Biden Team On Gas Prices: We Give Up!

Started by Hobby, Jun 07, 2022, 03:36 PM

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Oil companies lowering prices?  That's hilarious. 
How low?  So they are non-profits? 
That's not how any FOR PROFIT public company that is financially responsible operates.
So low they lose money and go out of business?  Then some of you will really have something to whine about when supply is lower than it already is and there is less competition.  I'll point out again that they have to pay for crude oil priced at a [highly variable and volatile] FUTURE rate and need some cash to pay for that.  There are good reasons for their profits.
The only thing oil companies are going to do with their profits is what any other company would do which among other things are:
    take care of their employees with good salaries and that bad?
    return some to shareholders as a their stock if you want that. Some pay 10% these days.
    invest in R&D for the future [how do you think the US became an exporter and less dependent on OPEC?  Is that bad?]
Some profit is needed to sustain and grow any business for the long term.
I suppose one can debate how much profit is reasonable.



Great Find! Wow... I bet Democrats and Biden lovers are loving this! Not much they can say about it coming from their beloved president Obama!


Obama was correct then, he is correct now. Listen up Joe, pay attention.
Too much sex is still not enough.


They might get rid of federal gas tax of 18 cents which is a stunning 3% savings.
CA may give out $200-1000 in the fall IF you qualify, enough for 2 tanks of gas.


Quote from: dogwalker on Jun 26, 2022, 04:24 PMThey might get rid of federal gas tax of 18 cents which is a stunning 3% savings.

I think people assume that the gas companies are going to reduce the price by 18cents. There is no guarantee that they will not keep some or most of the 18 cents for themselves with very little going to the consumer. 
Too much sex is still not enough.


I drive very little so this is yet another thing I don't care about.



ChinaBiden has a 38% approval rating
56% disapproval rating.

Makes me proud for those that support ChinaBiden..


Quote from: Bande on Jun 28, 2022, 09:05 PMBREAKING NEWS

ChinaBiden has a 38% approval rating
56% disapproval rating.

Makes me proud for those that support ChinaBiden..

And he's STILL doing better than Trump did at his worst, and who's average was only 3 points better, so what does that say about conservatives who support him?


Quote from: Blkfyre on Jun 28, 2022, 10:05 PMAnd he's STILL doing better than Trump did at his worst, and who's average was only 3 points better, so what does that say about conservatives who support him?

Here you go again comparing to Trump... What does it say about Biden who carried the popular vote and had a higher approval rating at the beginning of Biden's presidency than Trump ever had has sunk this low in the polls?  More and more Dems are distancing themselves from Biden.  So you say Biden is doing better because he has a slightly higher approval rating or smells slightly better than Trump a loser according to you... so where does this really put Biden? In The Loser Circle!


Quote from: Hobby on Jun 28, 2022, 10:35 PMHere you go again comparing to Trump... What does it say about Biden who carried the popular vote and had a higher approval rating at the beginning of Biden's presidency than Trump ever had has sunk this low in the polls?  More and more Dems are distancing themselves from Biden.  So you say Biden is doing better because he has a slightly higher approval rating or smells slightly better than Trump a loser according to you... so where does this really put Biden? In The Loser Circle!

Right above Trump who's in the trash. So, you know, I'm good with that...


Quote from: Blkfyre on Jun 28, 2022, 10:40 PMRight above Trump who's in the trash. So, you know, I'm good with that...

Don't you ever go to bed?  Just above Trump... I suppose Biden is a big disappointment for you and what else can you say other than he is doing better than Trump which is saying nothing at all...


Quote from: Hobby on Jun 28, 2022, 10:46 PMDon't you ever go to bed?  Just above Trump... I suppose Biden is a big disappointment for you and what else can you say other than he is doing better than Trump which is saying nothing at all...

If the old boards were around I'd copy/paste what I said back then, but just to remind you:

I do NOT care how bad Biden was/is/will be. His being elected was for one and only one reason. To get a madman crybaby tyrant out of office before he either destroyed the country or turned it into his own private kingdom.

There is such a thing as the lesser of two evils, and hopefully, next election since we'll have, you know, an actual democratic election without the highest office in the land trying destroy democracy in an attempt to stay in power...


Obama sure talked a great game and then... followed suit along with every other politician. 

Voting the lesser of two evils is a dumb idea.  Blind zealots who wish to further their political party only suggest it.  It's like asking someone which person would the choose to kill them.  Pick one.  The guy who is a murderer or the guy who is a murderer and a cannibal.  Never mind that we're all going to get killed but let's choose the lesser of the two evils; Let's choose the guy who is only going to murder us.  It'll be less cruel than having the guy murder and then eat us.  That's what the blind sheep do.  They only go along with the choices given to them.  Those who wish to survive realize that it's better to find another solution than to just blindly choose the lesser of two evils.


"If the old boards were around I'd copy/paste what I said back then, but just to remind you:"

You posted crap back then and you post crap now... I don't need a reminder of how much it stunk! No matter what is said you will ignore facts against Biden so there is no use in debating about Biden with you, just a waste of time...