Blindly adhere to rigid ways of thinking

Started by dogwalker, Aug 02, 2023, 11:06 PM

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It's interesting to me how many people worldwide blindly adhere to rigid ways of thinking that are the result of who their parents are, where and how they grew up, what church they attended (if they did), where they went to college (not many here it seems), where they worked, whether they got exposed to other cultures, travelled internationally, and so on.  Had their circumstance been different they'd be completely different people yet they sit here posting about beliefs that are a bit artificially created because they can't think for themselves instead of being totally manipulated by external factors. 


Throughout history peoples thoughts and actions have been driven by the culture they grew up in. There is a propensity for people to believe that their way is the correct way. Growing up and interacting with different peer groups can bring about a change. Education and travel to other places in the world can be beneficial in broadening one's mind.

However, some people resist understanding the differences of others. Note the cultural wars that a currently ripping throughout our country.


Just in my humble opinion (IMHO)

The dictionary definitions seem to treat these words (opinion, bias) as if they were close to being synonyms.  I differentiate them on a rather simplistic basis.

It has been said that you have a right to your own opinions. However, you do not have a right to your own facts. The facts are the facts. It is how we interpret those facts that give rise to our OPINION.

We differ in opinion because we differ in how we interpret the facts.

People with opinions understand and accept that there can be different interpretations and thus different opinions. If a person is provided with new facts or additional facts, different understandings can occur, leading to a change in opinion.

On the other hand BIAS, unlike opinion, is often not connected to facts. Bias tends to not accept that there could be other legitimate opinions. Bias is not open to considering new facts. New facts are not accepted as facts. "My mind is made up don't confuse me with the facts." lol

So if in a discussion different opinions are found, a discussion about facts and interpretations can be productive.

Should bias be found, move on or post a rebuttal. However, keep in mind your words are intended for the passing thread readers with an open mind.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: dogwalker on Aug 02, 2023, 11:06 PMIt's interesting to me how many people worldwide blindly adhere to rigid ways of thinking that are the result of who their parents are, where and how they grew up, what church they attended (if they did), where they went to college (not many here it seems), where they worked, whether they got exposed to other cultures, travelled internationally, and so on.  Had their circumstance been different they'd be completely different people yet they sit here posting about beliefs that are a bit artificially created because they can't think for themselves instead of being totally manipulated by external factors. 
First, people "worldwide" aren't posting here, so I don't think you meant to conflate the two, even though your post literally does that.

Second, this seems to be the thread where we gather around to hear an international traveler among us imply that people who aren't like him, who haven't had the same breadth of experiences, can't possibly have the kind of broad perspective of the world that he has. Unlike him, we're supposed to believe, the views held by these poor saps have, in part, been "artificially created."

That's all pretty funny, but it's downright hilarious to see someone who doesn't care to become informed about anything that doesn't directly affect him go on to assert that unnamed others, who actually do make an effort to become informed, have, in synthesizing information that is necessarily second-hand, been rendered unable to think for themselves and are being "totally manipulated by external factors."


Yeah Dog.  Let people play their great white savior role and/or their poor victim role so that they can feel better about themselves.  Some of us have nothing else going for us and that's why we need our delusions.  It's why we can't admit there was an insurrection on Jan 6 or that we currently have politicians mentally unfit for office.  Don't try to get us to talk about things like women and travel and such on here okay.  This site is a site for politics if you weren't aware.


was with a band who performed a tune entitled one step over the line.


Oh, Dog...We need to meet! It has been a long time. An upscale bar with a great view. And a bartender who "knows" a perfect Manhatten.
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