5 Million Barrels going abroad

Started by Bande, Jul 07, 2022, 05:30 PM

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Quote from: Blkfyre on Jul 11, 2022, 05:00 PMUhm, ok, not sure what that had to do with what I posted, but...ok...
Yeah, It takes a rocket scientist to figure it out..


Quote from: Hobby on Jul 11, 2022, 05:55 PM[quote author=Bande
A few of you have Biden so far up your ASS you can not see Reality. Hell, his own party is turning on him..

Not only are they breaking away some want him to resign... As Biden drowns in the polls he is sinking many Dems up for reelection... Voters are blaming Biden and Dems for inflation, high gas prices, declining stock market 401k being wiped out.... Most voters don't pay much attention to politics, talking heads, liberal or conservative, all they know is they don't like not having some money left over each month and they will blame who is in power at the time... all they see is costs going up and up with no light at the end of the tunnel for them...

And some republicans blamed Trump for all sorts of things. That's what happens with presidents. People use them as the focal point of their anger whether it's justified or not.


Quote from: Blkfyre on Jul 11, 2022, 06:22 PMAnd some republicans blamed Trump for all sorts of things. That's what happens with presidents. People use them as the focal point of their anger whether it's justified or not.

Ran out of things so you turn to Trump... Trump ain't here no more, Trump is irrelevant, his days are over he just doesn't know it.... this is Biden's deal now... and he has fucked us so bad that it will take 10 years to recover from it... no one except maybe for you is blaming Trump for this fucking mess. Biden allowed Russia to invade Ukraine just like Obama allowed Russia to invade and claim the Crimea. Biden tried to convert gas to elect cars too quickly... What Biden should have done is resumed the policies in place prior to the pandemic and gently make changes not just throw everything into chaos and let Russia take advantage... Now Biden is going to the Middle East to show what a great Diplomat he is and windup pissing them off and starting a war...


5M barrels is <0.1% of annual US production. 

Reminds me of an episode of Breaking Bad.  A meth manufacturer proud of his product goes nuts when a fly gets into the lab to the point where he destroys some of the lab and injures himself trying to kill the fly.  Meanwhile his partner points out they make 200 lbs per batch and meth is poison anyway so does it matter if ONE fly gets into it? That would not be easy anyway since much of their manufacturing process was in a closed system.


Quote from: Hobby on Jul 11, 2022, 06:52 PMRan out of things so you turn to Trump... Trump ain't here no more, Trump is irrelevant, his days are over he just doesn't know it.... this is Biden's deal now... and he has fucked us so bad that it will take 10 years to recover from it... no one except maybe for you is blaming Trump for this fucking mess. Biden allowed Russia to invade Ukraine just like Obama allowed Russia to invade and claim the Crimea. Biden tried to convert gas to elect cars too quickly... What Biden should have done is resumed the policies in place prior to the pandemic and gently make changes not just throw everything into chaos and let Russia take advantage... Now Biden is going to the Middle East to show what a great Diplomat he is and windup pissing them off and starting a war...



Quote from: Blkfyre on Jul 11, 2022, 07:08 PMOMG, this IS NOT A TRUMP THING!!! It's a president thing. EVERY PRESIDENT HAS PEOPLE IN HIS PARTY TURNING ON HIM.

My Ass!  How many presidents have had people turning on them in the first 18 months? Biden started going downhill in less than a year of being president.  Biden is a career politician, former Senator and VP one would think he would know what the fuck he is doing... so your president's claim is full of BS...


Quote from: Hobby on Jul 11, 2022, 08:16 PMMy Ass!  How many presidents have had people turning on them in the first 18 months? Biden started going downhill in less than a year of being president.  Biden is a career politician, former Senator and VP one would think he would know what the fuck he is doing... so your president's claim is full of BS...

Oh, I dunno, how about these:

https://time.com/3507165/alison-grimes-barack-obama-midterm-elections/ (in case you don't click this one, the headline says "Vulnerable Democrats Run Away From Obama")

And, just in case it turns into a bash the democrats:

https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/69360/george-w-bush-he-gave-rise-tea-party - these people were so disgruntled with George W Bush they created their own sub party of Republicans!


You have way too much time on your hands... better to spend your time with the ladies than to bore us with your BS!


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Quote from: Blkfyre on Jul 17, 2022, 09:43 PMGuests are not allowed to view images in posts, please Register or Login

If you don't like the price of gas you don't have to buy it!


First, America can't produce our own oil. We produce a light sweet crude, and our refineries are designed to handle the heavy crude we get from OPEC. So we export our crude to countries that can refine it and import crude we can refine.

Secondly, Americans consume almost 20 million barrels per day. Our peak oil production was less than 13 million barrels per day before the pandemic. Right now it's just under 12 million barrels per day (up 5% since Biden took office), and the difference between current and peak production is almost completely offset with Biden supplementing our production by releasing a million barrels per day from the reserve. You're asking Biden to somehow increase domestic oil production by 50% just to produce as much as we consume. And that's just not realistic.

Third, oil is a commodity so it's price is set by global supply and demand. Thinking it would be cheaper to produce our own oil is like thinking gold mined in the US is less valuable than gold mined in Peru. Domestic producers aren't going to sell oil here for less than they can get by exporting it. So even if we could refine the oil we produce, and even if we could produce enough to meet our own needs, it's it relevant if the global supply is low
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome



The economics are simple: overseas oil, even after shipping costs, is often cheaper than domestically-produced crude. That is because what oil people call "lifting costs," the cost of actually getting the oil out of the ground, are so much lower in some other countries. That, in turn, is down to a number of factors. Environmental and other regulations here play a part in that cost differential of course, but, contrary to what some would have you believe, they are far from the be-all and end-all in affecting prices.

Land and lease prices are a big factor, as are labor and other costs. Then there is the fact that so many countries, and Russia is definitely one of them, that see oil exports as an important strategic and geopolitical tool. In those cases, these nations give concessions to ensure that their oil is sold at an advantageous price. Right now, Vladimir Putin is being accused of weaponizing energy supply, but it is something that he and other dictators and human rights abusers have been doing for years to make client nations, including the U.S., ignore who they are and what they do.

Still, the U.S. probably wouldn't be one of those client nations at all if it weren't for the chemistry.

You see, the U.S. does produce enough oil to meet its own needs, but it is the wrong type of oil.

Crude is graded according to two main metrics, weight and sweetness. The weight of oil defines how easy it is to refine, or break down into its usable component parts, such as gasoline, jet fuel and diesel. Light crude is the easiest to handle, heavy is the most difficult, with intermediate obviously somewhere in between. The sweetness refers to the sulfur content of unrefined oil. The sweeter it is, the less sulfur it contains.

Most of the oil produced in the U.S. fields in Texas, Oklahoma, and elsewhere is light and sweet, compared to what comes from the Middle East and Russia. The problem is that for many years, imported oil met most of the U.S.'s energy needs, so a large percentage of the refining capacity here is geared towards dealing with oil that is heavier and less sweet than the kind produced here.



"The average price of a gallon of gas has dropped 50 cents in the last month, and analysis indicates the price may drop below $4 a gallon next month.

According to Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at gas price tracking site GasBuddy, the average gallon of gas is projected to hit $3.99 a gallon by Aug. 14. As of Monday, AAA reported the average cost of gas at $4.52, down from a peak of $5.01 on Jun 14."

Notice how Tucker Carlson, Faux News and all the Youtube nutjobs who said it was Biden's fault the price of gas was going up and that if he would do something about it, the price would go down are mysteriously silent about the price going back down.

Almost as if it didn't have anything to do with Biden having anything to do with the price and only was a way to bash him?