2023 Ho Ho Ho Xmas Party

Started by Sexykitty, Nov 12, 2023, 07:40 AM

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Ho Ho Ho... Merry XMas Party!!!!

Mark your calendars for the XMAS Party on December 16th,2024 at 6:00PM In Sacramento, CA

This is a potluck, so please bring a favorite dish ..Meat will be provided I just haven't decided what kind yet. Any suggestions would be great !

Gift exchange, please try and keep it under 20 dollars and please no used sex toys as gifts . New sex toys is wonderful ! Keep it classy

Sexy Christmas costume contest 200 1st prize, 100 for 2nd prize. Voting will be done differently so that we make sure people only vote once.

Games- The huge ball of gifts game.
And more games played.

It is Serena and TFactor Birthday also and more than welcome to bring them birthday gifts and sing Happy Birthday

50/50 Raffle

Stocking gifts to be given out also to everyone .

Spa will be available fresh and clean .

RSVP please....Everyone is welcome !!

Thank you Sexykittty


Wait what? Someone has tried giving away used sex toys before?
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And why is the party for next year in 2024?


Roxyrolls and HighStepper RSVP
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Too much sex is still not enough.



Another great Christmas party. Lots of laughs, hugs, and kisses. Practical to gag Christmas gifts a plenty. We always have a joyous time at a SexyKitty party.
Too much sex is still not enough.


kitty and me saw each other and i dug her energy