Paul Pelosi Beaten in Home

Started by Romanticlover, Oct 28, 2022, 08:01 AM

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Paul Pelosi was beaten in his home with a hammer, the attacker was arrested:

The attacker is probably a crazy homeless junkie.
Are we having fun yet?


Targeted attack on the Speaker of the House. The intruder who attacked Nancy Pelosi's husband in their San Francisco home confronted him shouting, "Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?"

The attacker, 32 42 year old man, is in custody.

Paul Pelosi is being treated by doctors for bruising, severe swelling and other injuries. He is expected to make a full recovery.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Probably one of the Proud Boys that pepper sprayed people at UC Davis the other night. The cowards sprayed at close range directly into the eyes. Then they ran away.
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I got all three right(damn I'm good): He's a crazy homeless junkie

He has three kids, I feel sorry they have a crazy loser father that sold his crap jewelry at swap meets.
Are we having fun yet?


Sounds like a Trump poster boy.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Sounds like a dope smoking Bezerkely loser to me.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Oct 28, 2022, 08:01 AMThe attacker is probably a crazy homeless junkie.
It's easy to dismiss kooks like this because, hey, we know nobody in his right mind would do this kind of thing.

But that ignores the provocations from snake oil salesmen like Trump and Fox News and others that profit from distributing the kind of disinformation that eventually leads to a kook like this acting out.

Kooks like him are not kooky because of Republicans, but it's not hard to draw a link between the Republican machine and their kooky actions. See, for example, January 6th.


Here's some more info on David Depape and the incident:
He's a Canadian citizen living in the US illegally, he married a Russian woman who is also living here illegally.
Somebody called in a welfare check to SFPD, when SFPD arrived at the residence they found Mr Depape in his underwear and he had a hammer in his hand, he then started beating Mr Pelosi with the hammer.
Are we having fun yet?


What is it with crazies only wearing underwear or being nude?
Lots of crazies seem to end up that way. I one time it was a sign of PCP use.


Paul Pelosi likes to get hammered....LOL


Quote from: Hobby on Oct 29, 2022, 04:35 PMPaul Pelosi likes to get hammered....LOL

Too soon?  lol.
Too much sex is still not enough.


I just had to share this one...


What were DePape's alleged motivations?
Though police haven't publicly specified a motive for the attack, Jenkins said Monday that based on the comment DePape made to Paul Pelosi and his own statements, the attack was "politically motivated."

"It's very sad to see that we are once again at the point in history where people believe that it's OK to express their political sentiments through violence," Jenkins said. "It demonstrates that we have to calm things down. We have to decide that we're going to be more respectful as an American society."

DePape allegedly revealed in an interview with police that he "was going to hold Nancy hostage and talk to her," according to the federal complaint. He would "let her go" if she told the "truth," but if she "lied," he would break "her kneecaps," the complaint said. DePape told authorities that he saw Nancy as the "leader of the pack of lies told by the Democratic Party" and that by breaking her kneecaps, she would have to be wheeled into Congress.

DePape also said that he wanted to "use Nancy to lure" another person to him, according to authorities.

His account contradicts right-wing and conservative pundits, who have dismissed the attack as a random incident, pointing instead to to rising crime.


It's not random.  Paul was attacked because he was the only one home.  The plan was to wait for Nancy to come home.
 That's not random.  It was targeted towards Nancy.  DePape even asked "where's Nancy?"  People that commit random crimes tend to strike then flee.   They do not ask for their victims by name....LOL.   DePape didn't.


As esentially stated above, David DePape brought zip ties and duct tape. He brought a hammer with the stated intention to break Nancy Pelosi's kneecaps if she lied during his interrogation of her. Also, busted out knee caps she would need to be wheeled into Congress serving as an example. When he found out she was not at home he planned to wait for her to return.

DePape's writings on blogs also show he had been drifting into right-wing conspiracies, espousing anti-Semitic, racist, misogynistic views. He touched often on unfounded theories like QAnon, Gamergate, and Pizzagate, among others.Link

Fox News host Jesse Watters dismissed DePape's racist and conspiratorial writings, saying only he, "read through a few of them and he looks mentally ill."
Like mental illness and racist conspiratorial writings are mutual exclusive. The megaphone of extreme Right Wing conspiracy theories blasting out vitriol hate inspires these nuts.

Too much sex is still not enough.