U.S. Strikes

Started by Bande, Oct 27, 2023, 07:15 PM

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Breaking News..
U.S. Strikes Iranian targets in Syria..


Hmm you mean Biden not so weak after all?


U.S. fighter jets launched airstrikes early Friday on two locations in eastern Syria linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Pentagon said, in retaliation for a slew of drone and missile attacks against U.S. bases and personnel in the region that began early last week. Link

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Too much sex is still not enough.


Yeh if US citizens and property is attacked I'd say it's good to respond in some way.
But will a potential war in Syria become a proxy for a war with Iran? 
Syria is a disaster of a country like Lebanon so the US may feel it's a low risk target (unlike direct attacks on Iran).
US may also feel there is unfinished business in Syria since Assad (and the Russians) seems to have won the civil war (against Western supported groups) for now.


These are Iranian backed insurgents, Obama gave $1.7 billion to Iran when he was President and Biden recently released $6 billion. When are politicians going to learn you can't buy off Iran because the government has hated us since 1979, remember when they took our embassy staff hostage?

Iran is also funding Hamas, Hezbollah and rebels in Yemen.
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These problems go back to us removing Saddam Hussein in 2003, in fact Saudi Arabia asked Bush not to do it because Hussein was a buffer to Iran. Sometimes you need a secular dictator to keep the peace, sort of like what happened in Egypt and Pakistan with their military coups.

I would rather have a secular military dictator than a fanatical Islamic ruler.
Are we having fun yet?


But Saddam had WMD.
The smuggled them out of Iraq in pocket protectors according to Rush Limpdick. Lol

Should of bombed Saudi Arabia.
But then Jarod would of never gotten his $2 billion
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Israel/Palestine, the war of proxy confusion, murdering babies.  I'm sure babies have been murdered before but NOW it's in our face.  A long time client from Israel said, "The Hamas needs to be destroyed".  Hamas war criminals are supported by Putin.  Rumor, Putin is dying and looking for double.
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joebama got to strike back.lot's at stake.


the swamp. think. compare.contrast.