Newskum Lining pockets with 267mil

Started by Bande, Sep 20, 2023, 03:14 PM

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California to Make Largest-ever Investment to Combat Organized Retail Crime..

Purely lining the pockets of Government officials.

Fact is nothing can be done till Laws are changed.
Newskum If he really meant to do something would be introducing legislation to harshen the penalties.

The people voted to relax the laws and until this is reversed nothing will change.


Just like with the homeless situation, instead of getting to the root problem they throw more taxpayer money at it.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Bande on Sep 20, 2023, 03:14 PMCalifornia to Make Largest-ever Investment to Combat Organized Retail Crime..

Purely lining the pockets of Government officials.

Fact is nothing can be done till Laws are changed.
Newskum If he really meant to do something would be introducing legislation to harshen the penalties.

The people voted to relax the laws and until this is reversed nothing will change.

How is this lining pockets? Was there evidence in that link that said the money would be going directly to his account that I missed?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Sep 20, 2023, 04:16 PMJust like with the homeless situation, instead of getting to the root problem they throw more taxpayer money at it.

Idiot democrats want to give you a band-aid for a missing limb and then pat themselves on the back that they did something, that they're heroes, and deserved to be heralded for ages to come.


Quote from: Blkfyre on Sep 20, 2023, 04:37 PMHow is this lining pockets? Was there evidence in that link that said the money would be going directly to his account that I missed?
Because it was not there.

The funds would let local police hire more cops and help district attorneys dedicate more time to pursuing charges against robbers who steal merchandise. 

What laws say that it is okay to steal?
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Sep 20, 2023, 04:16 PMJust like with the homeless situation, instead of getting to the root problem they throw more taxpayer money at it.

My previous comments on how to address the homeless situation.

Romanticlover pointed out the problem with the US Supreme Court on options for dealing with homeless.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Sep 21, 2023, 07:14 PMBecause it was not there.

The funds would let local police hire more cops and help district attorneys dedicate more time to pursuing charges against robbers who steal merchandise. 

What laws say that it is okay to steal?

Many people are clueless to the laws that the people voted in making many felonies to misdemeanors in which is a ticket and slap on the hand. Many peace officers will not respond anymore due to there being no repercussions.

Therefore this money is going out and will line pockets cuz they can not prosecute heavier than a misdemeanor.
Until laws are changed nothing will happen..

Therefore a scam lining pockets of Government officials.

One item of many that was lightened up is, If one entered a business with a tool to help steal, it would automatically be a Felony. Well, it is a misdemeanor even though they showed intent.
Other item is the $$ amount stolen. People know that and keep it to the amount to keep a misdemeanor.

Laws need to be changed!!

Therefore the current laws make it ok..


You have not shown where money for the cops and prosecutors are going to line someone's pockets. Perhaps the best you can argue is that cops and prosecutors will not be deployed fully to address the smash and grab crimes.

As to laws, some have cited Prop 47, a ballot measure approved by voters in 2014, which reduced penalties for certain non-violent and low-level offenses.

Fact checkers and criminologists, however, have said it is false to suggest there were no consequences to theft and that there was no research-based evidence linking retail thefts in the state this year to reform measures. Prop 47 did not eliminate punishments for thefts, but directed that thefts under $950 be prosecuted as misdemeanors, not felonies (the previous threshold for felonies was $400). California's laws also remain harsher than the majority of states, which dictate amounts higher than $950 for thefts to be classified as felonies.

2018 study found that Prop 47 was not responsible for an uptick in crimes. There were other states without Prop 47 seeing similar smash and grab cases.

While some have also accused progressive prosecutors in LA and San Francisco of not taking these crimes seriously, advocates have noted that high-profile smash and grab cases and retail thefts had occurred in both cities before the current DAs were elected. In San Francisco, data also shows that prosecutors have filed charges for the vast majority of commercial burglary cases that police have presented to the DA this year. And in LA, advocates noted that property crime is down compared to the 2019, when the previous DA was in office.Link

So for a change in laws, my personal feeling is that it should be made legal to shoot thieves running out of the store with stolen merchandise.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Bande on Sep 21, 2023, 08:37 PMMany people are clueless to the laws that the people voted in making many felonies to misdemeanors in which is a ticket and slap on the hand. Many peace officers will not respond anymore due to there being no repercussions.

Therefore this money is going out and will line pockets cuz they can not prosecute heavier than a misdemeanor.
Until laws are changed nothing will happen..

Therefore a scam lining pockets of Government officials.

One item of many that was lightened up is, If one entered a business with a tool to help steal, it would automatically be a Felony. Well, it is a misdemeanor even though they showed intent.
Other item is the $$ amount stolen. People know that and keep it to the amount to keep a misdemeanor.

Laws need to be changed!!

Therefore the current laws make it ok..

QuoteMany people are clueless to the laws that the people voted in making many felonies to misdemeanors

So, if I get what YOU said, the PEOPLE were the ones who passed the laws you are saying that Newsome is lining pockets with. That the voters were the ones who made the changes, NOT politicians, right?

QuoteTherefore this money is going out and will line pockets cuz they can not prosecute heavier than a misdemeanor.
Until laws are changed nothing will happen..
Therefore a scam lining pockets of Government officials.

So, law enforcement is doing WHAT THE PEOPLE said they wanted to happen, but you again are saying the money, which is earmarked for other things BY THE PEOPLE, is lining pockets instead of enforcing laws THE PEOPLE said they didn't want to be enforced? How is following the will of the people a scam? If this is a law that was passed by the people, the money that was going to do so would be directed elsewhere, not just sitting around in a fund to line someone's pockets, that's not how it works.

QuoteLaws need to be changed!!

Therefore the current laws make it ok..

Uhm, okay, so if this is so obvious and all that needs to be done is to get VOTERS to pass a law changing it back, why haven't Republicans done so? After all, according to you, it's all a scam and it should be easy to put it in a bill to be voted on as was done originally and have it pass with no problems, right? Voters put the laws in place, so logically, voters can remove those laws/replace them right?


I'm lucky to know Newsome (are you freakin' out?).  In Utah, the Mormon Church announced, THEY'D take care of the homeless.  The homeless flooded the state.  My downtown, ER doctor son was faced with fleas, smelly bodies, un-kept humans.  Then Utah shipped them out.  The homeless can ruin thriving business.  In Campbell CA, police moved them out.  My hairdresser had a demonic homeless guy pee right in front of her front door many times.  THEN, a kind women gave the demon guy 100 bucks and he ran away.  I'm sick of hearing how bad California is while other states are flooded by the homeless. 

Many homeless are running away from bad families that didn't mentor positive children.  War vets PSTD, so bad.  I can hardly wait till the medical profession and the government, it's war, producing trauma soldiers, sees their "give a pill to fix everything" is not working.  When energetic medicine arrives more homeless will not be there anymore.  The system is crusty, old and outdated.

Did any of you see the one female hairdresser who cleaned up a homeless man?  He looked good, someone cared. 
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


california has the best days ahead. no hope. merely do. newsom will get in the rodeo i predict