Newsome not going to Disney World? deSantis not going to Disneyland?

Started by dogwalker, Jul 03, 2022, 06:11 PM

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Newsom needs to do something about all the crime and homelessness in CA, that's why Californians are fleeing to red states. Newsom and DeSantis want to be President, as much as I dislike some of Newsom's policies he's still better than Biden. I think DeSantis would make a good President, if Biden seeks re-election in 2024 then DeSantis has a good chance of winning.
Are we having fun yet?


If we play lesser of the three evils I'd pick DeSantis.

Even if we weren't I'd pick DeSantis over those two clowns


Well crime and homelessness in CA are perhaps mostly up to city majors [?] and the governor to some extent.  I suppose they could get some federal funding. Every SF mayor and CA governor since forever claims they are going to solve it and they haven't. I was walking on Market St. in SF recently and it's the worst I've ever seen it.  Lots of what I would describe as zombies walking around (more than usual).  The usual urination smell, feces, and needles.  Empty stores that look like they got hit by a bomb.  Even some apocalyptic movies are not that bad.


You're a bigot. The homeless have a right to shoot up and do drugs wherever they feel like. And because they have no access to toilets they have the right to shit and piss anywhere they want. You're a monster for denying them their privilege of shitting in public.  Their needs Trump your safety and health because you're privileged


Are we having fun yet?


Yeah. So the Californians are running to Texas and are then trying to turn Texas into the political shithole they left. Democrats are hilarious.


Quote from: thaikhan on Jul 04, 2022, 11:47 AMIf we play lesser of the three evils I'd pick DeSantis.

Even if we weren't I'd pick DeSantis over those two clowns
So you're in favor of continuing our slide into authoritarianism? Marvelous.


Quote from: bats on Jul 04, 2022, 02:33 PMSo you're in favor of continuing our slide into authoritarianism? Marvelous.

I didn't say I was voting for Newsom. Last I check he's the one who's yet to relinquish his draconian authoritive power.  I understand Democrats don't consider it authoritarianism when they're the ones benefiting from it while the rest suffer.  It's always awesome when you get to benefit from the abuse of power when it doesn't affect you adversely like all Democrats do. Next, Democrats will start talking about how communism and socialism is so awesome that we should move towards it. And then have an struggling artist come and tell us that the true race are those of blonde hair and blue eyes and everyone will believe him because he himself is of dark hair.


Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Danno on Jul 04, 2022, 03:07 PMHope about another 2 or 3 million leave

I agree, that's about how many homeless junkies we have in this state. If the trigger happy gang-bangers also leave that would be a bonus.
Are we having fun yet?


I'd take the illegals over the Democrats. At least they're hard working and not delusional.


Mostly trumpers leaving
Good riddance.
Don't come back either
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


In a state with an overwhelming number of Democrats 2:1 and most Republicans living out in the boonies,  I don't think it's the Republicans that are leaving mass exodus.


Too much sex is still not enough.