Polygamy Would Solve Inflation

Started by Hobby, Jun 10, 2024, 12:29 AM

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One person working use to be able to support the family.  The wive stayed home took care of the home and kids. Now  both spouses working have a diificult time keeping up with financial obligations and the kids.  Rent average monthy cost is now 2500 to 3500 per month 3 or 4 bedroom 2 bath home.  Child care over 1000 per month. Food, health insurance adds up you get the idea. The cost of living now cost more tha 2 spouses can handle so how about 2 or maybe 3 wives would under one roof?  Two  spouses could work while the 3rd takes care of the house and kids... I am all for polygamy...


I'm not opposed to consenting adults marrying as many as they want, if the state is going to allow same-sex marriages then they have to allow polygamy.
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You're a bit late on this.  We have surpassed the 2 income household and are in the multi-income household.  What you have diagnosed is much of our problem at the moment and it's just getting worse and worse.


people don't know how to budget, eating out, smoking, shopping at stores they can't afford. I lived on $400/mo back in 81 and had a blast.
cracks me up when I see a broke down car and both people are smoking.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 10, 2024, 07:36 AMI'm not opposed to consenting adults marrying as many as they want, if the state is going to allow same-sex marriages then they have to allow polygamy.
I'm not seeing the logic behind this claim.


Quote from: bats on Jun 10, 2024, 04:19 PMI'm not seeing the logic behind this claim.

Because polygamy is banned in the US, polygamy was declared unlawful through the passing of Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act of 1882. If the US can ban polygamy then it can ban same-sex marriage, conversely, if they allow one then they should allow both. Same-sex marriages were banned under the "Defense of marriage act" but the SCOTUS ruled it lawful in 2015.
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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 10, 2024, 05:58 PMBecause polygamy is banned in the US, polygamy was declared unlawful through the passing of Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act of 1882. If the US can ban polygamy then it can ban same-sex marriage, conversely, if they allow one then they should allow both. Same-sex marriages were banned under the "Defense of marriage act" but the SCOTUS ruled it lawful in 2015.

Uhm, following that logic shouldn't they have said same-sex marriage was allowed waaaaaaaay back in 1967? You know, when Interacial marriage was banned(in 1883) but then overturned by the Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia which declared bans on interracial marriage unconstitutional and struck down laws in the 16 states that still had them.

The fact that it did not kinda leads one to think that just because they struck down one thing doesn't automatically mean the other is as well.


I personally wouldn't like to be married again, especially to 2+ wives.
I wouldn't mind a couple of coed roommates with no kids to help pay the bills though.

Them: "RL we are short on the rent this month, is there anything we can do to make it up?"
Me: "Well let me think about it."
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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 10, 2024, 05:58 PMIf the US can ban polygamy then it can ban same-sex marriage, conversely, if they allow one then they should allow both. Same-sex marriages were banned under the "Defense of marriage act" but the SCOTUS ruled it lawful in 2015.
What if--try to stay with me here--the legal rationale for allowing same-sex marriage doesn't apply in any way to polygamy?


Quote from: bats on Jun 10, 2024, 10:07 PMWhat if--try to stay with me here--the legal rationale for allowing same-sex marriage doesn't apply in any way to polygamy?

I disagree. Polygamy from my understanding was made illegal for religious moral reasons. The same objections from the church were overcame for same sex marriage.  I think polygamy satitisfies the be fruitful and multiply directive in the bible than same sex does.


Quote from: bats on Jun 10, 2024, 10:07 PMWhat if--try to stay with me here--the legal rationale for allowing same-sex marriage doesn't apply in any way to polygamy?

Why shouldn't multiple consenting adults get married if they choose to?

They can't due to legal reasons in the US but since Hobby brought up the Bible it says in the Old Testament that men could have several wives. In many modern Muslim countries it's still legal to have multiple wives, they don't allow abortions or same-sex marriages though.
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One woman and more than one male arrangement, is a grea idea.  This polgmany abuse by men is huge shaming and offensive.  I would know coming from the Mormon cult (main LDS church not polgmany, polgamists groups are so obvious in SLC, Utah, AND the Mormon Church satanic rituals are coming out now). This attitude of men towards women is barbaric. Joseph Smilth who founded the church started polgmany when he had the hots for another woman.  The escuse was not emough men.  Women are not the property of men.  So outdated. old crusty ideolgy.  Oh, it was in te Bible.  Most married couples can mot handle each other.  That's where it started.  This needs to change since women can have more than one orgasm and keep going in the sheets.  Men and women are not equal by the law.

Death penality for women who have abortions in Texas, that state hates women and life itself.
If this goes into efffect women need to make sure they know who got them pregnant and he can have the death penality too.  Make men responsible for putting their dicks in pussy, let it roll.  Watch the law never happen.  Men go around dropping sperm and run away is bullshit.

Any many women are smarter than men so pay them more.  Men can learn to nuture children.  Men can be the mommy and find out how hard it is to raise kids and maintain a house. 

What religion allows polygamy?
For example, in some Islamic, Hindu, and even Christian countries, polygamy is a normal practice or is otherwise tolerated. Some Native American, Indigenous Australian, and Mongolian peoples practice "group marriage," where the nuclear family consists of multiple husbands and multiple wives.Jan 16, 2020
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Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 11, 2024, 06:54 AMWhy shouldn't multiple consenting adults get married if they choose to?
I agree with Romanticlover. In a free society that allows marriage without the restrictions of race or gender, so it should be that there is no restriction on having multiple marriage partners.

We can see multiple partner marriages throughout the world. Bigmamy seems to be primarily a European thing.  In ancient times, marriage was primarily a civil matter governed by imperial law. However, when the Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th century, church courts took over and elevated marriage to a holy union. As the church's power grew through the Middle Ages, so did its influence over marriage

Polygamy is a gender-neutral term. Polygyny specifically refers to a man who has multiple wives. Polyandry refers to a woman who has multiple husbands. Marriage should be a civil contract without the church or government deciding who can enter the contract, as long as they are competent parties.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Real life polgamy is slavery for women.  Religious polygamnist pay titing up the ass so fighting inflation is out the door.

I think I killed the polygamy idea, good.
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I suppose in some relationships you are right but doesn't have to be. 