Started by Hobby, Aug 08, 2024, 05:11 PM

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Oh yeah, Biden is the worst. Except, you know, when The Convict is giving answers like this:

"Out of eight children that I'm a father and a stepfather to, five of them are struggling, and I'm giving them part of my income on a regular basis," said one voter, who had a "Trump 2024" patch on his vest.

"How are you going to make the economy — not just the food and electricity — but bring down the rent prices, the housing prices, so that these kids can survive without their parents' help?"

"We're going to drill, baby, drill, we're gonna bring down the cost of energy," he went on, repeating one of his campaign mantras. "Energy's what caused the worst inflation, I think, in the history of our country. Food prices are up 50%, sometimes more."

"You look at bacon. Bacon has quadrupled. You can't order bacon, you can't order anything. We're living horribly," he continued. "We have the worst inflation we've probably ever had in our country, and it started because of energy. We're gonna drill, baby, drill."

He also threw in a hard-to-interpret comment about China.

"And then we're gonna have China, and all of these countries that were treating us good when I was there ... it took me a long time to get them to behave properly, all of these countries are gonna again," he added.

(Bacon prices have not even doubled, let alone quadrupled, since Joe Biden has been president, and inflation is nowhere near its highest rate in U.S. history.)

Oh yeah, this guy needs to be in office all right...


all the food I buy has gone back to the same price it was 3 years ago. Eggs and milk are cheaper. Eggs will go up and down from now on. Bird flu not going away.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


Quote from: Danno on Aug 09, 2024, 01:02 PMGive us some examples why he is your pick as worst?

Trump said he's the worst, and Trump always tells the truth. lol


Quote from: Danno on Aug 09, 2024, 01:02 PMGive us some examples why he is your pick as worst?

Well for me the complete lack of border security is on the forefront of Bidens biggest failures which is costing theUS taxpayers everyday.  Secondly his lack of supporting energy independence has also cost the US citizens enormous amounts of money and directly caused increased costs of goods and inflation.  There is so much more but these are the top IMO


if you do some research, you will find that the points you just named are not true.  oil pumped all time high,  the broader numbers are confusing, most are turned away. Undocumented immigrants paid nearly $26 billion into Social Security coffers in a single year and CANNOT collect ss

Quote from: Rockeyhard on Aug 09, 2024, 02:51 PMWell for me the complete lack of border security is on the forefront of Bidens biggest failures which is costing theUS taxpayers everyday.  Secondly his lack of supporting energy independence has also cost the US citizens enormous amounts of money and directly caused increased costs of goods and inflation.  There is so much more but these are the top IMO
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


big oil gets subsidies $10 million per minute, $400 Billion per year and they still screw us.
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


We have to stop relying on Trump's lies. "We proudly handed the Biden administration the most secure border in history. All they had to do was keep this smooth-running system on autopilot." Link

Congress has failed to reach agreement on major immigration policies. We should not be solely dependent on each new presidential administration on their own to try and resolve the issue. Fault Congress for not doing their job on immigration.

The bipartisan border act of 2024 with strong conservative support would have provided more funding to the border guard which was endorsed by them. Trump for his personal political purposes sabotaged the deal.

Overall U.S. energy production is at a record high
Too much sex is still not enough.


Quote from: Danno on Aug 09, 2024, 03:52 PMUndocumented immigrants paid nearly $26 billion into Social Security coffers in a single year and CANNOT collect ss
This is often overlooked.
Too much sex is still not enough.


the USA will always import oil to make plastic goods used in cars and other produces. the quality of local oil isn't good enough for this purpose
Just tap me on the head if I overstay my welcome


I don't think Trump was great but he was a hell of a lot better than the senile Commander-in-Depends.
$26 billion is nothing compared to the benefits illegals receive.
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Trump himself is rich white racist he has others do things for blacks he takes credit for doing. All through Trump's administration Republicans put things together not Trump.  During covid it was Pence who worked with state governors not Trump but if it worked out good Trump takes credit if it's bad he finds someone to blame.

Trump gave a hate speech on J6th when congress was in session certifying the states Electoral votes. He told the massive crowd to stop the steal and he has asked Pence to reject votes.  Then all hell broke lose.  The next day Trump claims he asked for Nation Guard but there is no record of it. He blamed Pelosi when she can't call out the guard.  As president Trump had the power to call them out but didn't. If Trump thought his speech was not going to cause violent reaction why would he want more security?  Trump never thought about additional security he wanted the Capitol over ran sending the elctoral votes back to the states legislature.  When that failed and he saw how bad and violent the Capitol attack was he did nothing during the attack to stop it and next day lied about asking for the guard.

The entire gains in the stockmarket for the entire year of 2020 were wiped out. When Biden took office the economy was in ruins.  I don't think it would have mattered if Trump was President we would still would have faced the inflation and high gas prices.  When Trump assumed office in 2017 the economy was doing good housing markets had recovered. Unemployment had been falling the last year of Obama and continued to drop through Trump administration.


Quote from: Bande on Aug 09, 2024, 08:56 PMTrump a Racist.. Right...
Trump is a con artist. Certainly not all Trump supporters are racist, however, the  racist are Trump supporters.
Too much sex is still not enough.


Trump's revenge is pushing border immigration.  His dementia is getting worse so watch out when he changes his mind, HIS defintion of what is a immigrant.  Biden is a great President, will go down in history as a great one!  BIden inherited all of the tear ups by Trump when dictator President.  I won't go into details, it does not matter.  It's what I see energetically.  Biden secured America from Hitler Trump.  I'm so glad he was in there restoring what Trump destroyed.

Harris will be the first female President. President Ford predicted that when a female gets in as President, it will be hard for men to be President.  Good.  The inbalance greated by the male collective has almost destroyed our planet.

Here is a MAGA who changed her mind about Trump (it's going to be difficult for MAGA to change because of their egos, they were wrong.  If they do change it means that woke up and see the evils of Trump.
I'm A Dirty Girl Online
I Cuz Like A Sailor


Talk about TDS, some of y'all are up at 3 am with Trump on the brain.
Are we having fun yet?