on television that "the ISIS threat will remain" and that this explained why a small "observer force" would now stay in Syria. link

Then if Trump was such a failure what happened to ISIS, I don't see them in the news like I did when Obama was president.  Obama was dealing with ISIS and had ISIS running scared...LMAO! Seems to me, that ISIS went into hiding and when they popped their heads up Trump blew it off with a Drone attack... now that is what I call effective...