Newskum.. A jokester..

Started by Bande, Jul 09, 2022, 05:19 PM

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What a dumbass..
Floridas economy is so much better than California..
And we are paying for the media..



god these people sure love to talk don't they?


Quote from: Bande on Jul 09, 2022, 05:19 PMWhat a dumbass..
Floridas economy is so much better than California..
And we are paying for the media..
His campaign is paying for it.


Quote from: bats on Jul 09, 2022, 07:22 PMHis campaign is paying for it.
Newsom's re-election campaign paid about $105,000 for space to run the 30-second ad, which will air on Fox News in Florida on July 4.

Then they are more than likely out of bounds. How do ads in Florida have anything to do with re election in California?
Are they mailing ballots there as well and getting the votes? No.. I would guess another violation {MisUse} As Newskum is known for...


Quote from: Bande on Jul 09, 2022, 09:45 PMNewsom's re-election campaign paid about $105,000 for space to run the 30-second ad, which will air on Fox News in Florida on July 4.

Then they are more than likely out of bounds. How do ads in Florida have anything to do with re election in California?
Are they mailing ballots there as well and getting the votes? No.. I would guess another violation {MisUse} As Newskum is known for...

You'd "guess" a violation? Why guess when it's easy to find the facts?

It's one thing to form an opinion based on known facts. It's quite another to make "guesses" based on nothing more than your own political biases.


My guess....which seems very obvious to me.....this is not about the Governor's race in CA this year. It's about the Presidential race in 2024 which deSantis as a FLORIDA governor may enter. Lately you have to win Florida along with a few other states to get elected as PRESIDENT. Now that Newsome beat the recall he's probably going to be re-elected Governor unless he makes a major mistake so yeh those ads have nothing to do with that.  What's super idiotic about the ad is he pitches it as "move to CA which is a better state" when it's clear [to me] he's taking digs specifically at deSantis.  My take on it is he very poorly took what is normally a "business is better in CA" ad and twisted it into a blatantly political one.  If I lived in FL I wonder whether I'd agree with it or be insulted by it.  Some people in FL might be thinking "fuck off and worry about your own state which has plenty of its own problems."


People in Florida and around the country are calling out the hypocrisy of Newsom and telling him to "fix the problems in California", read the comments on social media.

As for California voters, there's no way they will vote for a Republican governor again, this state is doomed.
They would vote for Josef Stalin or Pol Pot if they were Democrats.
Are we having fun yet?


Wrong again. They have toll roads everywhere. No Mt roads to take care of

Quote from: Bande on Jul 09, 2022, 05:19 PMWhat a dumbass..
Floridas economy is so much better than California..
And we are paying for the media..

Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 10, 2022, 08:48 AMPeople in Florida and around the country are calling out the hypocrisy of Newsom and telling him to "fix the problems in California", read the comments on social media.

As for California voters, there's no way they will vote for a Republican governor again, this state is doomed.
They would vote for Josef Stalin or Pol Pot if they were Democrats.

Are these the same voters who were certain to recall him?


Yes the very same Democrat voters who were calling Larry Elder(who is black) a white supremist.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 10, 2022, 03:02 PMYes the very same Democrat voters who were calling Larry Elder(who is black) a white supremist.

Erika D. Smith is a columnist and a black woman, wrote about Larry Elder pointing out
that he supports systemically racist policies that would disproportionately harm black people. Link

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 10, 2022, 03:02 PMYes the very same Democrat voters who were calling Larry Elder(who is black) a white supremist.

That is irrelevant to the fact that conservatives were CERTAIN Newsom would be recalled, that even Democrats had turned on him (you know, just like you stated about his re-election), when in point of fact, as was made clear, that was a complete fabrication.


A candidate could be caught on camera killing puppies and kittens and you Democrats would still vote for them.
As I stated before, this state is doomed as long as we don't have checks and balances.

I'm done with this topic as it is pointless to try and make you see Newsom is a hypocrite.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 10, 2022, 03:51 PMA candidate could be caught on camera killing puppies and kittens and you Democrats would still vote for them.
As I stated before, this state is doomed as long as we don't have checks and balances.

I'm done with this topic as it is pointless to try and make you see Newsom is a hypocrite.

I agree, this topic really isn't worth commenting on...