People who have been convicted of stealing documents from the National Archive

Started by Romanticlover, Sep 08, 2022, 02:50 PM

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Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 17, 2022, 08:36 PMSince the other thread is locked I will write here:
The FBI didn't find any classified documents and no nuke codes, all he had were letters he wrote to other people while President. Was it against the National Archives act?...yes, but there wasn't any classified secrets in his possession.
Notice how you haven't heard anything lately in the news or from the DOJ?
It's because they have egg on their face and they want this to go away, I'm sure the Republicans will investigate the way it was handled as well.
LMAO what? First, they definitely found classified documents. Remember the inventory generated by the search? The photo of documents with classified markings? They found lots of classified stuff.

Second, the case against Trump is active and ongoing. The only time we hear about it is when there's something interesting in a court filing. Just this past Monday, for example, we learned that Trump's lawyers argued that the documents stolen by Trump were "personal" and therefore should be kept from the view of prosecutors. It's an idiotic argument that won't fly with the judge.


The argument by the DOJ is they were official letters from the White House and they belong in the Nation Archives(per the Presidential Records Act), Trump's lawyers are saying they were personal letters.

Nothing in that WaPo article says they were classified documents.

Here's another article:

Is Trump an egotistic asshole that should of turned the documents over?
Yes but the documents are harmless and he wanted to keep them as mementos.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 17, 2022, 09:29 PMIs Trump an egotistic asshole that should of turned the documents over?
Yes but the documents are harmless and he wanted to keep them as mementos.

Who gives a FUCK what he wanted to do. He broke the law, pure and simple. Anybody else would not be treated with kid gloves. They would be in jail.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Nov 17, 2022, 10:18 PMWho gives a FUCK what he wanted to do. He broke the law, pure and simple. Anybody else would not be treated with kid gloves. They would be in jail.

Again that was the point of this thread: is having personal letters saying 'it was nice meeting you at the dinner' the same as walking into the National Archives and stuffing classified documents down your underwear?

I say no it isn't and Trump shouldn't go to jail. To be fair I would say the same thing if it was a former Democrat President.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 17, 2022, 09:29 PMNothing in that WaPo article says they were classified documents.
Nice work. Nothing in that article says anything about the General Theory of Relativity, either, but that doesn't mean Einstein's work is moot.

I cited the WaPo article to point out that the case against Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents matter is active and ongoing, contrary to your assertion that we haven't heard anything about it lately.

Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 18, 2022, 07:41 AMAgain that was the point of this thread: is having personal letters saying 'it was nice meeting you at the dinner' the same as walking into the National Archives and stuffing classified documents down your underwear?

I say no it isn't and Trump shouldn't go to jail. To be fair I would say the same thing if it was a former Democrat President.
Nobody but you is saying this is all about "personal letters" written by Trump while he was president. There is obviously a range of materials, including classified materials, at issue.
Trump's own attorneys initially argued to the Special Master that the documents were covered by either executive privilege or attorney-client privilege. Only in their latest filing, on appeal, have they shifted to arguing that Trump, by taking possession of them, designated the documents as "personal" and therefore not owned by the United States.

Not only is that an absurd argument with no basis in law, but he's making it on appeal for the first time. As DOJ points out in their reply brief, you can't do that, but even if you could there's no way for a president to magically convert presidential records to personal records.

You've ignored all of this, of course, so that once again we have a commenter offering opinions on issues about which they've either been too lazy to do the research or are incapable of comprehending. It's puzzling.


I've ignored nothing, this is a witch-hunt by the Democrats and their DOJ goons.
I guarantee the DOJ will drop the case or the judge will dismiss it next year, I can tell the judge has already heard enough.
Are we having fun yet?


be nice to know which top secret documents the Saudi's got for the $2 billion they gave to Jared
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 18, 2022, 10:41 AMI've ignored nothing, this is a witch-hunt by the Democrats and their DOJ goons.
I guarantee the DOJ will drop the case or the judge will dismiss it next year, I can tell the judge has already heard enough.
It's been like a half hour since you made your "guarantee" and it was just reported that the AG is going to appoint a special counsel. So, no, the case(s) aren't going away. 


AG Garland has won 100% of his cases. He doesn't move forward unless he knows he will win.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Romanticlover on Nov 17, 2022, 08:36 PMSince the other thread is locked I will write here:
The FBI didn't find any classified documents and no nuke codes, all he had were letters he wrote to other people while President. Was it against the National Archives act?...yes, but there wasn't any classified secrets in his possession.

Notice how you haven't heard anything lately in the news or from the DOJ?
It's because they have egg on their face and they want this to go away, I'm sure the Republicans will investigate the way it was handled as well.

You keep saying that, that they didn't find any classified documents. Why then does the press keep saying they did?


Guess the DOJ didn't keep you in the loop.
Silence is golden when building a case.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: HighStepper on Sep 09, 2022, 05:53 PM
  • So he took boxes of documents with different levels of classification

Actually movers pack up contents and move to new residence.
That is standard for any President moving out of the Whitehouse.


Quote from: Bande on Nov 18, 2022, 07:23 PMActually movers pack up contents and move to new residence.
That is standard for any President moving out of the Whitehouse.

What isn't standard is when contacted multiple times in multiple ways NOT returning documents that didn't belong to him. Which, if he had, we wouldn't be having this conversation...


Quote from: Bande on Nov 18, 2022, 07:23 PMActually movers pack up contents and move to new residence.
That is standard for any President moving out of the Whitehouse.
Quote from: Bande on Nov 18, 2022, 07:23 PMActually movers pack up contents and move to new residence.
That is standard for any President moving out of the Whitehouse.

So why didnt trump return all the classfied doc the national arhives asked for... Someone dropped a dime on trump which caused the fbi to go in and recover documents labeled classified... trump probably took the documents just to fuck with biden


trump probably took the documents just to fuck with biden

then Trump is dumber than I thought, he was selling those secrets. Got $2 billion for the kids.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome