Ex-Border Patrol Chief Testifies that Biden/Harris Ordered Media Cover Up!

Started by Bande, Yesterday at 03:44 PM

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The media is not reporting this treasonous act. Crazy stuff.

Former Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke testifies before Congress that he was ordered by the Biden-Harris admin to cover up the number of terrorists arrested at the border. Ex-Border Patrol Chief Testifies that Biden/Harris Ordered Media Cover Up!


The reader can see the 3 hour committee hearing on CSPAN.

Also there are transcripts that can be viewed.
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After listening to the opening, the hearing it sounds like political grandstanding rather than findings to solve the problem. After about 10 minutes I figured out nothing new here

Congress for decades has failed miserably to deal with having a comprehensive immigration plan. So, it's all about one party blaming the other party, with neither party getting it done.

The recent bipartisan bill that was supported by the Border Guards was sabotaged by Trump for his personal political purposes.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: HighStepper on Yesterday at 04:43 PMCongress for decades has failed miserably to deal with having a comprehensive immigration plan. So, it's all about one party blaming the other party, with neither party getting it done.

No they fixed it in 1986, I remember bringing in my birth certificate and Soc Sec card to work to prove I was a US citizen and able to work in the US. The Patriot Act expanded on the 1986 law and required anyone entering the US to have a valid passport. If you want to enter the US and work here you have to follow our laws.
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Quote from: Romanticlover on Yesterday at 07:15 PMNo they fixed it in 1986, I remember bringing in my birth certificate and Soc Sec card to work to prove I was a US citizen and able to work in the US. The Patriot Act expanded on the 1986 law and required anyone entering the US to have a valid passport. If you want to enter the US and work here you have to follow our laws.
Why didn't you say this earlier? The immigration issue has been "fixed" since 1986! Everyone can calm down.


Quote from: bats on Yesterday at 07:49 PMWhy didn't you say this earlier? The immigration issue has been "fixed" since 1986! Everyone can calm down.

That's what Congress and Reagan said back in 1986, it was a one-time amnesty "fix" but everyone knew it wouldn't fix the problem.

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Quote from: Romanticlover on Yesterday at 08:13 PMThat's what Congress and Reagan said back in 1986, it was a one-time amnesty "fix" but everyone knew it wouldn't fix the problem.
Right. One problem was that the one-time amnesty failed to anticipate the demand for immigrant labor. Another was that employers fought to water down the bill so they couldn't be held responsible, in practice, for hiring illegal immigrants.

Now, Trump and his idiot followers want to deport them all? That should work out just fine.


if you look at the boarder crossing numbers, it only says contacts. That can mean many things. such as the same person tried to cross 10 times and failed, or that they were put on a plane and sent back. so these huge number let in the country are not what Trump is saying.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


It's not only what Trump is saying, it's coming from
the ex Border Patrol chief who was ordered to keep quiet.

As for deporting criminal aliens I say "yes", if they
break the law they need to leave.
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