U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circui

Started by bats, Sep 21, 2022, 05:58 PM

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Quote from: Bande on Sep 16, 2022, 09:36 PMGovernment property that the President controls and can check out per say like a library book.
That's weird because the appeals court tonight thought otherwise. In unanimously granting DOJ's request to block parts of the district court's order agreeing with Trump that he might have some interest in the classified documents he stole, the 11th Circuit said, "Say what?"

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By the way, this 3-judge panel was composed of 2 Trump appointees and 1 Obama appointee.


Too much sex is still not enough.


U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit
In its 29-page opinion, the panel said it agreed with the Justice Department that the federal district court in South Florida likely erred in blocking investigators' use of the classified records and then requiring them to submit the sensitive documents to the outside arbiter for review.

"For our part, we cannot discern why [Trump] would have an individual interest in or need for any of the one-hundred documents with classification markings," Judges Robin Rosenbaum, Britt Grant and Andrew Brasher said. "Classified documents are marked to show they are classified, for instance, with their classification level."

The former president, the judges continued, "has not even attempted to show that he has a need to know the information contained in the classified documents." The judges also said there is no evidence in the record before them that the roughly 100 documents at issue were declassified.

"In any event, at least for these purposes, the declassification argument is a red herring because declassifying an official document would not change its content or render it personal," the three-judge panel wrote. "So even if we assumed that [Trump] did declassify some or all of the documents, that would not explain why he has a personal interest in them." Link

Too much sex is still not enough.