Chris Christie for President

Started by HighStepper, Jun 07, 2023, 12:13 AM

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C-SPAN Campaign 2024
Chris Christie Announces Presidential Campaign at New Hampshire Town Hall

30 minute speech followed by 90 minutes of questions from the audience.
I looked at the woman in short dress with legs crossed and cleavage top.

Media pundits say he is getting in the race to take Trump down, not to win. His response was if you want to win you have to take Trump down.

He said that he is not the perfect candidate and not a perfect person. Beware of the leader who has never made a mistake, never done anything wrong, if something goes wrong it is someone else's fault, and never lost. Christie believes he is accountable to the American people and will work on their behalf NOT for personal aggrandizement.

Too much sex is still not enough.


I'm no fan of Christie's, but he'd be a dream compared to Trump.

(I, too, was drawn to the young woman. Probably Christie's daughter or something, so I immediately averted my eyes.)


Lots of candidates in the Republican race now:  Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, NIkki Haley, Tim Scott, Chris Christie, Vivek Ramaswamy, Asa Hutchison, Doug Burgum (who?), Larry Elder (recall Newsome guy). 

On TV the woman in the white dress looked like she was not wearing a bra because the dark pattern on her dress often just happened to be where her nipples might be.


Quote from: bats on Jun 07, 2023, 02:48 AM...(I, too, was drawn to the young woman. Probably Christie's daughter or something, so I immediately averted my eyes.)

Christie's daughter, son, wife and father were on the side mostly off camera. ( yes, I caught the subtle humor, lol.

I watched her mostly the whole time. Saw her uncross her legs and casually rest her hand between her thighs.

Quote from: dogwalker on Jun 07, 2023, 08:16 AM...On TV the woman in the white dress looked like she was not wearing a bra because the dark pattern on her dress often just happened to be where her nipples might be.

I focused on her cleavage.
Too much sex is still not enough.


She's cute, I'd buy that for a dollar.

There are twelve candidates so far on the Republican ticket and Christie is way down the list, anything can happen between now and next November.
Are we having fun yet?


vivek has some chops. could be interesting.


"Biden and Trump are past their sell by dates."
                                                           Chris Christie

I have not heard much from Asa Hutchinson, however as it stands now Chris Christie would bring the White House back to the Republicans in 2024. Elected twice as Governor in a blue state. Governed with Democratic state legislature. Christie can also appeal to Independents and moderate Democrats.

Problem is that the MAGA base wants to stick with a loser in the general election.
Too much sex is still not enough.


That's a dumb ass saying though.  Any one of us could die at anytime so there is no "sell by date" on any of us that we are aware of in advance.
Christie is 60 and overweight...and as far as I can tell only exercises his


Quote from: dogwalker on Jun 13, 2023, 08:57 PMThat's a dumb ass saying though.  Any one of us could die at anytime so there is no "sell by date" on any of us that we are aware of in advance.
Christie is 60 and overweight...and as far as I can tell only exercises his
You have an excellent point. We have previously discussed this.

The slogan resonates with a large part of the electorate.  Many political catchphrases are oversimplifications of the issues.

Given the circumstances, Biden has performed reasonably well during his presidency. He has successfully engineered Bi-Partisan accomplishments in an extremely Partisan environment. There is no evidence that he cannot continue to perform.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Jun 14, 2023, 11:10 AMThere is no evidence that he cannot continue to perform.

If you forget him tripping on the stairs into Air Force One, him falling on his bike and him tripping over a sandbag at the Air Force graduation.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 14, 2023, 12:53 PMIf you forget him tripping on the stairs into Air Force One, him falling on his bike and him tripping over a sandbag at the Air Force graduation.
If an occasional accident meant a president could no longer perform his duties, we'd have booted Ford, Carter, and probably a few others. It's such a lame attack.


Haha yeh Ford hit his head more than once.
Biden needs a good catch phrase.   
How about "stop tripping, yo !"


I forgot Biden hit his head in Marine One a couple weeks ago. lol

Add his physical mishaps plus his cognitive decline in recent years = dementia
Are we having fun yet?


I'm tall.  Therefore I probably hit my head more than others.   

Biden is 6' 0".   215 lbs. (also overweight...jesus!)    Shoe size is 12 which might be why he's trippin'
(Trump is 6' 3" and 250 lbs.)


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 14, 2023, 03:41 PMI forgot Biden hit his head in Marine One a couple weeks ago. lol

Add his physical mishaps plus his cognitive decline in recent years = dementia

Speaks more to physical agility than mental ability. President Gerald Ford tumbled down the stairs of Air Force One. He had a few more falls, one was even up the stairs. Franklin D.Roosevelt could not even walk.

There is no objective clinical evidence of Biden being in cognitive decline. We have previously discussed this. Link

We have had this discussion about dementia before in a previous thread.
Dementia is not a specific disease but is rather a general term for the impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interferes with doing everyday activities. CDC Link
Too much sex is still not enough.