Dirty Demoncrtats are RUNNING SCARED and can not fight fair.

Started by Bande, Jun 22, 2023, 03:14 PM

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Typical Demoncrat move. Can not debate one on one. One who does not have their beliefs is intimidated and ran out of business.
Courts are there for a reason, it is not the DEmoncrats who decide the decisions.
Everyone should be appalled Demoncrats are abusing the system for POLITICAL motivation.
Many SPINELESS People are scared to speak what is RIGHT, along at the same time many are switching to The Trump Zone.
Thus TRUMP 2024.
The system is designed for a reason. To hear everyone out and make a decision not based on political parties. Demoncrats continue to ignore this even after all the :LIES, Deceit, and fake evidence causing TRump to move Forward STRONGER THAN EVER..

Scoop: High-powered group targets Trump lawyers' livelihoods



Quote from: Bande on Jun 22, 2023, 03:14 PMTypical Demoncrat move. Can not debate one on one. One who does not have their beliefs is intimidated and ran out of business.
Courts are there for a reason, it is not the DEmoncrats who decide the decisions.
Everyone should be appalled Demoncrats are abusing the system for POLITICAL motivation.
Many SPINELESS People are scared to speak what is RIGHT, along at the same time many are switching to The Trump Zone.
Thus TRUMP 2024.
The system is designed for a reason. To hear everyone out and make a decision not based on political parties. Demoncrats continue to ignore this even after all the :LIES, Deceit, and fake evidence causing TRump to move Forward STRONGER THAN EVER..

Scoop: High-powered group targets Trump lawyers' livelihoods


YEAH! I mean, people who decline to debate are the worst right?



Oh, and just in case you want to say that's old news or taken out of context:


Yup, people should be appalled by those who refuse to debate all right...


dems today have devolved. marxist confused misguided fools who hate america yet continue to reside. go figure yo.


Quote from: Bande on Jun 22, 2023, 03:14 PMTypical Demoncrat move. Can not debate one on one. One who does not have their beliefs is intimidated and ran out of business.
Courts are there for a reason, it is not the DEmoncrats who decide the decisions.
Everyone should be appalled Demoncrats are abusing the system for POLITICAL motivation.
Many SPINELESS People are scared to speak what is RIGHT, along at the same time many are switching to The Trump Zone.
Thus TRUMP 2024.
The system is designed for a reason. To hear everyone out and make a decision not based on political parties. Demoncrats continue to ignore this even after all the :LIES, Deceit, and fake evidence causing TRump to move Forward STRONGER THAN EVER..

Scoop: High-powered group targets Trump lawyers' livelihoods

It looks like they're trying to root out the kinds of abuses committed by MAGA shysters after the bogus lawsuits following the 2020 election. That's why it's called Project 65, after the 65 cases filed with nothing behind them except noise designed to fool the base. And even though they lost almost every one of those suits, it kind of worked. Tons of Republicans believe the election was stolen just as Trump told them.

Part of executing the Big Lie is insisting the other side is the one telling the Big Lie.


As disbarring attorneys for doing their job, it's ridiculous and un-American.
Oscar Goodman defended mobsters in court when he knew damn well they were guilty, he went on to be mayor of Las Vegas.
He hasn't been disbarred, he's still an attorney.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 22, 2023, 10:55 PMAs disbarring attorneys for doing their job, it's ridiculous and un-American.
Oscar Goodman defended mobsters in court when he knew damn well they were guilty, he went on to be mayor of Las Vegas.
He hasn't been disbarred, he's still an attorney.

This is America. Even guilty people have the right to a rigorous defense. Just look at Trump...


Quote from: Blkfyre on Jun 22, 2023, 10:58 PMThis is America. Even guilty people have the right to a rigorous defense. Just look at Trump...

I agree and that's my point of my rant, what the 65 Project is doing is un-American. They want to shame Trump's attorneys.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 22, 2023, 11:11 PMI agree and that's my point of my rant, what the 65 Project is doing is un-American. They want to shame Trump's attorneys.

And this is different from what Republicans are doing...how?



The prosecutors that are being targetted by Republicans have the discretion to do what they do as part of their job. But Republicans are making laws to make it so other people who think like them can report these people and even get them removed from their jobs.

Isn't that un-American too? Glass houses and all that?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 22, 2023, 10:55 PMAs disbarring attorneys for doing their job, it's ridiculous and un-American.
Ever hear of the 1st Amendment? That little "un-American" bit of the Constitution is what enables private citizens like those in Project 65 to go after these shysters, who, instead of "doing their job," ignored their ethical obligation to promote justice and uphold the law.


they should be ashamed

Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 22, 2023, 11:11 PMI agree and that's my point of my rant, what the 65 Project is doing is un-American. They want to shame Trump's attorneys.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Who's behind the 65 Project?

'Details: David Brock, who founded Media Matters for America and the super PAC American Bridge 21st Century and is a Hillary Clinton ally and prolific fundraiser for Democrats, is advising the group.

The project was devised by Melissa Moss, a Democratic consultant and former senior Clinton administration official.'

That's all I need to know, they're a bunch of crooks and liars.
Are we having fun yet?


Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Bande on Jun 22, 2023, 03:14 PMScoop: High-powered group targets Trump lawyers' livelihoods

Every freedom loving American that supports the Constitution should be in fear of these lying dishonest lawyers.

Attorneys are officers of the court with responsibilities to the administration of justice, the courts, the public, and other counsel, in addition to attorneys' duties to their clients. There should be adverse consequences when they violate those responsibilities by lying to the court.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 22, 2023, 10:55 PMAs disbarring attorneys for doing their job, it's ridiculous and un-American.
Oscar Goodman defended mobsters in court when he knew damn well they were guilty, he went on to be mayor of Las Vegas.
He hasn't been disbarred, he's still an attorney.

Lying to the court, trying to introduce false documents as evidence, is NOT a part of their job.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Romanticlover on Jun 23, 2023, 10:11 AMWho's behind the 65 Project?

'Details: David Brock, who founded Media Matters for America and the super PAC American Bridge 21st Century and is a Hillary Clinton ally and prolific fundraiser for Democrats, is advising the group.

The project was devised by Melissa Moss, a Democratic consultant and former senior Clinton administration official.'

That's all I need to know, they're a bunch of crooks and liars.

This activity has been going on for over a year.

Advocacy Group Files Wave of Ethics Complaints Against Jenna Ellis and Other 'Big Lie Lawyers' Who Tried to Overturn Election for Trump
•    Cleta Mitchell, who participated in Trump's phone call urging Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) to "find 11,780 votes" to tip the election in his favor;
•    Former Sinclair Media Group talking head Boris Epshteyn, who reportedly had a phone call with Trump on the morning of Jan. 6;
•    Former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova, who said that Trump's ex-cybersecurity czar Chris Krebs should be "taken out at dawn and shot" for finding the 2020 election was secure;
•    Texas attorney Paul Davis, who filed and dropped his so-called "Gondor" lawsuit seeking the wholesale replacement of two branches of the U.S. federal government;
•    Georgia lawyer William Calhoun, who allegedly boasted about storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6;
•    Fellow Peach State lawyers William Carver and Daryl Moody, who claimed to be Trump "electors" in Georgia, even though President Joe Biden won there handily by more than 12,000 votes;
•    Fake Wisconsin elector Andrew Hitt, who purported to represent Trump voters in a state Biden won by more than 20,600 votes;
•    Trump's lawyer in Wisconsin Jim Troupis, whom a state Supreme Court justice roasted for bringing a lawsuit that "smac

Prior to Project 65 actions, Rudy Giuliani had his law license suspended Michigan sanctioned nine lawyers associated with the so-called "Kraken" lawsuit there, including Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and others.

"This lawsuit represents a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process," ... "It is one thing to take on the charge of vindicating rights associated with an allegedly fraudulent election. It is another to take on the charge of deceiving a federal court and the American people into believing that rights were infringed, without regard to whether any laws or rights were in fact violated. This is what happened here." Link

Too much sex is still not enough.