I love TRUMP

Started by Sexykitty, Nov 29, 2022, 10:25 PM

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Yeh depends on which ones.  The more that were printed the less they are worth, of course.


Quote from: dogwalker on Dec 19, 2022, 04:29 PMMost if what is here seems to be a pissing match or violent argument. 
It's hardly a gentleman's discussion for the most part.  I'm here to watch the train wreck.
You post regularly here. If it's a trainwreck then you're right in the heart of the wreckage.


Quote from: dogwalker on Dec 17, 2022, 05:17 PMPeople whine about Biden is this and Trump is that.  It doesn't matter to most voters.  Their minds are already made up about who they will support and are not likely to change.  So why do people in this forum continue to argue about the merits or deficiencies of Biden and Trump?  Most of us are older.  Our minds are not going to be easily changed which is VERY obvious......lol.  So why debate it?  To see who's the stud that can come up with the most clever one-upmanship on someone else?  If the goal is to get someone to change a vote....seriously doubt that will happen so why campaign here?

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That's stupid to me.
Why even "stand in front of the White House with a candle" ?
Just stay home, get a good night sleep, and you'd still be unchanged but less likely to burn your hand. 


Quote from: bats on Dec 17, 2022, 02:43 PMThere was also the "perfect phone call" to Zelensky. That glaring abuse of power was not proven in a court of law because that's not how we deal with sitting presidents. Instead, he got impeached in the House and tried in the Senate. The evidence against him was overwhelming but the Republican senators abandoned their oath to impartiality and failed to convict.

Like Biden never did such a phone call. LMAO. Hypocrites. lol I praise Donalds call..


The defense would have a role in picking the jury so it's a bit hard to whine about that.  Even a judge can be changed.
However at some point, perhaps after a lot of cry baby tantrums and delays from the Trump team, each side should declare they are happy with judge and jury and get on with a trial (if it comes to that).  Or put 6 black Democratic women and 6 white male Oath Keeper or election denier types on the jury.  That's why I don't think he'll be convicted.  His team may attempt to ensure  there will be at least one no vote from the jury (using bribes if required).
Trump should be happy he lives in the US.  In some countries he would have been assassinated, executed, or sent to prison forever long ago with zero evidence.


Quote from: Bande on Dec 19, 2022, 05:47 PMLike Biden never did such a phone call. LMAO. Hypocrites. lol I praise Donalds call..
Please identify any such call made by Biden. And remember, speculation by nutjob right-wing partisans doesn't count.


He can't.....strictly speaking......since he probably wasn't there.....that's my acid test......were you an actual witness or are you just spewing what you think or want to be true?  which applies to this entire forum....


Quote from: Bande on Dec 19, 2022, 05:47 PMLike Biden never did such a phone call. LMAO. Hypocrites. lol I praise Donalds call..

We have proof of Trump's. Since you say Biden did one, please provide proof...oh wait, there isn't any...


"We"?   .....so um....what committee are you on?   lol


Quote from: dogwalker on Dec 20, 2022, 01:51 AM"We"?   .....so um....what committee are you on?   lol


I didn't have to be there. His calls are recorded, they released the text.


And as  far as the dude in front of the White House with a candle goes....super weird.
Who would do that? so...it's my day off work....think I'll go stand on front of the White House holding a candle....lmao. Choose one.

a)  mentally ill
b) attention whore
c) on a soapbox trying to change people's minds in spite of claims to the contrary (sounds familiar)
d) vigil for a dead friend
e) attention whore
f) lost his car keys