Biden dropped out

Started by Romanticlover, Jul 21, 2024, 12:58 PM

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He's not going to seek re-election.

The coincidences to 1968 are very eerie: LBJ didn't seek re-election, RFK runs for President and was assassinated(his son is running for president), a Republican wins(conjecture but we all know Trump is going to win)

Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jul 21, 2024, 12:58 PMThe coincidences to 1968 are very eerie: LBJ didn't seek re-election, RFK runs for President and was assassinated(his son is running for president), a Republican wins(conjecture but we all know Trump is going to win)
I'm trying to imagine how anyone could find "coincidences," let alone eerie ones, but I suppose we all have different ways of looking at things.

Also, while many people on the right are undoubtedly confident Trump will win after the Republican circle jerk in Milwaukee, the fact is that nobody knows anything.


Well the last time that Trump won was when Hilery was running. I don't think the American public will vote in a woman for President. But we will have to see.


I'm going to pretend to be a late night TV show comedian and propose if Kamala Harris is the Democratic candidate she should pick Biden as her VP.  Why?
1.  He has done the job before so he has experience.
2. The VP doesn't do anything so he's perfect.
3. Her campaign will not need to waste money printing new signs.
4.  She's just THAT loyal.

Will a new VP candidate be announced by Harris before Harris is the official Democratic candidate (if she is)?
Will the new Democratic candidate end up waiting until near the end of the DNC convention to announce their VP pick? 


Kamala has exceeded expectations and is a great V.P. , Therefore will step up as a Great Female President.


Quote from: Bande on Jul 21, 2024, 05:01 PMKamala has exceeded expectations and is a great V.P. , Therefore will step up as a Great Female President.

I wasn't going to vote but if Harris is the choice I will gag and vote for her just to keep Trump out.  I think if Dems are going to support Harris Biden needs to resign due to covid illness making Harris president.  If Harris is president voters won't be voting for her to be president they will be voting to keep her another 4 years. If Biden resigns Harris is president in November she will probably beat Trump!


If Harris replaces Biden before November Harris poll numbers will sky rocket because of all the free media publicity she will get.  I do believe if Harris is president before November she will win the election by a landslide victory.  The whole election will change from choosing between a corrupt lying convicted felon or senile feeble old man.  I hope Biden realizes his stepping down is best he can do for our country.


Joe Biden's Presidency will rank as one of the most consequential in modern times.

Nikki Haley Voters for Kamala Harris. A coalition of former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley voters pledged their support for Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential bid on Sunday, hours after President Joe Biden announced that he was dropping out of the race. Link

I voted for Nikki Haley in the Primary Election and will vote for Harris in the General Election
Too much sex is still not enough.


Joshua Shapiro or "J.B." Pritzker
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I have to point out that in swing states.....ummm such as NV (but not CA)......a no vote for one candidate can ultimately end up being an indirect, perhaps unintentional, vote "FOR" the candidate of the other party.  Lack of a vote is not exclusively a no / protest vote "against" one candidate although many voters think that way.  It's really a null vote and that can have consequences.   

Let's say someone in a swing state was going to vote for someone then decides not to.  That REDUCES the vote for that candidate and if that candidate was potentially ahead, but barely, in a close race then that no vote (along with others thinking the same) gives the other candidate the opportunity to win.

This is because all states are winner take all with regard to Electoral College votes except NB and ME.  That means in a tight race if there are too many protest, no votes against a candidate that was potentially ahead then those votes may decrease while the other candidate's votes may remain the same.  That reduction in votes, due to no votes, in a tight race, may be enough to allow the other candidate that was behind to now win the majority.

Example, if this is not clear:
Biden (or whoever) leads Trump 50.1% to 49.9% in a swing state.
0.3% of voters, at some point, say fuck Biden due to his age or whatever, don't like any other candidate and don't vote for anyone.
Biden's votes drop to 49.8% but Trump still has 49.9% and therefore wins the Electoral College votes in that state because he is now the winner with the most votes in that state.

All it takes is enough no or protest votes 1 vote more than the difference in votes between 2 candidates to give the one that was behind a win.  (This is why I think the fervent Bernie Sanders voters who refused o vote for Clinton killed or at least diminished H. Clinton's chance to win but I know others here disagree.....). In that regard, if RFK Jr. drops out, who he endorses or who his supporters vote for could be critical in certain states.  If he stays in the race, votes for him are not votes for someone else and those votes could have been enough for someone else to win a state.  Spoiler effect.

I wonder how many people realize that by not voting for someone in their preferred party that is roughly close to their values or goals they may be indirectly allowing someone in another party that is vastly opposed to their values or goals to win. 

The above is one of many reasons I am disappointed by people that do not vote, say their vote does not matter, and so on. 


Quote from: dogwalker on Jul 21, 2024, 08:06 PMI have to point out that in swing states.....ummm such as NV (but not CA)......a no vote for one candidate can ultimately end up being an indirect, perhaps unintentional, vote "FOR" the candidate of the other party.  Lack of a vote is not exclusively a no / protest vote "against" one candidate although many voters think that way.  It's really a null vote and that can have consequences.   

Let's say someone in a swing state was going to vote for someone then decides not to.  That REDUCES the vote for that candidate and if that candidate was potentially ahead, but barely, in a close race then that no vote (along with others thinking the same) gives the other candidate the opportunity to win.

This is because all states are winner take all with regard to Electoral College votes except NB and ME.  That means in a tight race if there are too many protest, no votes against a candidate that was potentially ahead then those votes may decrease while the other candidate's votes may remain the same.  That reduction in votes, due to no votes, in a tight race, may be enough to allow the other candidate that was behind to now win the majority.

Example, if this is not clear:
Biden (or whoever) leads Trump 50.1% to 49.9% in a swing state.
0.3% of voters, at some point, say fuck Biden due to his age or whatever, don't like any other candidate and don't vote for anyone.
Biden's votes drop to 49.8% but Trump still has 49.9% and therefore wins the Electoral College votes in that state because he is now the winner with the most votes in that state.

All it takes is enough no or protest votes 1 vote more than the difference in votes between 2 candidates to give the one that was behind a win.  (This is why I think the fervent Bernie Sanders voters who refused o vote for Clinton killed or at least diminished H. Clinton's chance to win but I know others here disagree.....). In that regard, if RFK Jr. drops out, who he endorses or who his supporters vote for could be critical in certain states.  If he stays in the race, votes for him are not votes for someone else and those votes could have been enough for someone else to win a state.  Spoiler effect.

I wonder how many people realize that by not voting for someone in their preferred party that is roughly close to their values or goals they may be indirectly allowing someone in another party that is vastly opposed to their values or goals to win. 

The above is one of many reasons I am disappointed by people that do not vote, say their vote does not matter, and so on. 



Funny that  ;D

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Trump said he should get all his money back he spent campaigning against Biden. lol
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


I was literally watching a Biden for President ad as the news was breaking.  Crazy.


And oh look! The RepubliCANT hate machine is already in full swing:
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As a friend said: So it's not that she was sexually responsible and did not become pregnant while having sex it jumps to an assumption she was stupid (like they assume most women who have to get abortions MUST be) and so has had a ton of abortions?!? Just unhinged.

And the worst part...I can see The Convict using this in the upcoming months...