January 6th Hearings

Started by bats, Jun 21, 2022, 03:12 PM

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These hearings are not for everybody. By that I mean there are a lot of Trumpers who just won't budge no matter the evidence, and there are a lot of people on "Team Normal"1 for whom the evidence, while jarring, won't make a big difference in how they perceive the violence that day and Trump's role in it.

One reason the Trumpers won't be swayed is that they won't be watching. It's hard for human beings to accept that their entire political worldview was built for them as part of a world class con. But that's what these hearings are showing, and they're showing it even more clearly than before.

I won't detail it here, but it turns out Trump was even worse than the Left thought he was. He ruined ordinary people's lives without a second thought and tried to reverse the results of an election without any regard whatsoever for the damage it would do to the country.

1 "Team Normal" is the term used by Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien when he was comparing the group in Trump's orbit who knew Trump was advancing lies with the group comprised of Rudy Guiliani and the few others who were going along with Trump's nonsense.


As you pointed out Trump's involvement is more pervasive that we had previously thought. We had the impression that Trump was to slick to be personally involved in the details of his scandalous schemes. However, the dots are being connected that show Trump being the coordinator of overturning the election.

This would make a fascinating almost unbelievable movie about the attempt to destroy American democracy. Again, evil genius.

In large part the testimony is coming from lifelong conservative Republicans, People that worked for Trump in top assignments, and just plain American citizens doing their job. 

Too much sex is still not enough.


Most Americans don't care and nobody will be prosecuted.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 21, 2022, 04:02 PMMost Americans don't care and nobody will be prosecuted.

Maybe not. But do you care?


Quote from: bats on Jun 21, 2022, 05:58 PMMaybe not. But do you care?

Nope, my meme shares my feelings.
Are we having fun yet?


Not on my list of 4 things I care about. 
If I watch any TV it has to be funny or entertaining and those hearings are neither to me. 
Also....wayyyyyy too long....lol.  I have better things to do.....for myself.


Quote from: dogwalker on Jun 21, 2022, 06:44 PMNot on my list of 4 things I care about. 
If I watch any TV it has to be funny or entertaining and those hearings are neither to me. 
Also....wayyyyyy too long....lol.  I have better things to do.....for myself.

dog, we already know you don't care, because you usually care enough to let us know that you don't care.


Quote from: bats on Jun 21, 2022, 03:12 PMThese hearings are not for everybody. By that I mean there are a lot of Trumpers who just won't budge no matter the evidence, and there are a lot of people on "Team Normal"1 for whom the evidence, while jarring, won't make a big difference in how they perceive the violence that day and Trump's role in it.

One reason the Trumpers won't be swayed is that they won't be watching. It's hard for human beings to accept that their entire political worldview was built for them as part of a world class con. But that's what these hearings are showing, and they're showing it even more clearly than before.

I won't detail it here, but it turns out Trump was even worse than the Left thought he was. He ruined ordinary people's lives without a second thought and tried to reverse the results of an election without any regard whatsoever for the damage it would do to the country.

1 "Team Normal" is the term used by Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien when he was comparing the group in Trump's orbit who knew Trump was advancing lies with the group comprised of Rudy Guiliani and the few others who were going along with Trump's nonsense.

The hearings are one sided lamb basting someone for a political agenda.
Another witch hunt wasting our dollars. A publicity stunt to think somethings going to be done.
They need to get to the root.
Why were doors opened to the peaceful protesters and people waved to come in.
What about the 2 busloads of people dropped off. Possibly to riot and set up.
Why was security so lax. Who was responsible for security?
Political theatre by Pelosi.
Pelosi hired a producer to produce this one sided event.
They are singling out one man. Purely trying to smear him once again. They have not learned.
Far as I know no law has been broken, therefore no charges will ever happen. If one thinks so post the civil code, I doubt one can.
Welcome to the world where people speak and sometimes they might hurt your feelings or you may disagree, that is a part of life. Agree to disagree.

Once again I say this is political theatre to get people off track of the real issues and hope they can maintain their political office.

Go cry to your MAMA...
The world class con is what the Demoncrats have brainwashed people like you to believe..
Knowledge and a open mind one can learn.
Glad you like the division and economy the Demoncrats have done.


There is no with hunt for me...Trump planned it, He organized it, and now refuses to take responsibility for it. The ultimate of Trump's desperation for me was Trump having his tantrum that VP Pence would not do what Trump wanted. Don't care if anyone agrees or disagrees with me on this... I won't change my mind, I heard what I hear during the rally and I saw what I saw during the capital riot... I don't need to watch democrats using Jan 6 as the distraction for what Biden has caused.


apparently you haven't been watching. Every witness has been a Republican. Pelosi hasn't been involved. If you watched all those security questions were answered by Republicans.
Quote from: Bande on Jun 21, 2022, 08:25 PMThe hearings are one sided lamb basting someone for a political agenda.
Another witch hunt wasting our dollars. A publicity stunt to think somethings going to be done.
They need to get to the root.
Why were doors opened to the peaceful protesters and people waved to come in.
What about the 2 busloads of people dropped off. Possibly to riot and set up.
Why was security so lax. Who was responsible for security?
Political theatre by Pelosi.
Pelosi hired a producer to produce this one sided event.
They are singling out one man. Purely trying to smear him once again. They have not learned.
Far as I know no law has been broken, therefore no charges will ever happen. If one thinks so post the civil code, I doubt one can.
Welcome to the world where people speak and sometimes they might hurt your feelings or you may disagree, that is a part of life. Agree to disagree.

Once again I say this is political theatre to get people off track of the real issues and hope they can maintain their political office.

Go cry to your MAMA...
The world class con is what the Demoncrats have brainwashed people like you to believe..
Knowledge and a open mind one can learn.
Glad you like the division and economy the Demoncrats have done.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Bande on Jun 21, 2022, 08:25 PMWhy were doors opened to the peaceful protesters and people waved to come in.
What about the 2 busloads of people dropped off. Possibly to riot and set up.
Why was security so lax. Who was responsible for security?
Political theatre by Pelosi.
Pelosi hired a producer to produce this one sided event.
They are singling out one man. Purely trying to smear him once again. They have not learned.
Far as I know no law has been broken, therefore no charges will ever happen. If one thinks so post the civil code, I doubt one can.
Welcome to the world where people speak and sometimes they might hurt your feelings or you may disagree, that is a part of life. Agree to disagree.
The theory that the riot was somehow a setup by Pelosi to get Trump to look bad is pretty far out. All you have to do is watch some of the footage of Trump's rally at the Ellipse and the events that followed.

And are you suggesting that some of the thousands who gathered at the capitol at Trump's invitation were somehow encouraged to break down doors and chant "Hang Mike Pence" because they saw that security was lax? Think about how absurd that is.

One doesn't simply "agree to disagree" over a violent coup attempt.


QuoteI don't care
The way for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.
If you did NOT take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, you do not have a legal obligation to care.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Kevin McCarthy after the riot saw the need for a 911 style bipartisan commission to investigate the assault on the Capitol.
Then he went to Mario Largo to kiss his masters ring. Trump didn't want a commission so McCarty came back and oppose it.
You had your shot, didn't take it, so stop crying like a baby now.

The 911 Commission was not just about investigating planes that flew into buildings on September 11th.
So similarly, the January 6th Commission is not just about rioters that stormed the capitol on January 6th. 

After a bank robbery one doesn't just focus on the bank's security systems and IGNORE the mastermind that planned the bank robbery.

One that has not seen the hearings is at a real disadvantage when trying to debate this issue.
Too much sex is still not enough.


I'm not condoning what Trump did but he did business in NYC where you had to deal with the mafia if you wanted anything to get done, he acts like a mob boss: self-centered, ruthless, corrupt and egotistical


Having said that his approval ratings are still higher than Biden's.
Are we having fun yet?


The only thing Trump cares about is Power... and to keep power!  That became obvious when he lost the election. For me Trump went down hill from there...