Trump Team Lied Their Asses Off About Classified Docs

Started by bats, Aug 30, 2022, 09:21 PM

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Quote from: Danno on Sep 16, 2022, 01:55 PMYou cannot view this attachment. lol

Unfortunately Trump is the only one that can do that. LOL
Damn.. D.O.J. blocked again.. D.O.J. chastised on leaks that happened while they are in control after judgements against D.O.J. Imagine that.. 
F.B.I. And D.O.J. heavily corrupt and on a political agenda not a legal agenda.


Quote from: Bande on Sep 16, 2022, 02:35 PMUnfortunately Trump is the only one that can do that. LOL
Damn.. D.O.J. blocked again.. D.O.J. chastised on leaks that happened while they are in control after judgements against D.O.J. Imagine that.. 
F.B.I. And D.O.J. heavily corrupt and on a political agenda not a legal agenda.

Chastised? Please explain: Who chastised them and when?



Quote from: Blkfyre on Sep 16, 2022, 03:45 PMChastised? Please explain: Who chastised them and when?

It is real simple with the judges response. Judge is on point. I'm sure you didn't not look at that since it does not match your views though.


Quote from: Bande on Sep 16, 2022, 03:50 PMIt is real simple with the judges response. Judge is on point. I'm sure you didn't not look at that since it does not match your views though.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon on Thursday denied the Department of Justice's request for a partial stay of her ruling that limited the government's investigation of how Donald Trump handled sensitive material at his Mar-a-Lago estate, pending a third-party review of what agents found at Trump's home.

"The Court does not find it appropriate to accept the Government's conclusions on these important and disputed issues without further review by a neutral third party in an expedited and orderly fashion," Cannon wrote in her order.

Uhm, so, she made a ruling, which, you know, judges do every day and lawyers face MULTIPLE times in every court case. How is that chastisement?


I'll say it one more time. They already looked at all the stuff they got from Trumps hiding place. Special Master is waste of time.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome



Quote from: Danno on Sep 16, 2022, 04:40 PMI'll say it one more time. They already looked at all the stuff they got from Trumps hiding place. Special Master is waste of time.

Obviously you do not understand the Special; Masters Role. No matter if they looked at it or not, if Special Master rules Documents are protected they can not be used.


Quote from: Bande on Sep 16, 2022, 03:50 PMIt is real simple with the judges response. Judge is on point. 
Because "Dr. Steve" said so? I can't believe I watched that entire 7-minute video, but I can tell you Dr. Steve doesn't care about facts or truth. He cares about likes and subscribers. That's it. There's nothing else there.

Meanwhile, tonight DOJ appealed the ruling by Judge Cannon, who seems to be out over her skis in this case. She doesn't know what she's doing or she's afraid of Trump.  Either way, by the end of next week there should be a reversal, and then what will Dr. Steve say?


Anyone else gets caught with this much classified shit in their basement and they are going to prison for at least 20  years, never mind whether they had the 'need to know' to see that stuff or not. The government bent over backwards to try and get their property back without this turning into a political football, never mind that Trump was guilty as fuck of serious felonies for having this stuff. Yet Trump, who still thinks he's the fucking King of America, (never mind that the whole damn American Revolution was about not having kings) refused to turn the stuff over. Oh Trump declassified it? Well it's still government property. And why the fuck should we believe Trump on that when he never bothered to tell any body? And had he declassified it on the record, the agencies that produced this stuff would have been shitting bricks, while the Russians, the Chinese, North Korea, Al Quada, and everyone else that hates America would have been chomping at the bit to see that stuff, and then Joe Biden would have turned around and reclassified everything. Declassifying documents is not like a Presidential pardon, it's like an executive order, it can be reversed.


Quote from: shellback97 on Sep 16, 2022, 08:13 PMAnyone else gets caught with this much classified shit in their basement and they are going to prison for at least 20  years, never mind whether they had the 'need to know' to see that stuff or not. The government bent over backwards to try and get their property back without this turning into a political football, never mind that Trump was guilty as fuck of serious felonies for having this stuff. Yet Trump, who still thinks he's the fucking King of America, (never mind that the whole damn American Revolution was about not having kings) refused to turn the stuff over. Oh Trump declassified it? Well it's still government property. And why the fuck should we believe Trump on that when he never bothered to tell any body? And had he declassified it on the record, the agencies that produced this stuff would have been shitting bricks, while the Russians, the Chinese, North Korea, Al Quada, and everyone else that hates America would have been chomping at the bit to see that stuff, and then Joe Biden would have turned around and reclassified everything. Declassifying documents is not like a Presidential pardon, it's like an executive order, it can be reversed.

Government property that the President controls and can check out per say like a library book. If there are discrepancies on documents who is 1st in line to get notified? Yes the President that was in charge. In which includes TRump. I believe that is all covered in PRa2205...
Another sham ChinaBiden did when 1st in office on a signing binge was to make it where no one has access to the suspicious activity reports. Wonder why that was. ChinaBiden trying to coverup his Families Mob Style activities..


Quote from: Bande on Sep 16, 2022, 09:36 PMGovernment property that the President controls and can check out per say like a library book. If there are discrepancies on documents who is 1st in line to get notified? Yes the President that was in charge. In which includes TRump. I believe that is all covered in PRa2205...

Yes we discussed PRA2205 however, I think you should read it again to refresh your memory, as your statements here have some inaccuracies.
Too much sex is still not enough.