Trump’s RNC Acceptance Speech

Started by HighStepper, Jul 19, 2024, 12:41 PM

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I have to admit that I did not watch it. I'm so tired of Trump's same old shtick  where he lies, brags, or blames.

It looks like I didn't miss much. He rambled on for over 90 minutes. several people seated around him fell asleep while Trump was speaking. Link

Too much sex is still not enough.


Yeah it was painfully long, but the part about the assignation attempt was compelling to hear.


Quote from: Rockeyhard on Jul 19, 2024, 12:49 PMYeah it was painfully long, but the part about the assignation attempt was compelling to hear.
Did he talk about wanting to get his shoes as the Secret Service was ushering him off stage?
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Jul 19, 2024, 12:55 PMDid he talk about wanting to get his shoes as the Secret Service was ushering him off stage?
lol!  No he didn't bring that up.  So funny.  Dude gets shot in the ear and he's worried about his shoes!  How the hell did he lose his shoes anyway!


Trump is marketing the assignation attemp. Claiming Devine intervention when one man was killed others injured.  He said he is alive by grace of God. He is alive because the kid wasn't a good shot!  Trump said he was president for everyone leaving off that you have to be loyal to him and not a Democrat.  Trump is a master marketer.


Quote from: HighStepper on Jul 19, 2024, 12:41 PMI have to admit that I did not watch it. I'm so tired of Trump's same old shtick  where he lies, brags, or blames.

It looks like I didn't miss much. He rambled on for over 90 minutes. several people seated around him fell asleep while Trump was speaking. Link
I watched for maybe 40 minutes before tapping out. Some of the convention-goers had tears streaming down their faces. Imagine being so completely taken in by a con artist that you have sympathy for him as he claims the only reason he's still here is because of "the grace of almighty God."

How are people not disgusted by that when a guy behind him was killed? Was the fire chief sacrificed for Trump? That's a logical deduction if you're going with the divine intervention theory.

As someone said on Twitter, having sympathy for Trump after that shooting is like feeling sorry for the Wicked Witch of the West after Dorothy threw water on her.


Are you kidding me? You are so uncompassionate that you can't even have simpathy for someone who did just get shot. You are truly lost!


wonder why they didn't have pictures of the 5 cops killed Jan 6th?
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Rockeyhard on Jul 19, 2024, 02:50 PMAre you kidding me? You are so uncompassionate that you can't even have simpathy for someone who did just get shot. You are truly lost!
I don't feel sympathy for unrepentant criminals.


Quote from: Hobby on Jul 19, 2024, 01:37 PMTrump is marketing the assignation attemp. Claiming Devine intervention when one man was killed others injured.  He said he is alive by grace of God. He is alive because the kid wasn't a good shot!  Trump said he was president for everyone leaving off that you have to be loyal to him and not a Democrat.  Trump is a master marketer.
You can't make this stuff up:

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Quote from: bats on Jul 19, 2024, 02:45 PMI watched for maybe 40 minutes before tapping out. Some of the convention-goers had tears streaming down their faces. Imagine being so completely taken in by a con artist that you have sympathy for him as he claims the only reason he's still here is because of "the grace of almighty God."

How are people not disgusted by that when a guy behind him was killed? Was the fire chief sacrificed for Trump? That's a logical deduction if you're going with the divine intervention theory.

As someone said on Twitter, having sympathy for Trump after that shooting is like feeling sorry for the Wicked Witch of the West after Dorothy threw water on her.

Makes me wonder about people's values when they will support a lying crook like Trump.  Trump wants people with faith to believe God wants him to win in November.  People of faith should not want Trump if they truly believe in their faith


Quote from: Rockeyhard on Jul 19, 2024, 02:50 PMAre you kidding me? You are so uncompassionate that you can't even have simpathy for someone who did just get shot. You are truly lost!

Hardly.  If Trump was shot dead I would not shed a tear or lose any sleep.  Trump caused a man behind him to be shot and killed others injured only because they just happen to be there.  No I don't feel anything for Trump but I do for the innocent killed and injured.


Quote from: Rockeyhard on Jul 19, 2024, 12:49 PMYeah it was painfully long, but the part about the assignation attempt was compelling to hear.
It was painfully long, and painfully self-serving. Some examples from a transcript of his speech:

-Why the attendees didn't "stampede" upon hearing the sound of gunfire.

Even if you blindly accept his thesis that it was "very unusual" for the attendees not to run, the motivation he ascribes to them is all about him.

Trump: "They knew I was in very serious trouble," and "they didn't want to leave me, and you can see the love written all over their faces."

He talks about them as though they're his loyal subjects, and I guess they kind of are.

-Why he raised his right arm.

He said, "the crowd was confused because they thought I was dead. And there was great, great sorrow. I could see that on their faces as I looked out. They didn't know I was looking out; they thought it was over. But I could see it and I wanted to do something to let them know I was OK."

He continued: "Once my clenched fist went up, and it was high into the air, you've all seen that, the crowd realized I was OK and roared with pride for our country like no crowd I have ever seen before."

Meanwhile, as Trump is basking in all this love and concern, there's a dude behind him, dead or dying, and two others critically wounded. Despite knowing that "many bullets were being fired," he didn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

-How to unify the country.

"In an age when our politics too often divide us, now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens — we are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

So far, so good!

He continued: "If Democrats want to unify our country, they should drop these partisan witch hunts, which I've been going through for approximately eight years. And they should do that without delay and allow an election to proceed that is worthy of our people. We're going to win it anyway."

He's saying everything will be all right as long as the Democrats stop criticizing him and let him off the hook for all wrongdoing.

Also, an election worthy of our people? We know what that means—an election where only he is allowed to win.