Hillary Did It Russian Hoax

Started by Hobby, May 23, 2022, 04:59 PM

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Well, that settles it. If there's anyone we can trust, it's Stuey Varney and the WSJ editorial board. LOL


Quote from: bats on May 23, 2022, 05:25 PMWell, that settles it. If there's anyone we can trust, it's Stuey Varney and the WSJ editorial board. LOL
Research my friend. Hillary was outed by her own people. Hillary started and endorsed The lies on Russian collusion.
Most Major media has been covering this.


Quote from: Bande on May 23, 2022, 06:55 PMResearch my friend. Hillary was outed by her own people. Hillary started and endorsed The lies on Russian collusion.
Most Major media has been covering this.

I know about the story. If you dig into it a little bit you learn that it's really a complete non-story. The only people claiming it's anything damning are the usual right-wingers who keep milking the Hillary hatred that has long existed in the minds of their gullible consumers.

The fact is that the Trump-Russia collusion scandal began long before this non-event involving communications between a Trump campaign server and a Russian bank. So, no, Hillary did not start that scandal--it had a life of its own based on actual facts. Remember how many of Trump's people were convicted of crimes?

All Hillary did was go along with a suggestion by one of her staffers to share the information about the server communications with a reporter who would then vet the claims. That's not anything scandalous. In fact, it's completely normal.

Importantly, the claims didn't come from Hillary or her campaign but rather from some academics in cybersecurity. Ultimately, it didn't amount to anything, or at the very least nobody could figure out what the communications meant.


Quote from: bats on May 23, 2022, 07:23 PMI know about the story. If you dig into it a little bit you learn that it's really a complete non-story. The only people claiming it's anything damning are the usual right-wingers who keep milking the Hillary hatred that has long existed in the minds of their gullible consumers.

The fact is that the Trump-Russia collusion scandal began long before this non-event involving communications between a Trump campaign server and a Russian bank. So, no, Hillary did not start that scandal--it had a life of its own based on actual facts. Remember how many of Trump's people were convicted of crimes?

All Hillary did was go along with a suggestion by one of her staffers to share the information about the server communications with a reporter who would then vet the claims. That's not anything scandalous. In fact, it's completely normal.

Importantly, the claims didn't come from Hillary or her campaign but rather from some academics in cybersecurity. Ultimately, it didn't amount to anything, or at the very least nobody could figure out what the communications meant.

What is happening now is Democrats who believed this bullshit Russia Collusion that cost millions of dollars in investigations are now caught looking like fools for believing it... They have to say something to save face... They won't admit that Trump was right all along... but doesn't matter people will know the Truth that the Russian Collusion was just a big LIE!


Trump supporters love to claim the Mueller was a waste of money, costing tax payers 25-30 million dollars.

They leave out the convictions based on the Mueller investigations

The Mueller investigation made a profit on forfeitures. Just from the holdings of Paul Manafort was around $42 million.

Of course you won't hear this in the Trump echo chamber.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on May 23, 2022, 08:40 PMTrump supporters love to claim the Mueller was a waste of money, costing tax payers 25-30 million dollars.

They leave out the convictions based on the Mueller investigations

The Mueller investigation made a profit on forfeitures. Just from the holdings of Paul Manafort was around $42 million.

Of course you won't hear this in the Trump echo chamber.

Deflection will not hide the truth... Russia Collusion was a hoax... Soon it won't be just the Republicans Trump supports it will be everyone who will know what Hillary did...


Prosecutors asked Mr. Mook about his role in funneling the Alfa Bank claims to the press. Mr. Mook admitted the campaign lacked expertise to vet the data, yet the decision was made by Mr. Mook, policy adviser Jake Sullivan (now President Biden's national security adviser), communications director Jennifer Palmieri and campaign chairman John Podesta to give the Alfa Bank claims to a reporter. Mr. Mook said Mrs. Clinton was asked about the plan and approved it. A story on the Trump-Alfa Bank allegations then appeared in Slate, a left-leaning online publication.

In short, the Clinton campaign created the Trump-Alfa allegation, fed it to a credulous press that failed to confirm the allegations but ran with them anyway, then promoted the story as if it was legitimate news. The campaign also delivered the claims to the FBI, giving journalists another excuse to portray the accusations as serious and perhaps true.

Most of the press will ignore this news, but the Russia-Trump narrative that Mrs. Clinton sanctioned did enormous harm to the country. It disgraced the FBI, humiliated the press, and sent the country on a three-year investigation to nowhere. Vladimir Putin never came close to doing as much disinformation damage.


I can copy and paste, too:

The part of Sussmann's trial that has the Trump crowd rubbing their nipples is testimony from Clinton 2016 campaign manager Robby Mook in which he revealed that the candidate was briefed on the potentially dubious Alfa Bank accusations and was fine with the campaign's decision to share the information with reporters.

This rather mundane bit of opposition-research dissemination was treated as a bombshell in the conservative press, where it has been presented as the long-yearned-for evidence that when it comes to Russia's involvement in the 2016 election, it was Hillary who perpetrated a scheme on poor innocent Donny Trump, not the other way around.


Quote from: bats on May 23, 2022, 09:39 PMI can copy and paste, too:

The part of Sussmann's trial that has the Trump crowd rubbing their nipples is testimony from Clinton 2016 campaign manager Robby Mook in which he revealed that the candidate was briefed on the potentially dubious Alfa Bank accusations and was fine with the campaign's decision to share the information with reporters.

This rather mundane bit of opposition-research dissemination was treated as a bombshell in the conservative press, where it has been presented as the long-yearned-for evidence that when it comes to Russia's involvement in the 2016 election, it was Hillary who perpetrated a scheme on poor innocent Donny Trump, not the other way around.

You are heavily brainwashed and can not admit failure.
Or maybe lay off the Kool aid..


Quote from: Hobby on May 23, 2022, 09:14 PMDeflection will not hide the truth... Russia Collusion was a hoax... Soon it won't be just the Republicans Trump supports it will be everyone who will know what Hillary did...

NOT a deflection. My post was in direct response to your claim that it was a waste of taxpayer money.
Too much sex is still not enough.


The problem with the Trumpers is that they take as gospel whatever conservative media tells them. The WSJ editorial is a great example. The editorial board made strong statements about Hillary's culpability citing facts that don't even begin to prove their case.

Their allegations don't even make logical sense. How could Hillary have been responsible for the supposedly fake Trump-Russia collusion story when, as I said earlier, that story was out there all on its own, long before Hillary gave the okay to share the information about the server communications with a reporter?

You guys get that, right? The entire case laid out by the WSJ is that the testimony by her campaign aide proves she's responsible for igniting the whole thing. But that story was out there long before that non-event even happened.

All it takes is a little skepticism about what people claim, followed by a little research to cross-check those claims against known facts. It's pretty easy to do if you have any curiosity about the veracity of unsupported claims of wrongdoing.


Quote from: bats on May 23, 2022, 10:07 PMThe problem with the Trumpers is that they take as gospel whatever conservative media tells them. The WSJ editorial is a great example. The editorial board made strong statements about Hillary's culpability citing facts that don't even begin to prove their case.

Their allegations don't even make logical sense. How could Hillary have been responsible for the supposedly fake Trump-Russia collusion story when, as I said earlier, that story was out there all on its own, long before Hillary gave the okay to share the information about the server communications with a reporter?

You guys get that, right? The entire case laid out by the WSJ is that the testimony by her campaign aide proves she's responsible for igniting the whole thing. But that story was out there long before that non-event even happened.

All it takes is a little skepticism about what people claim, followed by a little research to cross-check those claims against known facts. It's pretty easy to do if you have any curiosity about the veracity of unsupported claims of wrongdoing.

Unfortunately, it is not the WSJ making allegations, it is sworn testimony under penalty of perjury in a federal court people who worked for Hillary saying it was Hillary and her campaign that cooked up the scheme to leak the fake Russia thing to the press... there is no getting around this fact! But I guess Trump haters won't even believe what is said by her own people!


Quote from: Hobby on May 23, 2022, 11:06 PMUnfortunately, it is not the WSJ making allegations, it is sworn testimony under penalty of perjury in a federal court people who worked for Hillary saying it was Hillary and her campaign that cooked up the scheme to leak the fake Russia thing to the press... there is no getting around this fact! But I guess Trump haters won't even believe what is said by her own people!
You're not comprehending what I'm writing. I blame myself.


Quote from: bats on May 23, 2022, 11:22 PMYou're not comprehending what I'm writing. I blame myself.

What story was out there? Source, please?  Republicans tried to dig up dirt on Trump before the Primaries but turned out to be nothing... Then Hillary heard about it and expanded it... is this the story you are referring to?