Rose Hoes and Ceos Party Sept 17th

Started by Utrrose, Jul 30, 2022, 08:16 PM

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Oh shit bricks I just saw your party post! No wonder why your upset hun, I promise I had no idea. I'm kinda stuck in a shitty situation because I know personally folks have already bought plane tickets and reserved rooms at hotel.  I would had changed it in a heart babe but now I'm stuck and don't know what to do.  Can I text you?
Lickity yo dickity


 I seriously feel like a asshole I'm so sorry
Lickity yo dickity


Rosalyn, We can see your intentions are pure with no intent to harm. Well, at least I can see it👀. I'm sure you'll do better next time.

Love your energy. ALWAYS have.

Just a dancing bear trying to get my groove on✌️🐻


It's an honest mistake Rose, I appreciate you meant no disrespect. Your last party was great and I look forward to this one. I appreciate that some people have already made special arrangements to attend this event in Sunnyvale on Sept 17 and the response to Selena and I's event has been a bit slow. I'm fine with rescheduling. I just thought something should be said so this doesn't happen again is all.


    Maybe I can mediate although I'll probably get my head shoved up my ass instead, which I am fine with.  This has happened before.  What I said before is it might be a lot different if the mixers were being held close to each other like in what is considered the "same" geographic area.  In this case they really are not.  How many would actually attend mixers on the peninsula of the bay area and in the CV. They at least a 2 hour drive apart on the best traffic days.  I probably would not.   So.....while there may be some overlap in potential attendees, how much is reality?  A few people....and I mean a FEW.....used to "drive all over hell" going to every mixer there was.  Do they still?  I don't.
    I know some will disagree with me but I feel quality not quantity of attendees is what measures success of a mixer. If so, then so what if a few less attend.  Devotees to one of the other will go to whatever they prefer.
    Not sure what the solution is moving forward.  Moving forward is best now because the current situation is what it is unless one party reschedules which is typically a pain in the ass.
   Strictly speaking shellback is correct about timing.  He posted his announcement July 18 in this forum which is where all parties should be posted in order to avoid conflict.  Rosalyn posted her announcement July 30, 2 weeks later.  That said, it is an UNWRITTEN rule, not a set in stone rule that mixers should be a certain time apart.  I suppose any host can do what they want.....who can stop them?
    I hope y'all can work something out though because drama SUCKS!   I'll be in Fez, Morocco that day so I'm hosting a mixer there if anyone can make it....lmfao.  All date shakes and honey wine are on me.


Quote from: dogwalker on Aug 04, 2022, 06:59 PMMaybe I can mediate although I'll probably get my head shoved up my ass instead, which I am fine with.  This has happened before.  What I said before is it might be a lot different if the mixers were being held close to each other like in what is considered the "same" geographic area.  In this case they really are not.  How many would actually attend mixers on the peninsula of the bay area and in the CV. They at least a 2 hour drive apart on the best traffic days.  I probably would not.   So.....while there may be some overlap in potential attendees, how much is reality?  A few people....and I mean a FEW.....used to "drive all over hell" going to every mixer there was.  Do they still?  I don't.
    I know some will disagree with me but I feel quality not quantity of attendees is what measures success of a mixer. If so, then so what if a few less attend.  Devotees to one of the other will go to whatever they prefer.
    Not sure what the solution is moving forward.  Moving forward is best now because the current situation is what it is unless one party reschedules which is typically a pain in the ass.
   Strictly speaking shellback is correct about timing.  He posted his announcement July 18 in this forum which is where all parties should be posted in order to avoid conflict.  Rosalyn posted her announcement July 30, 2 weeks later.  That said, it is an UNWRITTEN rule, not a set in stone rule that mixers should be a certain time apart.  I suppose any host can do what they want.....who can stop them?
    I hope y'all can work something out though because drama SUCKS!   I'll be in Fez, Morocco that day so I'm hosting a mixer there if anyone can make it....lmfao.  All date shakes and honey wine are on me.

Address, please!! In
Vorresti essere me


It will not happen again, this is definitely a learning lesson and will check forums for upcoming events. I ❤️ all you guys
Lickity yo dickity


Quote from: Utrrose on Aug 04, 2022, 08:39 PMIt will not happen again, this is definitely a learning lesson and will check forums for upcoming events. I ❤️ all you guys

It happens...let it roll.
and in this case, the geography makes it less of a problem.
And making it about me! Will Woody be there??? He owes me!!!
Vorresti essere me


The party/event scene is starting to take off again after a long lull due to Covid.

At one time in the distant past, lol, we had a private forum for people that were Event Hosts,
so that they could coordinate to avoid conflicting dates. Perhaps that is something to explore here.

You cannot blame someone for not following an "unwritten" rule. Most of the people that followed that unwritten rule
have been gone for a long time, i.e. Counsel, Shadow, Ex-wifey, Fencer, etc.

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Too much sex is still not enough.


I think that's a really great idea highstepper! 💡  that would be very helpful.  Highstepper and tuscano can I add you to the rsvp list? I bet woody will be there I have a pretty good feeling😉
Lickity yo dickity


Yes. Please add me to the RSVP list.
Too much sex is still not enough.



Alrighty we are at 56 rsvps I look foward to another yourgirlforhire after party lol
Lickity yo dickity


I'd like to RSVP myself and Penny Holloway.


We should all try to get along.....IF we are a community.