Facebook Jail

Started by shellback97, Jul 27, 2022, 11:01 PM

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Just got put in facebook jail for commenting on how Islam's degradation of women and sexual repression of men basically drives everyone who believes in that shit insane....and I was much nicer on FB then I am here, and I wasn't commenting in public, I was commenting on a page devoted to Being an Agnostic or Atheist. Just needed to vent.


I'm not on FB...and never have been....fuck FB.

I have traveled to several Muslim countries in the last 3 years (Jordan, UAE, Egypt, Brunei, Indonesia) and totally get what you are saying.  I've seen it in depth first hand.  That said it's best not to make generalizations because there are all types in this world.  Some women in Muslim countries hate the oppression and others accept it completely. As with anyone depends on their background and upbringing. Some men in Muslim countries hate being horny as hell too often and others deal with it.  I can tell some stories about all of that.  Yes you and I will have our Western views about it but that does not mean everyone in those countries feels the same.  Some in those countries want to be more liberal and other prefer to stick to more traditional beliefs.  I do not feel it is up to us to judge them or impose our beliefs on them since I would not want them to do that to me....although having up to 4 wives (if they are not hiding their gross ugly bodies under a burka) could be cool  lmao


Not to mention homosexuals are thrown in prison or are executed in Muslim countries.
You can't get an abortion in Muslim countries.
No freedom of speech in Muslim countries.

Apparently no freedom of speech on FB either.
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Speaking of FB, Mark Zuckerberg is blaming the loss of revenue on the economy.


I think the reason is people are staying off of FB and IG which reduces their revenue, I haven't logged into my FB account in months. Eventually FB will become MySpace.
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stay tuned, this is coming to the good old USA
Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 28, 2022, 07:12 AMNot to mention homosexuals are thrown in prison or are executed in Muslim countries.
You can't get an abortion in Muslim countries.
No freedom of speech in Muslim countries.

Apparently no freedom of speech on FB either.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Yeh the rules and penalties in Muslim countries would be considered extreme compared to the US.
It's why I study them before I go to any.

In Saudi Arabia it is illegal for a non-Muslim to enter their holy cities (Mecca, Medina) at all.  $1000 fine if caught.

Brunei has 2 sets of laws and penalties, civil and religious.  So for example if convicted of theft you might be sentenced to a few years in prison by a civil court then your thieving hand would be ordered to be cut off by the religious court.  It's a very safe country to travel in!


Muslims pray to a meteorite in Mecca and some call Christians backwards weirdos(rolls eyes).


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Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is similar.

I was in Israel and Palestine recently. 
Some extremists there will probably never change their minds about teachings in their faith.
As such Arabs and Jews will probably continue to kill each other over their differences, much of which has to do with overlapping claims on sacred rocks and walls.


I've also been to Israel, lots of history in the Holy Land.
The huge walls separating Palestine and Israel are sad but I can understand Israel building them.

I wasn't able to visit the Dome of the Rock when I visited, at the time they had it closed to non-Muslims.
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