Democrats Retain Control of Senate

Started by bats, Nov 12, 2022, 06:25 PM

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Quote from: HighStepper on Nov 13, 2022, 02:23 PM/quote]

...decisions that affect ALL Americans
What is your thought about Herschel Walker for Senate

He was a great football player but he's a hypocrite, he's fathered a bunch of kids out of wedlock.
I guess he's a typical NFL player then. lol

Are we having fun yet?




Brain dead - How many concussions has Herschel Walker had?

Has his dissociative identity disorder been cured?

NFL star, former Olympian shares struggle with mental illness with Phoenix Veterans
IMAGE: Football legend Herschel Walker shared his battle with dissociative identity disorder with a packed room of Veterans and VA employees, Oct. 3, at the Carl T. Hayden Medical Center.

Football legend Herschel Walker shared his battle with dissociative identity disorder with a packed room of Veterans and VA employees earlier this month at the Carl T. Hayden Medical Center in Phoenix.

Walker, the 1982 Heisman Trophy winner, Olympian and MMA competitor, shared through humor his life story from his humble upbringing in a Georgia town of 2,100 people to his football stardom as the Dallas Cowboys running back and, finally, his battle with mental illness, when he no longer had athletics to quell his anger.

"I didn't have a coping mechanism anymore," Walker said of his retirement from football. "Some might use drinking or drugs to cope, but when I was angry, I would run fast. When I left sports, my anger came back."

Image: Football legend Herschel Walker shared his battle with dissociative identity disorder with a packed room of Veterans and VA employees, Oct. 3, at the Carl T. Hayden Medical Center.Walker said it all came to ahead when voices told him that a delivery driver had disrespected him. He followed the drive with the intent to shoot him, but his fury toward the man dissipated after noticing a religious bumper sticker on the delivery truck. He said he felt like he was losing his mind, so he sought help from a pastor who convinced him to see mental health doctors. The doctors told Walker that he exhibited signs of dissociative identity disorder.

Walker said he initially refused to believe the doctors, but he continued his struggles, frightening family with games of Russian roulette and aggressive behavior. He said eventually saw the light and checked himself into a behavioral health hospital in California.

"I remember sitting in my first group session listening to these stories," he said. "I said to myself 'I'm not like these people. They're crazy.' So, I decided to lie."

However, Walker said he eventually began to change his initial perception of the hospital and accepted that he was struggling, allowing himself to receive help. He told the crowd of Veterans and VA employees that he initially thought you were less of a person if you sought help, but he changed his perception with the help of the hospital staff and other patients.

"If you're struggling, you're not alone," Walker said. "If you're hurting, don't be ashamed. I'm not ashamed."

Walker said he felt a kindred spirit with Veterans and service members having had military aspirations when he was younger. He has shared his experience with Veterans and active-duty personal at more than 160 military and VA installations.

"Life is not easy, but if you keep looking up, I can promise you that you will get through," he said. "You will get knocked down, but you must get back up. Batman, Superman and the Hulk don't exist, but you do. You put it on the line. You're the real heroes."

For general information about the mental health services provided by VA, visit your local VA medical center or Vet Center. For Veterans in immediate need to speak to a mental health professional please call the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255, press 1.

About the author: Macario Mora is a public affairs specialist for the Phoenix VA Health Care System.


Quote from: dogwalker on Nov 13, 2022, 05:37 PM.  As for the hoodies he currently wears yeh it's unconventional and even unprofessional but as long as he can do the job how he dresses may not matter that much.

I could make this argument for the majority of today's professions...unprofessional attire.

I walked into an insurance office few weeks ago and they were in jeans,tshirts, and their dogs were running around the office. 


Offices went home during COVID and now some are back to offices, although the dress down has probably been occurring for awhile depending on the job.


I don't see how his attire matters when the place is infested with crooks in nice suits.


Quote from: bats on Nov 15, 2022, 10:29 AMI don't see how his attire matters when the place is infested with crooks in nice suits.

You make a good point. There are those that will nitpick on clothing of someone they do not like.

Obama tan suit controversy. Multiple news outlets pointed out how presidents in the past had also worn tan suits, including Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Link

During his candidate appearances my own personal beliefs were that Fetterman should have worn a suit and tie during his TV interviews. Dress like the job you are aspiring to. Of course I grew up in a time when the suit on the right was the proper attire for a Senator. The middle Jacket and trousers are more for casual wear. Not appropriate on the Senate floor. Lol.

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Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Nov 15, 2022, 12:46 PMYou make a good point. There are those that will nitpick on clothing of someone they do not like.
You cannot view this attachment.

There is a big difference between a suit, tshirts, jeans, and dogs running around a office.  There is no way that would happen in my office. 

A few years ago I fostered kittens, I brought them to the office as I had to bottle feed them every 2 hours. 

Even then, I had a partner brought up the kittens were a distraction to the office. 

A suit is professional, tan suit is professional,  but May be considered professional casual. 


Weren't the Dems running scared?  Jogging now?


Quote from: Fathernature69 on Nov 15, 2022, 06:45 PMThere is a big difference between a suit, tshirts, jeans, and dogs running around a office.  There is no way that would happen in my office. 

A few years ago I fostered kittens, I brought them to the office as I had to bottle feed them every 2 hours. 

Even then, I had a partner brought up the kittens were a distraction to the office. 

A suit is professional, tan suit is professional,  but May be considered professional casual. 

That depends on where you work. In Silicon Valley in the tech sector, the default "suit" is a T-Shirt and jeans. Until Covid my work allowed people to bring in their dogs every friday.


I had forgotten about people bringing their dogs onto planes(emotional support), Home Depot and the grocery stores.
I like dogs but that really irked me, I guess that going away was one good thing about the pandemic.
Are we having fun yet?


dogs in stores irks you, but Trump lying about everything doesn't. hmmm. says a lot about you.

Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 16, 2022, 06:13 AMI had forgotten about people bringing their dogs onto planes(emotional support), Home Depot and the grocery stores.
I like dogs but that really irked me, I guess that going away was one good thing about the pandemic.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


People who use poor grammar also irks me, says a lot about them.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 16, 2022, 02:04 PMPeople who use poor grammar also irks irk me, says a lot about them.
Ahem. Plural subjects take plural verbs.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 16, 2022, 02:04 PMPeople who use poor grammar also irks me, says a lot about them.

There is no formal language academy that oversees the correct use of English in the USA. So what was incorrect in the past, often become acceptable with continued use of the word over time.
  • Words like Mentoring and prioritize use to not be acceptable word usage.
  • Newscasters will often say, "The reason for __________ is because." This is poor grammar.
  • Very unique. You cannot modify an absolute.
  • Do you remember when a preposition is something you should never end a sentence with.
  • What about you raise corn, but you rear children. Kids are the offspring of goats.

If one is publishing an academic paper they should pay close attention to grammar. Some grammatical errors maybe on our hearing, like chalk squeaking on a blackboard. (things we don't use anymore, lol). We are in the era of emails, text messages, and the internet, so appreciate good grammar when you come across it, however, judging character or intelligence on grammar use can lead one to an incorrect conclusion.

Too much sex is still not enough.