Trump assassination attempt

Started by Romanticlover, Jul 13, 2024, 05:03 PM

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Trump is going to win in November because there's talk that Chuck Schumer asked Biden to step aside, the calls are getting louder for Biden to retire.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 18, 2024, 08:33 AMTrump is going to win in November because there's talk that Chuck Schumer asked Biden to step aside, the calls are getting louder for Biden to retire.
It's not just Schumer; it's Pelosi and Schiff, too. This morning, I heard on the news that Obama doesn't think Biden can win, either.

It's just a matter of time before Uncle Joe will have to step aside. And that's sad, but the Democrats have done this to themselves.

But it doesn't mean Trump will win. There are still more than three months until the election, and a lot can happen between now and then.


Quote from: Danno on Jul 18, 2024, 08:24 AMTuesday Jon Stewart show. When Bill O'Reilly started reading off unflattering statistics about Biden's economy, Stewart did push back, literally. He prompted his guest to explain how Biden is solely responsible for high food prices, gas prices, mortgage rates, etc., given what he inherited from his predecessor. When O'Reilly responded he didn't know, Stewart guffawed, comically pushed back his own chair, got up and walked away.

HE DIDN'T KNOW, should make an ad out of that one.

I quit watching Bill Oreilly and the political forum message board are right wing extremist who hate democrats.  Bill is in bed with Trump.


Quote from: Hobby on Jul 18, 2024, 11:11 AMI quit watching Bill Oreilly and the political forum message board are right wing extremist who hate democrats.  Bill is in bed with Trump.
Bill went off the deep end.
He's asked to explain there talking points and he can't.  Lol
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Quote from: Hobby on Jul 18, 2024, 11:11 AMI quit watching Bill Oreilly and the political forum message board are right wing extremist who hate democrats.  Bill is in bed with Trump.

Left Wing Extremist have done as well. In fact who started the infighting? Left wing extremists for the last 6 years+ Have false accusations, a gazillion lies, and tried everything to stop Trump. Even to the point filing tons of frivolous lawsuits designed to break Trump. And many LEFTISTS have gone as far as to wish him death.
I guess that is no means to be hateful to the Demoncrats.
Demoncrats made this mess and the population is seeing this...
Interesting to see how this C.I.A. investigation pans out, I doubt nothing becomes of it until Trump takes the reigns again.
Hell, who has Biden FIRED with all the Turmoil in this Administration? Answer, Only 1, the person stealing dresses from luggage at airports... Go Biden... LOL


QuoteLeft Wing Extremist have done as well. In fact who started the infighting?
Since you asked, the answer  is Newt Gingrich

QuoteWho has Biden FIRED with all the Turmoil in this Administration? Answer, Only 1
Trump fired an unusually high number from his administration. Mass firings points to piss poor hiring in the first place. Trump is a criminal and he surrounded himself with criminals.
QuoteInteresting to see how this C.I.A. investigation pans out,
It is the FBI. The CIA doesn't have jurisdiction on American soil.
Too much sex is still not enough.


The SS Director resigned this morning due to being incompetant and being grilled by Congress on Monday, both parties tore her a new one over her ineptness.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 23, 2024, 07:38 AMThe SS Director resigned this morning due to being incompetant and being grilled by Congress on Monday, both parties tore her a new one over her ineptness.

They just want to make what happened political and someone to blame.  She didn't do anything wrong other than to show up and answer stupid questions.  I'm sure the SS will learn from this.


Quote from: Hobby on Jul 23, 2024, 09:40 AMThey just want to make what happened political and someone to blame.  She didn't do anything wrong other than to show up and answer stupid questions.  I'm sure the SS will learn from this.
Exactly. This was a rare case when it made political sense for both parties to grandstand for the same cause. 


I didn't see the whole hearing on the Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle. However, based on news snippets of what happened, she had to know going in, that her days as Director was over.

There were as number of failures and things overlooked. One major strategy that surprised me was how they set up security coverage. Assigning local law enforcement outer perimeter security, a small town police force whose main function for big events like this was to control traffic.
Too much sex is still not enough.


I want to know who gave the green light on that stupid venue with tall trees and buildings nearby.
I'm sure she will get a golden parachute for being inept or they will transfer her to another federal job where the other inept employees go.
Are we having fun yet?


I was thinking maybe Trump wasn't hit by anything that he carried a little vial of makeup to simulated being shot if assignation attemp was made.  He gets a minor injury to his ear... just what are the odds of that happening.  But he sure loves to use his ear wound as some sort of miracle it is God's will.  Nope not buying his story. Others there were injured one killed those people I feel bad for.


I don't want to see anymore of these blank posts they are spam... spam is forbidden on this site and we will delete and ban any member who does this!
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


Quote from: Hobby on Jul 24, 2024, 11:55 PMI was thinking maybe Trump wasn't hit by anything that he carried a little vial of makeup to simulated being shot if assignation attemp was made.  He gets a minor injury to his ear... just what are the odds of that happening.  But he sure loves to use his ear wound as some sort of miracle it is God's will.  Nope not buying his story. Others there were injured one killed those people I feel bad for.

He does have WWE experience.....

Blood capsules in the MAGA cap. 🤔

He didn't drop immediately. 

Just a dancing bear trying to get my groove on✌️🐻


Quote from: HighStepper on Jul 14, 2024, 08:21 PMWe Are Not Enemies:' President Biden's Address From the Oval Office

"Hate must have no safe harbors"

Video 6:24 minutes

ChinaBiden Never Lies? Correct... LMAO