Keystone Pipeline Back in News

Started by HighStepper, Dec 10, 2022, 10:48 PM

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December 9, 2022 Northeastern Kansas oil spill shuts down Keystone pipeline. The spill was equivalent to 14,000 barrels of oil. A major pipeline that carries oil from Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast.

In 2019, the Keystone pipeline leaked an estimated 383,000 gallons of oil in eastern North Dakota.

There have been at least 22 spills along the original Keystone pipeline since it began service in 2010.

All oil spills are difficult, but tar sands in particular are very toxic and very difficult.

Too much sex is still not enough.


I'm guessing they didn't call Mr Plumber to fix it.  Why so many leaks though?


Quote from: dogwalker on Dec 11, 2022, 06:45 AMWhy so many leaks though?

I'm guessing it's the cold temperatures, crude oil is like molasses below 32F. Gaskets shrink when it's cold which causes leaks.

I don't understand why they don't build refineries closer to Canada, they can be built near highways or rail lines.
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Big Oil Executives have said they have no interest in building more refineries or drill more wells. 8000 wells not used right now.
Why would they spend money on more production when they are making record profits.
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What caused the Keystone pipeline spill?
In its report last year to Congress, the GAO said Keystone's accident history was similar to other oil pipelines, but spills have gotten larger in recent years. Investigations ordered by regulators found that the four worst spills were caused by flaws in design or pipe manufacturing during construction.
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Does the Keystone pipeline benefit the US?
Yet many experts agree that moving ahead with the pipeline wouldn't have prevented U.S. gas prices from climbing to a record high. Expanding the Keystone would have increased global oil production by less than 1%, an amount, they explained, is "almost negligible."
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flaws in design?  yeh no kidding yet defective junk is allowed to be used.....hmmm


The news said they were running the pumps under higher pressure than normal. Combine that with thick crude, faulty seals and pipes equals a recipe for disaster.
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sounds like a typical company....probably underpay their employees too.....yet give their execs bazillion dollar bonuses for a fine job.