Debate night

Started by Romanticlover, Jun 27, 2024, 06:15 PM

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Now we have the "jet lag" bullshit.

President Joe Biden says, "I wasn't very smart," he told donors at a fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, according to several reports. "I decided to travel around the world a couple times, going through I don't know how many time zones—for real, I think it was 15 time zones... I didn't listen to my staff." "And then I came back and nearly fell asleep on stage." "It's not an excuse but an explanation," the president added.

There are times when "the leader of the free world" travels around the world as a part of presidential duties. He travels on Air Force 1, with all the amenities needed for office and home activities. I can understand getting a cold with all that world travel. And we are not our best when we have a cold, however, claiming "Jet Lag" after being home for 11 days is downright dumb.
Too much sex is still not enough.


It's a disservice to the public not to allow RFK Jr on the debate stage, we deserve another choice.
At this time it looks like Trump will be our next President, even the latest CNN poll showed him ahead.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 03, 2024, 01:15 PMAt this time it looks like Trump will be our next President, even the latest CNN poll showed him ahead.

That poll might be helpful if the president were chosen by popular vote. But that's not how we choose presidents, so what's the point?


There's also no point in having a second debate on September 10th because Biden will be babbling incoherently and Trump will be lying his ass off again.

What questions will they ask that weren't asked in the first debate?
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 03, 2024, 03:09 PMThere's also no point in having a second debate on September 10th because Biden will be babbling incoherently and Trump will be lying his ass off again.

What questions will they ask that weren't asked in the first debate?
By this reply, I can only assume that you don't know the poll's point, either, but you're unwilling to admit that citing it as evidence that Trump will be our next president made no sense.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 03, 2024, 03:09 PMThere's also no point in having a second debate on September 10th because Biden will be babbling incoherently and Trump will be lying his ass off again.

What questions will they ask that weren't asked in the first debate?
The whole debate format, past and present, is flawed by design. No one walks into the Oval Office and says, "Mr. President Russia just invaded Ukraine, you have 2 minutes to say what you will do, and you can't use any briefing papers or staff to formulate your response." Yet, you have self-absorbed moderators asking questions on a timeline clock.

Pick, perhaps 5 to 6 key issues with 15 to 20 minutes of debate time per issue allocated. NO moderators asking questions. The referees throw the flag if the agreed upon rules are violated, not call plays or implement strategic game plans. The two candidates DEBATE the issues back and forth with 1-2 minute arguments on their positions and oppositions on an issue. Point out how their ideas/position is better than the other candidate. And what is wrong with their opponents ideas.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: bats on Jul 03, 2024, 05:15 PMBy this reply, I can only assume that you don't know the poll's point, either, but you're unwilling to admit that citing it as evidence that Trump will be our next president made no sense.

Please stop patronizing me, I'm a college grad with an IQ of 129.

I don't like either candidate, I merely linked that article to show that voters aren't happy with Biden's performance.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 03, 2024, 06:20 PMI merely linked that article to show that voters aren't happy with Biden's performance.
This would have been an honest reply to my question.


Orange Man Sad is looking bad...

On a side note: Gov Newsom is travelling the country campaigning for Biden while our state is literally on fire from this oppressive heat.
Are we having fun yet?


On a side note: Gov Newsom is travelling the country campaigning for Biden while our state is literally on fire from this oppressive heat.

Just the disaster I would not want campaigning for me. Gavin systematically destroyed San Francisco and has done the same thing for California and the businesses here!  That should easily be the nail in the coffin for Biden.


31 minute video of the actual debate.
  • Biden answers he doesn't think he watched the debate.
  • Biden talked about a number of his accomplishments as President, which in fact were consequential.
  • Biden discussed the things that he would do in his second term, and where he wants to take the country in the future.
  • Biden seems to truly believes, honestly, that he can do the job for he next 4 years. He doesn't think there is anyone more qualified to win the Presidential race than him. (Biden's inner circle is telling him to stay in)
  • Biden doesn't seem to accept that he is doing as bad in the polls, approval, ratings as he is.
How would he feel IF he lost the election to Donald Trump with the severe consequences that would come from a 2nd Trump Presidency? Biden said something to the effect of, if he gave it his best and did his all that is what it's about.

Martha Raddatz, "aging is not like a broken bone that gets better."

People want to talk about a poor debate performance, ONE night. His concerns about his aging has been a narrative for some time. The debate just reinforced it. The interview was an improvement over the debate (low bar) but did not allay anxieties. I think we all have seen how presidents look when they go in the office and how they look when they leave office. If you are serious about doing the job it ages you.

Ronald Reagan, at age 73, was also prone to bouts of confusion and mental lapses, most visibly during the 1984 presidential election debates. So, while I think it is time to go Joe, I would vote for Biden over Trump. Biden has the wisdom and moral integrity to govern.  Just surround the guy with good staff like they did with Regan.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 07, 2024, 10:28 AMOn a side note: Gov Newsom is travelling the country campaigning for Biden while our state is literally on fire from this oppressive heat.
Governor Gavin Newsom doesn't have a fire hose, he is not a firefighter. He is serving California by keeping Trump out of the Presidency. What kinds of future Federal money for disasters do you think California will get with Trump in charge and MTG, the Jewish space lasers starting California forest fires?
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 28, 2024, 04:47 PMIt's not just "right-wingers" saying that Biden is senile, many left-leaning reporters said it last night and today.
Of course not one Dem politician criticized Biden's performance last night. It's elder abuse putting old Joe through this. After the debate Trump and Biden stood there but the camera was still on, you can see Trump walk off the stage but Biden waited at the podium. His wife Jill came over and escorted him off stage.

Biden should be at home enjoying what time he has left with his grandchildren...not running our country.

Typical right wing unfounded comment about Biden greeting his wife on stage. Had Melania been there showing support for her husband she would have done the same as Jill. Donald walked off the stage because there was no family there to support him.  Trump may be okay today but may stumble tomorrow. I agree that Biden is showing signs of advanced aging that doesn't show till later in life for most people.  Why his physical and mental stability is important is people's perception they see...they want to see a strong presence something Biden has never really displayed.  Biden needs to drop out of the race if dems want a good chance beating Trump.


I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


Quote from: HighStepper on Jun 27, 2024, 09:16 PMBiden came off as feeble looking while trying to truthfully answer questions.

Trump being typical Trump lied and avoided answering questions. Talked about things not even remotely connected to the questions ask.

As to how this will effect the election, both Bush and Obama had poor first debates, but went on to win their reelection bid. 

I'm am a registered Independent and was not impressed by Biden.  If I didn't know what a scumbag Trump is I would say Trump out perform Biden by 100 miles...

Yes Bush and Obama won but they weren't 81 going on 100!  Voter perception is very important and the candidate has to convince the voter they are up to the job both mentally and physically. Biden showed he wasn't and voters believe his condition will continue to worsen.