Why Trumpers Love Trump

Started by bats, Aug 11, 2024, 07:27 PM

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Quote from: Bande on Aug 17, 2024, 07:34 PMThus many cases are being turned over.. They continue to lose.
Now, the appeal will not be done prior to election and Demnoncrats are going to push the felony issue trying to oust Trump. They will fail and continue to Make TRump more popular and Trump wins... O, and Demoncrats already stated there will not be a peaceful changeover..
Not to mention Kamala failed California and has done nothing while in office.
Hell they even back doored Kamala into the Presidency race...
Welcome to communism.....

The thing I don't get: The Convict's fans all say no matter what the democrats or courts or FBI say, he's going to win.

But if that's true, then why are you all moaning about him being charged? About the court cases moving forward? About what Biden or Harris might or might not have done?

He's going to win right? You all say that. You all say that despite everything he's going to win.

So, *why are you complaining about stuff*?


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This image is a perfect example of why the Convict's fans love and vote for him, and what those who are a bit more sane would prefer people wanted at a convention


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President Obama's speech highlights the complete dementia The Convict is suffering from every time he opens his mouth...


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Trumpers may like him, but other people who have done the job and the person who worked with him for four years apparently do not



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And yet, totally illegal or not, Trumpers are going to give the Convict a pass on this because...reasons...


Interesting is Charles Manson had 1000s of fans across the country.  He got hundreds of letters per week from all over.  I don't understand how anyone can support or love a person who does harm and lies.



One of the Convict's staff decided that, per usual with the Convict, that the best defense was a nasty offense:

"Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign," the cemetery officials' statement said. "Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants. We can confirm there was an incident, and a report was filed."

Trump's spokesperson Steven Cheung said the Republican presidential candidate's team was granted access to have a photographer. He contested the allegation that a campaign staffer pushed a cemetery official.

"The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason, an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump's team during a very solemn ceremony," he said.

Apparently, some poor employee was just trying to do their job when they were assaulted by a member of the Convict's staff when trying to inform them that the action they were about to do was illegal.
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An Arlington National Cemetery official was "abruptly pushed aside" in an altercation with former President Donald Trump's staff during a wreath-laying ceremony to honor service members killed in the Afghanistan War withdrawal, but she declined to press charges, an Army spokesman said Thursday.

The Army spokesman said the cemetery employee was trying to make sure those participating in the wreath-laying ceremony earlier this week were following the rules, which "clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds."

"This employee acted with professionalism and avoided further disruption," the statement said. "This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked."


Quote from: Blkfyre on Aug 29, 2024, 12:18 PMGuests are not allowed to view images in posts, please Register or Login

Before 2015, this kind of thing would have ended a presidential campaign. Nowadays, it's just another day in Trumpworld.


Quote from: bats on Aug 29, 2024, 02:27 PMBefore 2015, this kind of thing would have ended a presidential campaign. Nowadays, it's just another day in Trumpworld.

Trump does whatever he wants and says what he wants.  Why was Trump there? He doesn't have any respect for vets or those who died defending our country calling them losers and suckers, he likes winners and cheaters!


Apparently Kamala loves Trump as well.
LOL she has been flip flopping like crazy lately.
Piggybacking off of many things stated by Trump at Rallys...
Kamala is grasping at what she can to try and win against TRUMP..
Kamala is desperate as she always has been.
Can not even do interviews with reporters without out being prearranged... LMAO


Quote from: Bande on Aug 29, 2024, 09:10 PMApparently Kamala loves Trump as well.
LOL she has been flip flopping like crazy lately.
Piggybacking off of many things stated by Trump at Rallys...
Kamala is grasping at what she can to try and win against TRUMP..
Kamala is desperate as she always has been.
Can not even do interviews with reporters without out being prearranged... LMAO

Harris is beating Trump and will knock him out in November.  So Harris has lightened up that's good. At least she doesn't take credit for what others did...

BTW Trump did not come up with Make America Great Again as he claims...it was Ronald Reagan.

I guess she now is okay with tracking.  I m not okay with it...pumping toxic chemicals into the ground that may some day polluted the underground water... that should be banned and illegal.  Almost as stupid as testing nukes in Nevada.


the best thing that came out of Fracking is the technology to drill 50,000 ft to tap into geo thermal steam to generate electricity, this is going to run the huge data centers that are the internet.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Seems like everything that Harris has as a new policy, Trump makes it his policy.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


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Why Trumpers love The Convict: Because he is a well spoken stable genius of course!