Will Trump EVER be Held Accountable?

Started by bats, Mar 30, 2022, 11:40 PM

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Quote from: Bande on Mar 31, 2022, 04:07 PMQuick Answer is NO.
Politics my friend. If people were held accountable it would of been done with Obama, Hillary, And Biden to mention some. Therefore answer is NO.
I get your point, but no other president even begins to compare to Trump when it comes to misconduct and criminality.


I remember voting back in the 1990's making English the official language in California.
California has immigrants from all over the world, if they printed the ballot in every language then it would be the size of a phone book.

If you can't read English then you shouldn't be able to vote.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Danno on Mar 31, 2022, 04:27 PMyou don't have to show up in person to draw SSI, do some home work

I certainly had to go in person to apply for ssi disability benefits. Do my homework, do yours first!


Quote from: bats on Mar 31, 2022, 05:03 PMI get your point, but no other president even begins to compare to Trump when it comes to misconduct and criminality.

Just wait until the Justice Department goes through all the emails in Hunter's laptop. When the Republicans take back Congress in January there will be investigations.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Mar 31, 2022, 05:14 PMI remember voting back in the 1990's making English the official language in California.
California has immigrants from all over the world, if they printed the ballot in every language then it would be the size of a phone book.

If you can't read English then you shouldn't be able to vote.

Federal laws, which supersede state laws like Prop. 63, have made it mandatory that voters in California and everywhere else be able to vote in languages other than English.

That's why people in Orange County can vote in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish or Korean – this despite the fact that only U.S. citizens can vote, and that to become a U.S. citizen applicants must be able to read, write and speak basic English.

And just think, Republicans which historically have been the ones to complain the most about the "official language" have done NOTHING TO CHANGE IT Federally despite having all the power during Trump's term as president because they can't even get their own party to agree to do so.


If you have to be able to read English to become a US citizen and you have to be a US citizen in order to vote then logic dictates the ballot should only be in English.
Are we having fun yet?


Quote from: Romanticlover on Mar 31, 2022, 05:16 PMJust wait until the Justice Department goes through all the emails in Hunter's laptop. When the Republicans take back Congress in January there will be investigations.

Amazing how the left main stream media sat on this over a year, denied denied denied, now they sing a different tune! I wonder if Uncle Joe and his son Hunter will be held accountable once all the facts are in? Could make Trump look like a Choir Boy!


Quote from: Danno on Mar 31, 2022, 04:25 PMshe said she doesn't drive or shop, no reason to have one. Last Jan. found out my mom's license was expired 3 yrs ago. She doesn't drive. Getting her a new one was a 2 day ordeal. Driving over 500 miles she has an ID. which she doesn't need for anything.

She apparently found a reason to and whether or not she gets one is on her. So because she decided to not get a required form of ID we should get rid of that requirement because it's an inconvenience to her? No identification necessary for banks anymore? Just let me withdraw from anyone's account because I am who I say I am?  IDs are used to identify people. To say it's used to not allow the poor to vote is utter horseshit.  You can't even legally work or rent or own a place without valid ID.


"You can't even legally work or rent or own a place without valid ID."

Key word is legally! A concept that seems to elude Democrats. What only accept legal registrations and accept  ballots by only those that can legally vote? Are you Mad? Now Democrats sure do understand illegal! As in illegal aliens crossing our border.... Welcome to America we will take care of you, vote Democrat....LOL


Quote from: Hobby on Mar 31, 2022, 05:15 PMI certainly had to go in person to apply for ssi disability benefits. Do my homework, do yours first!
you left out the word disability
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: bats on Mar 30, 2022, 11:40 PMWe all saw it happen. Trump encouraged his supporters to head down to the Capitol to physically stop the certification of the 2020 election. It damn near worked. If some of the rioters had gotten their way, some Democrats might have been killed. Mike Pence might have been killed. It was ugly, and it could have been even uglier.

The January 6th Commission, or whatever it's called, is busy investigating the details, but a lot of it was on the freaking TV for all to see. Still, almost all of the Republicans in Washington have refused to go against the guy who has so much sway over their voters. And a lot of those voters genuinely believe the lies that Donald Trump has been telling them since way before the election.

DOJ is reportedly investigating potential criminal activity. This could be far more important than the work of the 1/6 commission since those guys will be disbanded if the Republicans regain control of the House this November.

Why do people not see what was right in front of their faces? I'm still mystified.

Holding Donald Trump accountable depends on what one means by accountable. If by accountable you mean jail time, then NO.

It is like Trump made a deal with the devil. All the sleazy crooked stuff he has pulled over his lifetime he has seemingly got away with it.
You and I would probably go to jail if we tried to pull the shit that he has, but not him.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: thaikhan on Mar 31, 2022, 02:38 PMI like the discriminatory post that people can't get their IDs. People who don't have their IDs don't give a rat's ass about voting.

I love how the middle class and the rich like to speak for the poor on what they can and can't do. I especially love it when they speak on how they see and work with the poor and then going back to suburbia at night while patting themselves on the back at how awesome they are for helping those beneath them.

30 years ago, long before 9/11 attack, I took a Mexican cruise ship trip. They advised to get back into the USA I needed a passport or an official voter registration card...NOT driver's license. Note there was not picture on the county voter card.

I don't have a big problem with voter ID per se. However, some issues need to be overcome.
  • Millions of Americans Lack ID. 11% of U.S. citizens – or more than 21 million Americans – do not have government-issued photo identification.
  • Obtaining ID Costs Money. Even if ID is offered for free, voters must incur numerous costs (such as paying for birth certificates) to apply for a government-issued ID.
  • Underlying documents required to obtain ID cost money, a significant expense for lower-income Americans. The combined cost of document fees, travel expenses and waiting time are estimated to range from $75 to $175.
  • The travel required is often a major burden on people with disabilities, the elderly, or those in rural areas without access to a car or public transportation. In Texas, some people in rural areas must travel approximately 170 miles to reach the nearest ID office.
  • Voter ID Laws Reduce Voter Turnout. A 2014 GAO study found that strict photo ID laws reduce turnout by 2-3 percentage points,4 which can translate into tens of thousands of votes lost in a single state.

Then there seems to be some weird disparities.
  • Texas allows concealed weapons permits for voting, but does not accept student ID cards.
  • Until its voter ID law was struck down, North Carolina prohibited public assistance IDs and state employee ID cards.
  • Until recently, Wisconsin permitted active duty military ID cards, but prohibited Veterans Affairs ID cards for voting.

Openets to voter ID claim that it is a solution in search of a problem. Voter fraud appears to be insignificant.

I've be voting for 60 years. I don't remember ever having to show an ID card. I go to the voting precinct, give my name. They find me on a written roster. I sign my name, and then they give me a ballot.

Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: bats on Mar 31, 2022, 05:03 PMI get your point, but no other president even begins to compare to Trump when it comes to misconduct and criminality.

I don't know about Trump being the most.... Grant was corrupt as hell... go have a read.


"I've be voting for 60 years. I don't remember ever having to show an ID card. I go to the voting precinct, give my name. They find me on a written roster. I sign my name, and then they give me a ballot."

60 years? Makes you 81... Damn you old Fart, I hope I make to 81....


Quote from: Hobby on Apr 01, 2022, 01:35 AM"I've be voting for 60 years. I don't remember ever having to show an ID card. I go to the voting precinct, give my name. They find me on a written roster. I sign my name, and then they give me a ballot."

60 years? Makes you 81... Damn you old Fart, I hope I make to 81....

Be 80 May 3rd. Like George Burns said, If I had know I was going to live this long I would've taken better care of myself.
Too much sex is still not enough.