If Trump Really Is The Victim Then He's Also Completely Incompetent.

Started by shellback97, Jul 21, 2022, 11:09 PM

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If there really is a cabal of pedophiles in the the high ranks of federal bureaucracy-like millions of Trump supporters, including a couple current members of Congress believe-then Trump did a really piss poor job in dealing with this problem since not a single person in government was convicted, charged, fired or even investigated, for being part of this pedophile ring.

So ok maybe you accept the fact that QAnon is not reliable, but there is still a Deep State and it's a problem. So then how incompetent does Trump have to be to be President of the United States for 4 years and yet still let that Deep State rig the election against him, right under his nose, so craftily that they didn't even leave behind enough evidence so that even the Federal Judges Trump appointed, including 3 Justices on the Supreme Court, would consider any of the numerous law suits Trump's army of lawyers filed alleging voter fraud.? Instead every single one of these law suits got thrown out of court....immediately! Again, sometimes by Judges Trump himself appointed.

And then there is the fact that Trump stated in 2016 that he would surround himself with the best people. Yet look at all the high ranking advisors and cabinet level appointees that either resigned because they realized they couldn't stand working for Trump or got fired for disloyalty.

If Trump really isn't a mentally disturbed egomaniac and pathological liar who doesn't give a rats ass about America and is only in it for himself, but instead really does want to do a good job and really does care about the American people, then how can he possibly surround himself with so many people that either end up hating him or are out to get him...unless he's completely incompetent?


Trump is no longer President but we have an incompetant fool in the White House now.
In 2016 people had to choose between a lying corrupt witch(Hillary) and an arrogant asshole(Trump).

As for pedophiles in the Trump administration, what are you talking about?

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Quote from: shellback97 on Jul 21, 2022, 11:09 PMIf there really is a cabal of pedophiles in the the high ranks of federal bureaucracy-like millions of Trump supporters, including a couple current members of Congress believe-then Trump did a really piss poor job in dealing with this problem since not a single person in government was convicted, charged, fired or even investigated, for being part of this pedophile ring.

So ok maybe you accept the fact that QAnon is not reliable, but there is still a Deep State and it's a problem. So then how incompetent does Trump have to be to be President of the United States for 4 years and yet still let that Deep State rig the election against him, right under his nose, so craftily that they didn't even leave behind enough evidence so that even the Federal Judges Trump appointed, including 3 Justices on the Supreme Court, would consider any of the numerous law suits Trump's army of lawyers filed alleging voter fraud.? Instead every single one of these law suits got thrown out of court....immediately! Again, sometimes by Judges Trump himself appointed.

And then there is the fact that Trump stated in 2016 that he would surround himself with the best people. Yet look at all the high ranking advisors and cabinet level appointees that either resigned because they realized they couldn't stand working for Trump or got fired for disloyalty.

If Trump really isn't a mentally disturbed egomaniac and pathological liar who doesn't give a rats ass about America and is only in it for himself, but instead really does want to do a good job and really does care about the American people, then how can he possibly surround himself with so many people that either end up hating him or are out to get him...unless he's completely incompetent?

I do mostly agree except Trump is anything but incompetent.  Trump prior to becoming President was a skilled criminal con man... Trump knows how to use and exploit people. People are fooled by him, he knows exactly what he is saying and what he wants to accomplish. Trump fills pitchers with his Kool Aid he knows his followers will drink!
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Amazing despite all the mountains, deep state, and Demoncrats (whom are still Crying), Trump accomplished much of what he stated he would do on his campaign.
The koolaid IS DRANK by the FOOLS still believe the Demoncrats after all the lies and corruptness exposed to get Little Trump.
Mind you politicians in general are corrupt and the last 6 years it has shown how much Demoncrats are corrupt.
They are so worried Trump will be back and continue crying and wasting our $$$ on smearing a name.
No Fear if all goes well Desantis will be on the ticket and push us back to greatness.
Nice to see all the fools supporting ChinaBiden who has taken our economy to SHIT..

From what I see Demoncrats are armchair bandits who have no work ethic. Sit in their chairs and direct to failure.
Republicans are hard workers, labor intensive, Work the agriculture, and hard labor positions, while the PUSSIES buy the farmland and convert to housing and black top roads. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to see the ramifications of this.



I agree with you Hobby. Trump is the greatest con man in the history of the world and everyone who ever voted for him is a sucker. But my point was, for Trump's bullshit to be true, he would have to be completely incompetent to let himself get fucked so badly after a 4 year Presidency.


Amazing despite all the mountains, deep state, and Demoncrats (whom are still Crying), Trump accomplished much of what he stated he would do on his campaign.

Really... Got that beautiful wall built... Nope
Mexico paid for it...Nope
Reduced the deficit... Nope
Got rid of Obama Care and Replace... Nope

These were his major promises... and accomplished none of them... Deficit, he managed to increase 2 trillion... good at making promise bad at keeping them... but go on keep drinking his Kool Aid... Trump is bad for America...


Quote from: shellback97 on Jul 22, 2022, 08:19 PMI agree with you Hobby. Trump is the greatest con man in the history of the world and everyone who ever voted for him is a sucker. But my point was, for Trump's bullshit to be true, he would have to be completely incompetent to let himself get fucked so badly after a 4 year Presidency.

Trump fucked himself... with his big ego and big mouth!


To be fair Hobby, Trump also kept his promise to deregulate a bunch of shit, thus making work places and products less safe and aggravating climate change to the point that it will start being a legitimate threat to western civilization in the next 100 years. He pulled out of the transpacific partnership despite it being a much better way to deal with China than his half assed poorly thought out trade war, and despite the fact that before he became president most Republicans in congress were for it....simply because it was an Obama thing.  He also pulled out of the arms treaty with Iran, motivating them to start trying to build nukes again, and then Trump put enough justices on the Supreme Court such that America is now a less free country than it was a year ago.  Those are promises kept!

And let me ask you this Bande, you're in this life style, yet are you really anti-abortion? Do you really want evangelical Christians to have so much control of the government? I agree with you on some things. Alot of liberals are completely full of shit and highly corrupt. But Trump is a whole 'nother level of full of shit and corrupt.


Quote from: Bande on Jul 22, 2022, 07:31 PMFrom what I see Demoncrats are armchair bandits who have no work ethic. Sit in their chairs and direct to failure.
Republicans are hard workers, labor intensive, Work the agriculture, and hard labor positions, while the PUSSIES buy the farmland and convert to housing and black top roads. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to see the ramifications of this.
Studies have shown the 'Protestant work ethic' is really interwoven into the American fabric, almost regardless of a person's political orientation.

Most of the hard working farmers I've met are Republican. Most of the land developers I've met are Republicans. And when it comes to hardworking agriculture workers we have to include the Mexican migrant workers that do most of the hard work.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Hobby on Jul 22, 2022, 08:55 PMAmazing despite all the mountains, deep state, and Demoncrats (whom are still Crying), Trump accomplished much of what he stated he would do on his campaign.

Really... Got that beautiful wall built... Nope
Mexico paid for it...Nope
Reduced the deficit... Nope
Got rid of Obama Care and Replace... Nope

I did state much of his Campaign GOALS NOT ALL..
Trump in FACT accomplished much of his campaign goals, Much more than any President in recent history.
I know many of you are smart and know how to do a legitimate search yet you FAIL. Hypocrites and biases show.




During the 2016 Campaign, Candidate Donald Trump gave his supporters a laundry list — a LONG laundry list — of specific things he would do when elected President.  Many scoffed at the impossible task he detailed.  No President in U.S. history has ever taken on such an insurmountable task, yet alone accomplished all or most of it — especially not in just a few months.  But even before the Inauguration, Mr. Trump set about the job of accomplishment.  I think when you see these, (and you'll probably ONLY see them here in list form since the Media cowers at reporting real accomplishments by a Conservative President and will not report them) you will gasp when realizing what he has done.  After all, based on MSM coverage, all he does is sit around and tweet all day.

A short note here:  this list of his accomplishments is only complete through mid June 2017.  There are many since then but I will have to catch up.  I am listing them not in chronological order, but by category of what and where the accomplishments fit.  They are all in bullet form without summary or interpretation.  And the list is really long — so long there's no way I can give them to you in one post.  My average post is about 1000 words in length, and some say that's too long.  The bullet list of his accomplishments is 8500 words!  So I'll break it up over several days and post by category.

I will, however, when applicable and appropriate during the days of posting of these accomplishments add an additional blog post or two, so be watching for them.  Oh, and at the end of the Accomplishment list posting, if you'd like a copy of the list, I'll gladly forward it to you in a .pdf document.  You'll have to provide me your email address if you want it,  (I promise no sales attempts, no sale of your email address, and no one else will get it)  and of course there's no charge.
These were his major promises... and accomplished none of them... Deficit, he managed to increase 2 trillion... good at making promise bad at keeping them... but go on keep drinking his Kool Aid... Trump is bad for America...


During the 2016 Campaign, Candidate Donald Trump gave his supporters a laundry list — a LONG laundry list — of specific things he would do when elected President.

Don't you think it might have been important Trump said during campaign speeches that if he lost the election he would cry about it for weeks and he would hold a rally to incite a riot in the Capitol?  I think this was important information voters needed to know... Thinking about it I think the Democrats did warn about him doing something like this...


Quote from: Hobby on Jul 23, 2022, 08:43 PMDon't you think it might have been important Trump said during campaign speeches that if he lost the election he would cry about it for weeks and he would hold a rally to incite a riot in the Capitol?  I think this was important information voters needed to know... Thinking about it I think the Democrats did warn about him doing something like this...
Even during the 2016 campaign he replied to a question about whether he would accept the result of the election by saying he would accept the result if he won.

How in the hell wasn't that the leading headline in every news publication and every television news show? Because like so many other outrageous things by Trump it got lost in the sheer volume of his bullshit.

Right-wingers like to claim the media was so unfair to Trump, but the reality is that he pretty much controlled them. He played them like fucking marionettes.

EDIT: Here he is during one of the 2016 debates refusing to say whether he'd accept the results in *that* election. Man, we really should have listened to Hillary. She was right about EVERYTHING.


Right-wingers like to claim the media was so unfair to Trump, but the reality is that he pretty much controlled them. He played them like fucking marionettes.

Hell, he still controls them and gives them all the Orange Kool Aid they can drink. 

EDIT: Here he is during one of the 2016 debates refusing to say whether he'd accept the results in *that* election. Man, we really should have listened to Hillary. She was right about EVERYTHING.

Once upon a time Bill Hillary and Donald were thick as thieves so Hillary knows Trump very well.  Did Trump's niece warn about him?



What you consider accomplishments Bande, I consider bad policy. But again I ask you are you Anti-Abortion? are you okay with how Conservative Evangelical Christians have taken over the Republican party? And if you are? How do your reconcile that with this lifestyle?  And Bande please feel free to ask me pointed questions about my world view in return. I want to be fair and don't want this conversation to ruin our friendship. But linking stories from website with zero credibility as news sources is no way to win an argument.  Anyone can say anything on the internet and having a fancy web page only means you're paying for some good tech support.