Good Ole ChinaBiden

Started by Bande, Nov 05, 2023, 11:06 AM

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Dishing all the $$$$ abroad and neglecting his own.
Kinda shows he is not for the people..

Dished out over 11 million dollars to Afghanistan and $700 per family in Hawaii. Kind of back assword.
Not to mention all the $$$$ sent to Ukraine and Israel.
Take care of our OWN and prosper in this COUNTRY.
Instead he has dragged OUR COUNTRY to HELL..


Aug 17, 2023 - Some Republicans and conservative commentators questioned President Joe Biden's priorities after the government announced a further $200 million of security assistance for Kyiv as it battles Russia's invasion, on the same day that people affected by the fires in Hawaii were offered $700 a household.Several parts of Maui have been damaged by the rapidly spreading wildfires, so it is unclear how many households will be eligible for the $700 payment. There are 53,919 households in Maui County. (700 X 53, 919 = 37,743,300). This is not the totality of the federal aid that will go to Maui, however. Although some figures have been released, the disaster recovery effort is in its early stages and further disbursements are expected in the days and weeks to come. Link

The aid being sent to Ukraine is also largely of a different sort. The bulk is defensive weaponry and equipment. Congress granted $113 billion in aid and military assistance to Ukraine between the invasion in February 2022 and the end of last year. Link

As Ronald Reagan said, we support them fighting Russians over there, so we don't have to fight the Russians here.
It is the Ukrainians that are spilling their blood. Republicans use to be for world democracy, but it seems like a lot of MAGA not lately.
Too much sex is still not enough.


One argument is money sent to others EVENTUALLY and INDIRECTLY can be positive for citizens in the US.   
I know....something more direct would be more obvious and acknowledged. 
Think BIG.