Nice ChinaBiden Video

Started by Bande, Jun 28, 2023, 06:04 AM

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The video would work just as well for Trump

Bizimkiler Ray Charles Hit the Road Jack Folk Cover
Too much sex is still not enough.



stop with useless videos that no one is watching. come up with your own thoughts, like why you are over joyed that Trump supports Putin.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Danno on Jun 29, 2023, 12:21 PMstop with useless videos that no one is watching. come up with your own thoughts, like why you are over joyed that Trump supports Putin.
The mere posting of a political video is not productive to initiate a meaningful discussion. Unfortunately the displayed title on a video is often click bait that may not be actually covered in the video.

In the future the poster of a video needs to introduce it by stating the points that are being made.
A poster can have a political opinion or a course of action that they want to promote. The video is a resource to support the poster's position.  Much like posting a web link as a source to written statements being made.

From now on just posting a video without an introduction/explanation of the political opinion/assertion the poster is trying to make, will be considered spam and be deleted.
Too much sex is still not enough.


From now on just posting a video without an introduction/explanation of the political opinion/assertion the poster is trying to make, will be considered spam and be deleted.

I second the motion...



Quote from: dogwalker on Jun 30, 2023, 12:56 AMyay
From a person that posts many useless comments.. LOL
Disagree Disagree x 2 View List


In the future the poster of a video needs to introduce it by stating the points that are being made.

Videos do make the points. If one must repeat what is already on the video as a introduction so be it.
I just seen this today.


I'd rather quickly read a few well thought out sentences (if that's possible) than spend hours watching videos that take forever to get to a point, if they even get there.  The put downs are unnecessary and childish.  Don't get butt hurt just because I agree.  I have a right to my opinion on the topic, like it or not.  And I agree.   This forum is SO much better without SPAM.


Quote from: Bande on Jul 05, 2023, 05:26 PMIn the future the poster of a video needs to introduce it by stating the points that are being made.

Videos do make the points. If one must repeat what is already on the video as a introduction so be it.
I just seen this today.

I don't think they meant just repeating the title. I think it was more meant as just don't post a video, but also include some kind of discussion to go with it. I could be wrong...


Quote from: Blkfyre on Jul 06, 2023, 12:22 AMI don't think they meant just repeating the title. I think it was more meant as just don't post a video, but also include some kind of discussion to go with it. I could be wrong...
You are correct that simply restating the title is not sufficient. As stated, above the displayed title on a video is often click bait that may not be actually covered in the video.

the poster needs to state the point that they want to make. What is the issue that they want discussed. The reader should be able to know where the poster is coming from.

By explaining the points being asserted in the video, the reader can decide if they have sufficient interest to invest their time in looking at the video. Or the reader may choose to use another source that addresses the issue.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Jul 06, 2023, 10:50 AMYou are correct that simply restating the title is not sufficient. As stated, above the displayed title on a video is often click bait that may not be actually covered in the video.

the poster needs to state the point that they want to make. What is the issue that they want discussed. The reader should be able to know where the poster is coming from.

By explaining the points being asserted in the video, the reader can decide if they have sufficient interest to invest their time in looking at the video. Or the reader may choose to use another source that addresses the issue.

As stated. When post about the video. That will settle that.
The Videos posted have information that will interest some. So, I will break it down for you. Unfortunately many leftist are NARROWMINDED.

Another example of Lefties trying to control narratives that do not go with their agenda.

Many lack expanding knowledge and hearing/watching videos to get a wider perspective.

Fact is our GOVERNMENT has exploited people and has shown how STUPID the masses are.

Nothing will ever happen till the PEOPLE get BALLS and off being carressed and babied..

Vote these IDIOTS out and start with people that are for the people and not lining there pockets..
COLD day in Hell is what I see.

People seem like they want to be dictated every move. Slap in the FACE to those that lost lives to give us our Freedoms...


Quote from: Bande on Jul 19, 2023, 11:18 AM"Many lack expanding knowledge and hearing/watching videos to get a wider perspective."
True, videos can be of value in expanding knowledge, However, not all videos are efficient is serving that purpose. An hour and a half video by an opinionated narrator spewing misinformation is not all that helpful.
Quote"Nothing will ever happen till the PEOPLE get BALLS and off being caressed and babied.."
So true. This is a major problem with the MAGA base. It's so bad that Fox News knowingly lied about the election being stolen to "baby" their audience. This is also, why feckless Congressional Republican leaders knowingly lie to the MAGA base.
QuoteVote these IDIOTS out and start with people that are for the people and not lining their pockets..COLD day in Hell is what I see.
Here is a 3 ½ minute video on Trump Inc: Lining Their Pockets - White House For Sale
When Trump was elected to the White House, he didn't drain the swamp, he flooded it. In this film, we dive deep into how the Trumps are Lining Their Pockets with YOUR taxpayer dollars. Trump has made millions from being in the White House and his corruption must be called out.
Quote... Slap in the FACE to those that lost lives to give us our Freedoms...
I did not pay the ultimate sacrifice, but I did serve in the military. Unlike the draft dodger, who is leading the polls for the Republican nomination.
Trump called war dead 'losers' and 'suckers,' Trump lies about his disparagement of POWs
On POWs Trump says he likes people that didn't get caufht.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Now Trump has kept some artifacts that belong to Israel. Was suppose to return them after they used them for a White House Hanukkah event. that was over 3 years ago. Stuff is now at Mar a Lago. The criminal Trump just can.t be honest about anything.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome